
Don Agro Net Loss Increases to $13.8m in H1 2024

Don Agro Net Loss Increases to $13.8m in H1 2024

don agro上半年淨虧損增至1380萬美元。
Singapore Business Review ·  08/16 12:45

Their gross profit also decreased to $11.4m.


Don Agro International Limited reported a net loss of $13.8m in H1 2024, an increase from a net loss $1.3m from the same time last year, according to its recent unaudited condensed consolidated interim report.

根據其最新未經審計的簡明合併中期報告,Don Agro International Limited 在 2024 年上半年報告了 1380 萬美元的淨虧損,比去年同期的淨虧損 130 萬美元增長。

The group's administrative expenses increased by 55.2% to $2.5m in H1 2024 due to an increase in transactional services related to the sale of shares Target Group and Volgo Agro LLC.

由於與 Target Group 和 Volgo Agro LLC 股份銷售相關的交易服務增加,該集團的行政費用在 2024 年上半年增長了 55.2%,達到 250 萬美元。

The group's gross profit also decreased to $11.4 million in H1 2024 due to their decrease in revenue by 26.2% to $4.5m.

由於營業收入下降了 26.2% 至 450 萬美元,該集團的毛利潤也在 2024 年上半年下降到 1140 萬美元。

Moreover, the decrease was also attributed to a decrease in the cost of sales of $5.1m and a decrease in the gain from the change in the fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce of $12.1m.

此外,這一下降還歸因於銷售成本減少 510 萬美元和生物資產和農產品公允價值變動收益減少 1210 萬美元。

Net cash flows used in operating activities increased to $6.3m in H1 2024 due to the adjustment for the revaluation of biological assets and agricultural produce for $12.1m.

由於生物性資產和農產品的公允價值重新估值達到 1210 萬美元機,經營活動淨現金流爲使用 630 萬美元。

Moreover, it was also attributed to the relatively higher value of biological assets as of 30 June 2024, compared to 31 December 2023.

此外,還歸因於 2024 年 6 月 30 日相對較高的生物性資產價值,相對於 2023 年 12 月 31 日增加。

