
FGV Allocates RM112 Million To Reimburse Claims For Former Migrant Workers

FGV Allocates RM112 Million To Reimburse Claims For Former Migrant Workers

Business Today ·  08/19 10:04

FGV Holdings Berhad's has initiated a programme to reimburse former migrant workers by reaching out them to submit claims under the Former Worker Reimbursement Programme.

FGV Holdings Berhad's啓動了一項計劃,通過聯繫前移民工人報銷計劃提交索賠,向他們提供補償。

The palm oil plantation giant said the initiative is part of its broader efforts to ensure ethical labour practices across its operations. The scope of the reimbursement programme covers former workers from Indonesia, India and Bangladesh who were recruited to work for FGV on or after 30 September 2018, and have since left their employment with FGV before or on 31 December 2022.


These former workers are to submit an online application form, taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. Required documentation includes passport details, employee ID, and bank account information. FGV encourages former workers to apply independently, without intermediaries, before or on 31 December 2024.


FGV has introduced several initiatives to protect the rights of migrant workers, including the adoption and strict enforcement of
its 'No Recruitment Fee' policy, capacity building and stringent due diligence on recruitment agencies. In keeping with the Group's commitment to the principle of 'no recruitment fee', FGV has allocated a total of RM112 million to reimburse recruitment fees to its migrant workers, including former migrant workers. Of this amount, FGV has paid out RM74.15 million to 22,091 migrant workers.

其 「無招聘費」 政策、能力建設和對招聘機構的嚴格盡職調查。根據集團對 「不收招聘費」 原則的承諾,FGV共撥款11200萬令吉,用於償還包括前移民工人在內的移民工人的招聘費。其中,FGV已向22,091名移民工人支付了7415萬令吉。

