
Veritone AI-Powered Solutions for Media and Entertainment Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Veritone AI-Powered Solutions for Media and Entertainment Now Available in AWS Marketplace

veritone 基於人工智能的媒體和娛樂解決方案現在能在 AWS 市場上獲得
Veritone ·  08/15 19:00

Veritone makes its award-winning solutions more accessible to rights holders, rights owners and content creators


DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI), a leader in building human-centered enterprise AI solutions, today announced that its media and entertainment solutions are available in AWS Marketplace, a curated digital catalog of independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

丹佛—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Veritone, Inc. (納斯達克: VERI),人工智能解決方案領導者,今天宣佈,其娛樂媒體解決方案可在AWS Marketplace上獲取,該市場是一個經過篩選的數字目錄,其中包括獨立軟件供應商的軟件,讓用戶輕鬆查找、測試、購買和部署適用於Amazon Web Services (AWS)的軟件。

Veritone's availability in AWS Marketplace provides media, entertainment and sports customers the ability to seamlessly access, purchase and deploy Veritone's award-winning AI solutions – which are currently used by some of the world's most recognizable brands, including NCAA, iHeartRadio, NBC Universal, CNBC, Bloomberg and CNN – directly within the AWS cloud environment. This integration unlocks new opportunities for innovation, efficiency, scalability, monetization and performance for AI initiatives.

Veritone在AWS Marketplace上的可用性爲媒體、娛樂和體育客戶提供了無縫訪問、購買和部署Veritone屢獲殊榮的人工智能解決方案的能力,這些解決方案目前由一些世界上最知名的品牌使用,包括NCAA、iHeartRadio、NBC Universal、CNBC、Bloomberg和CNN,可直接在AWS雲環境中使用。此次整合爲AI項目拓展了創新、效率、可擴展性、貨幣化和性能等新機會。

According to the 2023 Gartner 5 Ways DAMs Help Content Teams Power Modern Marketing report (published August 10, 2023), "Today's digital marketing leaders dedicate significant resources to creating, organizing and managing photos, videos, graphics, copy and other marketing content to meet demand. With increased investment in content comes the necessity for dedicating even more technology resources to meet modern content marketing needs."


"Being listed in the AWS Marketplace is a significant milestone for Veritone's media and entertainment and sports solutions, and another step in expanding our reach to help more organizations harness the power of AI to transform their operations," said Sean King, general manager, Media and Entertainment, Veritone. "Rights owners, rights holders and creators now have powerful AI tools at their fingertips."

"Veritone的媒體、娛樂和體育解決方案在AWS Marketplace上的上市是一個重要的里程碑,也是擴大我們的影響力、幫助更多的組織利用人工智能轉變其運營的又一步,"Veritone媒體與娛樂總經理Sean King表示。"現在權利所有者、持有者和創作者可以隨時獲得強大的人工智能工具。"

AWS Marketplace will now feature the following media and entertainment solutions from Veritone:

AWS Marketplace現在將展示以下來自Veritone的媒體和娛樂解決方案:

  • Veritone Digital Media Hub – an AI-powered digital asset management and monetization solution that helps media, entertainment and sports organizations enrich and manage digital assets and create new revenue streams through robust e-commerce capabilities.

  • Veritone Discovery – powered by Veritone's enterprise AI platform, aiWARE, Discovery enables customers to discover large amounts of visual and audio broadcast data and easily track and verify ads, including organic mentions from live broadcasts, pre-recorded programs and other large media libraries in near real-time.

  • Veritone Attribute – a turnkey broadcast attribution solution that enables customers to optimize linear TV and radio campaigns by correlating ads with web lift in near real-time. Customers can track and visualize campaign data, tying it to the response advertisers receive through increased web traffic and unique website visitors.

  • Veritone數字媒體中心——一款基於人工智能的數字資產管理和貨幣化解決方案,可幫助媒體、娛樂和體育組織通過強大的電子商務功能豐富和管理數字資產並創造新的收入流。

  • Veritone Discovery——由Veritone企業級人工智能平台aiWARE提供支持,Discovery使客戶能夠發現大量的視覺和音頻廣播數據,並可以輕鬆跟蹤和驗證廣告,包括現場廣播、預錄製節目和其他大型媒體庫中的有機提及。

  • Veritone Attribute——一個成品的廣播歸因解決方案,可使客戶通過將廣告與網頁升降值在近實時內相對應進而優化線性電視和電臺廣告營銷活動。客戶可以跟蹤和可視化廣告,將其與響應度提升相關聯的廣告商收到的增加的網站流量和獨特的網站訪問者聯繫起來。

The addition of Veritone's media and entertainment solutions to AWS Marketplace in conjunction with the recently announced three-year Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA), as well as Veritone's advancement to the Advanced Tier Services Partner status, solidifies Veritone's position as a leader in AI-powered solutions for media and entertainment and advances Veritone's strategy to be a key provider of AI solutions and services.

Veritone媒體與娛樂解決方案在AWS Marketplace上的加入,再加上最近公佈的爲期三年的戰略合作協議(SCA),以及Veritone的晉升爲Advanced Tier Services Partner身份,加強了Veritone作爲媒體和娛樂業的人工智能領先者的地位,推動Veritone成爲人工智能解決方案和服務的關鍵提供商。

To learn more about how Veritone and AWS unlock enterprise AI at scale visit: .


About Veritone


Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) builds human-centered enterprise AI solutions. Serving customers in the media, entertainment, public sector and talent acquisition industries, Veritone's software and services empower individuals at the world's largest and most recognizable brands to run more efficiently, accelerate decision making and increase profitability. Veritone's leading enterprise AI platform, aiWARE, orchestrates an ever-growing ecosystem of machine learning models, transforming data sources into actionable intelligence. By blending human expertise with AI technology, Veritone advances human potential to help organizations solve problems and achieve more than ever before, enhancing lives everywhere. To learn more, visit

Veritone (納斯達克: VERI) 提供以人爲本的人工智能解決方案。服務於媒體、娛樂、公共部門和人才招聘行業的客戶,Veritone 軟件和服務使世界上最大的和最知名的品牌的個人運行更加高效、加速決策,並提高盈利能力。Veritone 的領先企業人工智能平台 aiWARE 管理着一個不斷增長的機器學習模型生態系統,將數據源轉化爲可操作的智能。通過將人類專業知識與人工智能技術相結合,Veritone 推進人類潛力,幫助組織解決問題,實現比以往更多的成就,提升到處的生活質量。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Safe Harbor Statement

Safe Harbor聲明

This news release contains forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "could," "estimate" or "continue" or the negative or other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments and risks with respect to various matters which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of Veritone. Certain of such judgments and risks are discussed in Veritone's SEC filings. Although Veritone believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the results contemplated in forward-looking statements will be realized. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking information included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Veritone or any other person that their objectives or plans will be achieved. Veritone undertakes no obligation to revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


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Valerie Christopherson or Lora Metzner
Global Results Comms (GRC)
+1 949 608 0276

Valerie Christopherson 或 Lora Metzner
Global Results Comms (GRC)
+1 949 608 0276

Sarah Rich

Sarah Rich

Source: Veritone, Inc.

來源:veritone, inc.

Released August 15, 2024


