
Golden Lake's Plan of Operations Accepted by Bureau of Land Management in Preparation for Upcoming Diamond Drilling on Its Jewel Ridge Gold-Silver-Zinc-Lead Property, Eureka County, Nevada

Golden Lake's Plan of Operations Accepted by Bureau of Land Management in Preparation for Upcoming Diamond Drilling on Its Jewel Ridge Gold-Silver-Zinc-Lead Property, Eureka County, Nevada

Accesswire ·  08/19 20:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2024 / Golden Lake Exploration Inc. (CSE:GLM) ("GLM" or the "Company") (OTCQB:GOLXF) is pleased to announce that the Bureau of Land Management (United States Department of the Interior) has approved the Company's Plan of Operations (PoO), authorizing preparatory and certain exploration activities including diamond drilling, to be undertaken on Golden Lake's flagship Jewel Ridge property (the "Property"), located in the prolific Battle Mountain-Eureka gold trend of Nevada.

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月19日 / Golden Lake Exploration Inc.(CSE:GLM)(「GLM」或「公司」)(OTCQB:GOLXF)很高興宣佈,美國內政部下屬的土地管理局已批准了公司的經營計劃(PoO),授權進行準備和某些勘探活動,包括金剛石鑽探,以在位於內華達州豐富的戰山-尤里卡金趨勢的Golden Lake旗艦物業Jewel Ridge(物業)上開展。

"The Plan of Operations is a big asset for Golden Lake moving forward. We are very excited to get drilling our first 4 priority, deeper targets at Jewel Ridge, which to date has seen only shallow holes over the years" commented Mike England, Golden Lake CEO.

「經營計劃是Golden Lake未來的重要資產。我們非常高興能夠開始鑽探Jewel Ridge的前四個重點深度目標,該目標目前僅經歷了幾年的淺孔」,Golden Lake CEO Mike England評論道。

The Property is well-located proximal to infrastructure and is immediately adjacent to successful, high-profile exploration programs currently being undertaken by both i-80 Gold Corp. (IAU.TO) as well as North Peak Resources Ltd. (NPR.V), on their neighboring Ruby Hill and Prospect Mountain properties, respectively.

該物業位於基礎設施附近,並且與i-80 Gold Corp.(IAU.TO)和North Peak Resources Ltd.(NPR.V)分別在它們的Ruby Hill和Prospect Mountain物業上進行的成功的高調勘探項目緊鄰,位置優越。

Acceptance of Plan of Operations:


The BLM acceptance of Golden Lake's Plan of Operations (PoO NVNV105863070/Nevada Reclamation Permit No. 0421) initiates the bonding for approximately 15.5 acres of authorized exploration activities at Jewel Ridge, permitting among other things, the construction of new trails, roads and drill pads in accordance with BLM Surface Management Regulations.

BLM(Bureau of Land Management)接受Golden Lake的經營計劃(PoO NVNV105863070 / Nevada Reclamation Permit No. 0421),啓動了對Jewel Ridge授權勘探活動約15.5英畝的保證,其中包括根據BLM表面管理法規修建新的小徑,道路和鑽探墊。

Such activities will be completed prior to and during the undertaking of a planned 1,500-metre diamond drilling program at Jewel Ridge, anticipated to commence by mid to late September.

這些活動將在計劃於9月中旬至晚期開始的Jewel Ridge擬定的1,500米鑽孔計劃之前和之時完成。

North Peak Resources Drilling Results at Prospect Mountain:

Prospect Mountain的North Peak Resources鑽探結果:

The approval of Golden Lake's PoO and its upcoming drill program at Jewel Ridge are timely, in view of the encouraging drill results recently announced by North Peak Resources Ltd. at Prospect Mountain.

Golden Lake的經營計劃獲得批准,以及即將在Jewel Ridge進行的鑽孔計劃,考慮到North Peak Resources Ltd.最近在Prospect Mountain上宣佈的鼓舞人心的鑽孔結果,非常及時。

North Peak reported the results from the first 10 holes of its 2024 reverse-circulation drill program targeting the Wabash/Williams/Silver Connor historical mine areas (see North Peak's news release dated August 14, 2024). Many of the drill holes completed by North Peak, among them PM24-004 & PM24-006, are situated within 200 metres from the western boundary of the Jewel Ridge property (see Figure 1). Drill hole assays include:

North Peak報告了其2024年逆循環鑽探計劃的前10個孔的結果,以瞄準Wabash / Williams / Silver Connor歷史礦區(請參見North Peak於2024年8月14日發佈的新聞稿)。North Peak完成的許多鑽孔中的PM24-004 & PM24-006均位於Jewel Ridge物業西部邊界距離200米處(請參見圖1)。鑽孔檢測包括:

  • 1.06 g/t Au & 12.30 g/t Ag over 126.5 metres (including 4.20 g/t Au & 71.00 g/t Au over 12.2 metres) in drill hole PM-24-004

  • 1.38 g/t Au & 26.32 g/t Ag over 35.1 metres (including 2.03 g/t Au & 38.26 g/t Ag over 21.3 metres) in drill hole PM-24-006

  • 在鑽孔Pm-24-004中,126.5米內的1.06克/噸Au和12.30克/噸Ag(包括12.2米內的4.20克/噸Au和71.00克/噸Au)

  • 在鑽孔Pm-24-006中,35.1米內的1.38克/噸Au和26.32克/噸Ag(包括21.3米內的2.03克/噸Au和38.26克/噸Ag)

Figure 1. Jewel Ridge property with North Peak data from PR released on Aug 14, 2024.

圖1. North Peak於2024年8月14日發佈的數據的Jewel Ridge物業。

Current controls on gold mineralization at the Wabash/Williams historic mines are not conclusively known. Regardless of such controls, the wide encouraging drill intercepts recently obtained by North Peak within close proximity to the Jewel Ridge Property, augur well for Golden Lake.

Wabash / Williams歷史礦區黃金礦化的當前控制情況尚不確定。但是,North Peak最近在靠近Jewel Ridge物業的地方獲得的令人鼓舞的鑽探結果預示着Golden Lake的好兆頭。

Qualified person:


Golden Lake Exploration's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Don Hoy, P.Geo., who serves as a qualified person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

Golden Lake Exploration在本新聞稿中披露的技術或科學性質的內容已由Don Hoy,P.Geo.審查並批准,他是根據《43-101國家規定》的定義擔任合格人員。

About Golden Lake Exploration Inc:

關於Golden Lake Exploration Inc:

Golden Lake Exploration is a junior public mining exploration company engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets. Its objective is to acquire, explore and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to aggressively advance its exploration program on the Jewel Ridge property.

Golden Lake Exploration是一家初創的公開採礦勘探公司,從事礦產勘探和礦產資產收購業務。其目標是收購,勘探和開發經濟的貴重和基礎金屬的良好物業,並在Jewel Ridge物業的探礦計劃上積極推進其勘探計劃。



"Mike England"
Mike England, CEO & DIRECTOR

Mike England,首席執行官和董事



Telephone: 1-604-683-3995


SOURCE: Golden Lake Exploration Inc.


