
Decade Provides Update on Exploration Plans

Decade Provides Update on Exploration Plans

newsfile ·  08/15 20:00

Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 15, 2024) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") is providing plans for ongoing exploration on the Copper River property which is part of a large claim holding consisting of 52 contiguous minerals claims which include Nobody Knows, Dardanelle (presently farmed out) and Treasure Mountain properties totaling 23,016.7 hectares. All 52 mineral claims are 100% owned by Decade Resources Ltd. The project stretches from 10 to 40 air kilometers east of Terrace, B.C., on the northern slopes of the Copper River valley. The Company plans to explore the gold-silver zones and porphyry copper-gold potential of the Del Norte project as well.

2024年8月15日,不列顛哥倫比亞省Stewart - 新聞通訊社 - Decade Resources Ltd.(TSXV:DEC)(「Decade」)提供了Copper River物業持續勘探的計劃,該物業是由包括Nobody Knows、Dardanelle(目前已出租)和Treasure Mountain物業在內的52個相鄰的礦產權組成的大型礦權持有,總面積爲23,016.7公頃。所有52個礦權均由Decade Resources Ltd完全擁有。該項目延伸了10至40公里,位於Terrace億.C.的東北部地區,位於Copper River河谷的北坡。公司計劃探索Del Norte項目的金銀區和斑岩銅金潛力。

The company has a large strategic land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. This mineral belt trend is host to over 80 million ounces of gold and over 17 billion pounds of copper (based on published data on SEDAR).


To date the Company has completed the following:


Copper River


  • 14 drill holes on the Nobody Knows # 2.
  • Discovered gold bearing VMS boulders that assayed up to 79.12 g/t gold and 927 g/t on the Nobody Knows claim.
  • Core logging and assaying the core from the Nobody Knows drilling.
  • Further claim acquisition in the VMS discovery area.
  • Mapping at the VMS discovery area to identify the possible source of the road blast rock.
  • Investigation of newly constructed logging roads.
  • 在Nobody Knows #2上完成了14個鑽孔。
  • 在Nobody Knows礦權上發現了黃金礦化的人形機器人-軸承,其金含量高達79.12克/噸,銀含量高達927克/噸。
  • 從Nobody Knows鑽探中堆積核心並進行核心分析。
  • 在VMS發現區進一步獲得了礦權。
  • 在VMS發現區進行地質測量,以確定路基爆破石的可能來源。
  • 調查新建的伐木道路。

Golden Triangle map showing deposits and prospects.


Del Norte


  • Decade Resources has the right to earn up to a 55 % interest under the following terms:
    • Payment of $400,000 over 4 years with an initial payment of $20,000 (Made).
    • Issuing 800,000 shares of Decade on signing. (Made).
    • Issuing $180,000 of Decade stock over a 4-year period (Made).
      Expenditures of $4,000,000 over 5 years (require $900,000 expenditure).
  • Decade Resources享有以下權利,可佔有最多55%的權益:
    • 在4年內支付40萬美元,首次付款爲2萬美元(已經支付)。
    • 發行80萬股Decade股票作爲簽署的補償(已經發行)。
    • 在4年期內發行180,000美元的Decade股票(已完成)。
  • Investigation of drill pads to test the K-zone and porphyry copper-gold potential.
  • 鑽探墊的調查,以測試K區和斑岩銅金潛力。

Figure 2


The Del Norte project covers an eight-kilometre-long north-south mineralized belt that hosts multiple gold showings in the same geological environment as the former Eskay Creek gold mine. Significantly, three gold-bearing streams intersect the property; namely Nelson, Del Norte and Willoughby Creeks with Nelson Creek supporting a gold placer mining operation in the 1930s.

Del Norte項目覆蓋了一個長達八公里的南北向礦化帶,宿主多個金點,在地質環境和「Eskay Creek」金礦一樣。值得注意的是,有三個含金的溪流穿越了該資產;即Nelson,Del Norte和Willoughby Creeks,其中Nelson Creek在1930年代支持過黃金淘金業務。

The Company has completed successful exploration program on the property in the 2021-2023 exploration period. Highlights include:


  • Location of 4 new zones of high grade silver-gold zones on the Del Norte.
  • High grade zones include the Kosciuszko, LG, Argo, Eagle's Nest, New and PB.
  • High grade silver-gold drill intersections on the newly outlined Argo zone.
  • 德爾諾特地區新增4個高品位白銀黃金區域。
  • 高品位區域包括科什丘斯科,LG,阿戈,鷹巢,新和市淨率。
  • 新確定的阿戈區高品位白銀黃金鑽孔交匯處。

The proposed drill station would be just to the left and below the word K-Zone in the above photo. The attached photo below shows the zone.


Figure 3


Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is in charge of the exploration programs on behalf of the Company and is responsible for and approves the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.

Ed. Kruchkowski,P. Geo.是公司探礦項目的合格人員,負責公司的勘探計劃,並批准本公告的內容。由於他是公司的總裁,因此E. Kruchkowski不獨立於Decade。

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at . For investor information please call 250- 636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.

Decade Resources Ltd.是一家加拿大基於礦產勘探的公司,積極尋求資源行業的機會。Decade擁有許多處於發展和勘探的不同階段的不同地段的財產和項目。其財產和項目都位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的「金三角」區域。有關公司資產和發展的完整列表,請訪問公司網站。如需投資者信息,請致電250-636-2264或聯繫Gary Assaly,電話604-377-7969。


代表 Decade Resources Ltd.董事會

"Ed Kruchkowski"

「Ed Kruchkowski」

Ed Kruchkowski, President

Ed Kruchkowski,總裁

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