
Weaker Sales Drags Carlsberg Q2 Net Profit By 10% To RM79 Million

Weaker Sales Drags Carlsberg Q2 Net Profit By 10% To RM79 Million

Business Today ·  08/19 18:57

Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Behad has reported flat revenue of RM507.5 million with a 10% decline in net profit to RM79.4 million for the second quarter ended 30 June 2024 (Q2FY24), which it said was due to weaker sales in the quarter following the higher sales in Q1FY24 ahead of the price hike in April, as well as higher marketing expenses for new product launches in both Malaysia and Singapore.

馬來西亞嘉士伯啤酒有限公司報告稱,截至2024年6月30日的第二季度,收入持平至50750萬令吉,淨利潤下降10%,至7940萬令吉(Q2FY24)。該公司表示,這是由於4月份價格上漲之前 Q1FY24 的銷售額增加後,該季度的銷售疲軟,以及馬來西亞和新加坡新產品發佈的營銷費用增加。

The Group's Sri Lankan-based associate company Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC registered a higher share of profit of RM8.3 million, compared with RM6.7 million in Q2FY23, due to improved business performance and strengthening of the Sri Lankan Rupee.

由於經營業績改善和斯里蘭卡盧比走強,該集團總部位於斯里蘭卡的聯營公司Lion Brewery(錫蘭)PLC的利潤份額較高,爲83萬令吉,而Q2FY23 的利潤份額爲670萬令吉。

The Group's earnings per share (EPS) for Q2FY24 were 25.97 sen, compared to 28.86 sen in Q2FY23.The Board of Directors is pleased to announce a second interim dividend of 20 sen per share for Q2FY24, bringing the cumulative interim dividend to 42 sen per share for FY2024.

該集團 Q2FY24 的每股收益(EPS)爲25.97先令,而第二財年第二季度爲28.86先令。董事會欣然宣佈,Q2FY24 的第二股中期股息爲每股20先令,使 FY2024 的累計中期股息達到每股42先令。

For the six months ended 30 June 2024 (1HFY24), the Group saw a 5.7% rise in revenue due to the longer selling period before Chinese New Year (CNY) in early 2024, which offset the impact of discontinuation of the Asahi brand in Singapore. Profit before tax increased by 3.1% to RM232.8 million versus RM225.8 million reported in the first six months of last year. The Group's 1HFY24 net profit, however, declined by 3.4% to RM167.3 million against the same period last year, due to the recognition of the deferred tax liabilities arising from foreign withholding tax of RM11.2 million in Lion Brewery
(Ceylon) PLC, of which a charge of RM10.8 million was incurred in Q1FY24.

在截至2024年6月30日的六個月中(1HFY24),該集團的收入增長了5.7%,這是由於2024年初農曆新年(CNY)之前的銷售期延長,這抵消了朝日品牌在新加坡停產的影響。稅前利潤增長了3.1%,至23280萬令吉,而去年前六個月公佈的22580萬令吉。但是,該集團的 1HFY24 淨利潤與去年同期相比下降了3.4%,至16730萬令吉,這是由於確認了獅子啤酒廠112萬令吉的外國預扣稅產生的遞延所得稅負債
(錫蘭)PLC,其中 Q1FY24 產生了1080萬令吉的費用。

Carlsberg Malaysia's Managing Director Stefano Clini commented: "We will continue to stay vigilant on cost management and cost optimisation opportunities in our supply chain, which will enable us to accelerate investments in our brands, ensuring sustained growth and delivering value for our shareholders".

嘉士伯馬來西亞董事總經理Stefano Clini評論說:「我們將繼續對供應鏈中的成本管理和成本優化機會保持警惕,這將使我們能夠加快對品牌的投資,確保持續增長併爲股東創造價值」。

