
Delayed Rate Cuts Stall Significant Recovery in the Private Residential Market

Delayed Rate Cuts Stall Significant Recovery in the Private Residential Market

Singapore Business Review ·  08/19 05:00

Experts project a full-year sales volume of 5,000 to 6,200 units.


A significant recovery in the private residential market is unlikely in 2024, with more substantial shifts expected in 2025.


According to CBRE, the delay in interest rate cuts, along with sustained economic uncertainty, is hindering recovery in the market. This delay is also expected to slow the growth of private residential prices.


However, once interest rates are adjusted, Knight Frank said it could provide a "psychological stimulus," potentially swaying undecided homebuyers towards making a purchase.

然而,一旦利率調整,Knight Frank表示可能會提供一種"心理刺激",可能會影響猶豫不決的購房者做出購買決策。

Elevated interest rates, economic uncertainty, high private home prices, and cooling measures, have been holding back homebuyers, said Knight Frank.

高利率、經濟不確定性、高私人住宅價格和樓市調控政策一直在阻礙購房者的購房。這是Knight Frank的說法。

JLL shared a similar sentiment: "Amidst elevated interest rates and high private home prices, homebuyers have remained selective and cautious, which has moderated the pace of price increases."

JLL也有類似的看法: "在高利率和高私人住宅價格的背景下,購房者一直持選擇性和謹慎的態度,這已經減緩了價格上漲的速度。"

CBRE also observed that buyers have been resistant to high price points, particularly at recent new launches.


"As a result, the lower take-up rates seen across 2024 project launches seem to encourage developers to delay their launches in anticipation of better and more stable market conditions," CBRE said.


PropNex added that some buyers may be motivated to act if they find properties with the right pricing, good location, efficient unit layout, a compelling urban transformation story, and a strong developer track record.


"We expect realistic pricing to drive primary market sales, with quantum play remaining a key pricing strategy for developers to achieve a good take-up rate at project launches," PropNex added.


For 2024, Huttons expects developers to sell up to 5,500 new homes, with prices increasing by up to 4%. On the other hand, OrangeTee projects 5,000 to 6,200 units sold and a price increase of 1%-3% in 2024.


