
T7 Global's Thailand Production Unit Strikes Oil

T7 Global's Thailand Production Unit Strikes Oil

Business Today ·  08/16 13:36

T7 Global Berhad announced that its wholly owned TSEVEN SHIRLEY Mobile Offshore Production Unit has successfully achieved its first oil production for the Nong Yao field.

T7 Global Berhad宣佈,其全資擁有的TSEVEN SHIRLEY Mobile海上生產單位已成功實現農瑤油田的首次石油生產。

The Nong Yao oilfield is located beneath 75m of water in the Southern part of the Gulf of Thailand, approximately 168km offshore from Songkhla.


"The successful oil production of TSEVEN SHIRLEY MOPU marks a significant milestone for T7 Global. We would like to thank Valeura Energy for the opportunity to undertake this project. This is a special project to us as it marks our venture into Thailand. This achievement not only strengthens our position in the energy sector but also ensures a steady stream of recurring revenue for the next 5 years, with options to extend further. The project was completed with 1.3 million man hours clocked during the conversion and commissioning of the MOPU with zero lost time injuries.

“TSEVEN SHIRLEY MOPU的成功石油生產標誌着T7 Global的一個重要里程碑。我們要感謝Valeura Energy給我們機會開展這個項目。這對我們來說是一個特殊的項目,因爲它標誌着我們進入泰國的冒險。這一成就不僅鞏固了我們在能源領域的地位,而且還確保了未來5年的經常性收入源源不斷,還有進一步延長的選擇。該項目在MOPU的轉換和調試期間完成了130萬工時,工時損失爲零。

