
Gold Flora Q2 Earnings: Revenue Soars Though Net Loss Widens To $24M

Gold Flora Q2 Earnings: Revenue Soars Though Net Loss Widens To $24M

Gold Flora Q2收益:營業收入飆升,儘管淨虧損擴大至2400萬美元。
Benzinga ·  08/16 01:11

Gold Flora Corp. (OTC:GRAM), a vertically-integrated California cannabis company, announced its financial earnings Thursday for the second quarter of 2024.

加州集成型大麻公司Gold Flora Corp. (OTC: GRAM)於2024年第二季度的財務收益週四公佈。

Q2 2024 Financial Highlights


  • Revenue was $31.64 million, compared to the $14.96 million reported in the same quarter last year.
  • Net loss was $23.95 million, compared to the $14.1 million from the second quarter of 2023.
  • Adjusted EBITDA was a loss of $1.97 million, compared to a loss of $0.28 million in Q2 last year.
  • Gross profit was $7.25 million, increasing from the $3.94 million in Q2 2023.
  • 營業收入爲3164萬美元,相比去年同季度的1496萬美元有所增長。
  • 淨虧損爲2395萬美元,相比2023年第二季度的1410萬美元有所增長。
  • 調整後的EBITDA爲197萬美元,相比去年Q2的28萬美元有所下降。
  • 毛利潤爲725萬美元,相比2023年Q2的394萬美元有所增長。

Gross Profit Declines And Adjusted Gross Margin Increases


Gold Flora Corporation generated $31.64 million in revenue, reflecting a slight decrease of 2% from the previous quarter. However, gross profit dropped significantly by 28%, totaling $7.25 million, resulting in a gross margin of 23%. Adjusted gross profit stood at $18.17 million, with an adjusted gross margin of 57%, up from 54% in Q1.

Gold Flora公司營收達到3164萬美元,相比上一季度略有下降2%。但毛利潤顯着下降28%,總計爲725萬美元,導致毛利率爲23%。調整後的毛利潤爲1817萬美元,調整後的毛利率爲57%,高於Q1的54%。

Cash used in operating activities amounted to $4.8 million, leaving Gold Flora with $10.7 million in cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2024.

經營現金流出480萬美元,截至2024年6月30日,Gold Flora的現金及現金等價物餘額爲1070萬美元。

Gold Flora Boosts Flower Harvest Yields, Increases Product Portfolio

Gold Flora增加花卉收穫產量,增加產品組合。

Operationally, Gold Flora achieved a 14% improvement in flower harvest yields following recent cultivation investments. The company also successfully increased first-party product revenue to 30% of total retail sales and continued to expand its product portfolio, notably with the Gramlin brand, now the 5th fastest-growing cannabis brand in California.

在運營方面,Gold Flora在最近進行的種植投資後實現了14%的花卉收穫產量提高。該公司還成功將第一方產品收入提高到總零售額的30%,並繼續擴大產品組合,尤其是Gramlin品牌,現已是加利福尼亞州第五個增長最快的大麻品牌。

CEO Commentary


Despite the challenges, CEO Laurie Holcomb expressed optimism, citing the company's strong market positioning and cultivation capabilities as key advantages moving forward.

儘管面臨挑戰,首席執行官Laurie Holcomb表達了樂觀情緒,稱公司在市場定位和種植能力方面具有重要優勢。

"As one of the largest indoor cultivators in the state, we have a unique competitive advantage that sets us apart from the vast majority of other operators in California," stated Holcomb in a press release. "We can quickly adjust our operations to meet current market demand, and at scale, enabling us to offer attractive price points and excellent products. With our cultivation investments complete and subsequent harvests now demonstrating the improved yield and product quality that we can generate, we are incredibly well positioned to execute on the opportunity ahead of us as we move through the second half of the year."


With its continued expansion of its cultivation footprint, Gold Flora remains focused on strengthening its competitive edge in the California cannabis market.

隨着繼續擴大在加利福尼亞大麻市場中的種植規模,Gold Flora公司仍專注於增強其競爭優勢。

Price Action
GRAM's shares were trading 5.67% lower at $0.0915 per share at the time of this writing around 1:00 PM ET Thursday.

GRAM股票在週四下午1:00 ET左右交易價每股0.0915美元,下跌了5.67%。

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