
Steel Hawk Announces Transfer Of Listing To ACE Market, Plans Expansion

Steel Hawk Announces Transfer Of Listing To ACE Market, Plans Expansion

Business Today ·  08/16 15:02

Oil and gas services and equipment provider, Steel Hawk Berhad ("Steel Hawk" or the "Company"), has officially launched its prospectus as it prepares to transfer its listing from the LEAP Market to the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities").

石油和天然氣服務和設備提供商Steel Hawk Berhad(「Steel Hawk」 或 「公司」)已正式發佈招股說明書,準備將其上市從LEAP市場轉移到馬來西亞證券交易所證券有限公司(「布爾薩證券」)的ACE市場。

Steel Hawk, through its subsidiaries, is a key player in the oil and gas ("O&G") industry, offering onshore and offshore support services. The Group's core capabilities include engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning ("EPCC") services, along with the maintenance of topside O&G facilities, installation and maintenance of oilfield equipment, and supply of related equipment.

Steel Hawk通過其子公司是石油和天然氣(「O&G」)行業的關鍵參與者,提供陸上和海上支持服務。該集團的核心能力包括工程、採購、施工和調試(「EPCC」)服務,以及海上石油和天然氣設施的維護、油田設備的安裝和維護以及相關設備的供應。

Deputy Chairman and Executive Director of Steel Hawk, Dato' Sharman K. Michael, described the prospectus launch as a pivotal moment for the Company. "The transfer to the ACE Market will provide us with access to a broader fundraising platform to support our expansion plans and accelerate our long-term growth initiatives," he said.

Steel Hawk副主席兼執行董事拿督沙爾曼·邁克爾將招股說明書的發佈描述爲公司的關鍵時刻。他說:「向ACE市場的轉移將爲我們提供更廣泛的籌款平台,以支持我們的擴張計劃並加快我們的長期增長計劃。」

Dato' Sharman also expressed optimism about Malaysia's O&G industry, highlighting that Steel Hawk is well-positioned to capitalize on upcoming opportunities. "We anticipate a surge in potential contracts, which will enable us to expand our market share and drive improved financial performance," he added.

拿督沙爾曼還對馬來西亞的石油和天然氣行業表示樂觀,強調Steel Hawk完全有能力抓住即將到來的機會。他補充說:「我們預計潛在合同將激增,這將使我們能夠擴大市場份額並推動財務業績的改善。」

From the RM13.50 million to be raised through the transfer of listing, RM7.00 million (51.85%) will be allocated to expanding the Company's fabrication capacity fivefold by constructing a new fabrication yard in Kemaman, Terengganu, known as Teluk Kalung Facility 2. This expansion is expected to optimize the turnaround time of Steel Hawk's EPCC services and reduce reliance on subcontractors.

從通過上市轉讓籌集的1350萬令吉中,將撥款700萬令吉(51.85%),通過在登嘉樓Kemaman建造一座名爲Teluk Kalung工廠2的新制造廠,將公司的製造能力擴大五倍。預計此次擴張將優化Steel Hawk的EPCC服務的週轉時間,減少對分包商的依賴。

Dato' Sharman also outlined the Company's plans to leverage its existing technical expertise to enter the renewable energy sector, specifically focusing on solar and hydroelectric energy. Additionally, Steel Hawk aims to provide integrated hook-up and commissioning ("HUC") services to interconnect O&G infrastructure.

拿督沙爾曼還概述了該公司利用其現有技術專長進入可再生能源領域的計劃,特別關注太陽能和水力發電。此外,Steel Hawk旨在提供集成的連接和調試(「HUC」)服務,以互連石油和天然氣基礎設施。

The remaining funds will be used for working capital, bank loan repayments, and covering the expenses related to the transfer of listing.


Steel Hawk's listing on the ACE Market involves the public issuance of 90 million new ordinary shares, which will represent 18.37% of the Group's enlarged share capital. An additional 44.70 million existing shares will be offered to selected investors via private placement.

Steel Hawk在ACE市場的上市涉及公開發行9000萬股新普通股,這將佔集團擴大後股本的18.37%。將通過私募向選定投資者額外發行4470萬股現有股票。

Upon listing, Steel Hawk's market capitalization is expected to be approximately RM73.50 million, based on an IPO price of RM0.15 per share.

根據每股0.15令吉的首次公開募股價格,上市後,Steel Hawk的市值預計約爲7350萬令吉。

The Group has demonstrated significant financial growth, with revenue increasing from RM24.85 million in FY2021 to RM72.54 million in FY2023, representing a compound annual growth rate ("CAGR") of 71.00%. Net profit also saw substantial growth, rising from RM2.08 million in FY2021 to RM7.22 million in FY2023, reflecting a CAGR of 85.16%.

該集團實現了顯著的財務增長,收入從 FY2021 的2485萬令吉增加到 FY2023 的7254萬令吉,複合年增長率(「複合年增長率」)爲71.00%。淨利潤也大幅增長,從 FY2021 的208萬令吉增至 FY2023 的722萬令吉,反映出85.16%的複合年增長率。

Applications for shares are now open and will close on 23 August 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The Group is scheduled to be listed on the ACE Market on 5 September 2024, with UOB Kay Hian Securities (M) Sdn Bhd serving as the Principal Adviser, Sponsor, Underwriter, and Placement Agent for the transfer of listing.


