
BIO-key International, Inc. (BKYI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

BIO-key International, Inc. (BKYI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

bio-key international公司2024年Q2業績會簡報摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/17 01:28  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the BIO-key International, Inc. (BKYI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是BIO-key International, Inc. (BKYI) Q2 2024 業績會議通話內容摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 revenues decreased to $1.1 million from $1.9 million in Q2 2023, negatively impacted by delayed software license contracts and lower services revenue.

  • Gross profit margin improved to 77% in Q2 2024, up from 69% in Q2 2023, primarily due to higher services gross margin.

  • Net loss decreased to $1.7 million in Q2 2024, improved from $2.6 million in Q2 2023.

  • Q2 2024 營業收入從Q2 2023的190萬美元下降至110萬美元,受延遲的軟件許可合同和較低的服務收入的負面影響。

  • Q2 2024 毛利潤率提高到77%,高於Q2 2023的69%,主要由於更高的服務毛利率。

  • Q2 2024 淨虧損爲170萬美元,改善自Q2 2023的260萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • Expansion of PortalGuard deployments in healthcare and public sector clients including the University of Iowa Hospital and Dayton Children's Hospital.

  • Introduction of the Passkey:YOU product for phoneless, tokenless authentication, targeting unserved workplace scenarios.

  • Launched solutions on the Amazon Web Services marketplace, aiming to facilitate global accessibility and increase market penetration.

  • 在醫療保健和公共部門客戶(包括愛荷華大學醫院和戴頓兒童醫院)中擴大了PortalGuard的部署。

  • 推出Passkey:YOU產品,針對未得到滿足的工作場所場景,實現無需手機、無需令牌進行身份驗證。

  • 在亞馬遜網絡服務市場推出解決方案,旨在促進全球可訪問性和增加市場滲透率。



  • The growth in enterprise demand for secure Zero Trust deviceless IAM solutions, driven by cybersecurity regulations and insurance requirements.

  • Strategic value from technologies and products enhancing the company's market position notably in regulated environments like healthcare, banking, defense, and government.

  • 企業對網絡安全法規和保險要求推動了安全零信任無設備IAM解決方案的需求增長。

  • 技術和產品的戰略價值提高了公司在受監管環境(如醫療保健、銀行、國防和政府)中的市場地位。



  • Revenues significantly lower than expected due to delays in closing large contracts and implementing strategic projects, particularly in the EMEA region and within new large-scale partnerships.

  • 營業收入大幅低於預期,原因是推遲關閉大型合同和實施戰略項目,尤其是在EMEA地區和新的大型合作伙伴關係中。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


