
Titan Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results

Titan Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/15 18:30

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Titan Mining Corporation (TSX: TI) ("Titan" or the "Company") announces the results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. (All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated)

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年8月15日(環球新聞社) - Titan Mining Corporation(TSX:TI)("Titan"或"公司")宣佈2024年6月30日結束的季度業績。 (除非另有說明,否則所有金額均以美元計)

Don Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer of Titan, commented, "During the quarter, ESM operations continued to outperform with respect to safety, production and costs. Increased zinc prices for the period coupled with cost-cutting measures and lower smelter treatment charges contributed to improved operating margins and increased revenue helping to build our cash position. Also during the period, underground drilling was successful in expanding the Mud Pond and New Fold resource areas which will be reported in the second half of the year with an updated Life of Mine plan. Additionally, Phase I drilling was completed on the Kilbourne graphite project. Evaluation of the drill results is underway by an independent engineering firm with a maiden mineral resource estimate to be released in the second half of the year. In tandem with the resource evaluation, large scale metallurgical testing is underway to further determine purity, concentrate grades and grain morphology expected in the final product."

Titan的總裁兼首席執行官唐·泰勒(Don Taylor)表示:“在本季度,ESm運營在安全,生產和成本方面繼續表現優異。期間的鋅價格上漲以及削減成本措施和較低的熔爐處理費用有助於提高營業利潤率和增加營業收入,從而有助於增加我們的現金儲備。此外,該期間地下鑽探成功擴展了Mud Pond和New Fold資源區,該項目將在下半年報告,並更新全礦生命週期計劃。此外,Kilbourne石墨項目的一期鑽探已經完成。獨立工程公司正在評估鑽探結果,並將在下半年發佈初步的涉礦概念。與資源評估同時,大規模冶金測試正在進行,以進一步確定預期的純度、濃縮等級和最終產品的粒度形態"。



  • Zero Lost Time Injuries in the second quarter.
  • Produced 14.5 million pounds of payable zinc in the second quarter of 2024.
  • Revenues of $17,969 in Q2 2024, an increase from $11,731 in Q1 2024, and $8,952 in Q2 2023.
  • AISC1 of $0.79/lb in Q2 2024, a decrease from $1.00/lb in Q1 2024 and $1.12/lb in Q2 2023.
  • Completion of Phase 1 drilling at the Kilbourne Exploration Target with a total of 39 holes totalling 11,916 ft.
    • 20 holes totalling 5,044 ft completed in Q2 2024
    • Highlights include 92.8 ft at 3.5% graphitic carbon
  • 第二季度零失時工傷。
  • 2024年第二季度生產1450萬磅的可付鋅。
  • 2024年Q2營收爲17,969美元,比2024年Q1的11,731美元和2023年Q2的8,952美元增長。
  • Q2 2024的AISC1爲0.79美元/磅,比Q1 2024的1.00美元/磅和2023年Q2的1.12美元/磅降低。
  • 完成Kilbourne Exploration Target的一期鑽探,共完成39個孔,總深度11,916英尺。
    • 2024年第二季度完成20個孔,總深度爲5,044英尺。
    • 亮點包括3.5%的92.8英尺石墨碳。

1 AISC is a non-GAAP measure. This term is not a standardized financial measure under IFRS and might not be comparable to similar financial measures disclosed by other issuers. See Non-GAAP Performance Measures below for additional information.

1 AISC是一項非GAAP措施。這個術語不是IFRS下標準化財務唯一的度量標準,可能無法與其他發行人披露的類似財務度量相比較。有關更多信息,請參見下面的非GAAP業績指標。

TABLE 1 Financial and Operating Highlights


Q2 2024 Q1 2024 Q4 2023 Q3 2023 Q2 2023
Payable Zinc Produced mlbs 14.5 14.7 13.9 18.3 15.0
Payable Zinc Sold mlbs 14.7 14.4 13.9 18.3 15.0
Average Realized Zinc Price $/lb 1.30 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.15
Revenue $m 17.97 11.73 10.91 15.50 8.95
Net Income (loss) before tax $m 2.62 (2.63) (6.96) 0.50 (4.84)
Earnings (loss) per share - basic $/sh 0.02 (0.02) (0.05) 0.00 (0.03)
Cash Flow from Operating Activities before changes in non-cash working capital $m 6.97 0.26 (1.36) 4.21 (0.11)
Financial Position
Cash and Cash Equivalents $m 5.55 4.18 5.03 4.32 2.90
Net Debt 1 $m 30.63 32.44 30.75 32.93 33.43
2024年第二季度 2024年第一季度 ("Q1 2024") 2023年第四季度 2023年第三季度 2023年第二季度
可付鋅生產 百萬磅 14.5 14.7 13.9 18.3 15.0
可付鋅銷售 百萬磅 14.7 14.4 13.9 18.3 15.0
平均實現鋅價 美元指數/磅 1.30 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.15
營業收入 $美元 17.97 11.73 10.91 15.50 8.95
稅前淨收益(虧損) $美元 2.62 (2.63) (6.96) 0.50 (4.84)
基本每股收益(損失) 美元/股 0.02 (0.02) (0.05) 0.00 (0.03)
經營活動現金流量淨額調整前 $美元 6.97 0.26 (-1.36) 4.21 (0.11)
現金及現金等價物 $美元 5.55 4.18 5.03 4.32 2.90
淨債務1 $美元 30.63 32.44 30.75 32.93 33.43

1 Net Debt is a non-GAAP measure. This term is not a standardized financial measure under IFRS and might not be comparable to similar financial measures disclosed by other issuers. See Non-GAAP Performance Measures below for additional information.

1 淨債務是非依照國際財務報告準則的非普通財務測量指標,可能與其他發行人披露的類似財務測量指標不可比較。有關其他信息,請參見下面的非普通財務表現測量標準。

Revenues were higher during the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, largely due to a positive provisional pricing adjustment in 2024 compared to a negative provisional pricing adjustment that was realized in 2023, as well as lower smelting and refining charges compared to the same period in the prior year. AISC decreased to $0.79/lb in Q2 2024 from $1.00/lb in Q1 2024 and $1.12/lb in Q2 2023, primarily as a result of a recovery of treatment charges from Q1 2024 recognized in Q2 2024, and lower operating costs as compared to Q1 2024 and Q2 2023.




Mining efforts in the second quarter of 2024 focused on the Mahler, New Fold, and Mud Pond zones. Mining activities remain suspended in the N2D zone in response to lower zinc prices. Deepening of the lower Mahler ramp system provided access to high-grade ore in the Lower Mahler mining zone that supported higher than budgeted grades. Longhole stope mining in New Fold provided above target grades and tons. Ore recovery from the longhole stoping in New Fold will continue into August. It is expected that ore from New Fold and Lower Mahler zones will continue to support head grades at planned levels for the remainder of the year. Mining is expected to continue in the same zones in the third quarter of 2024.

2024年第二季度採礦工作主要集中在Mahler、New Fold和Mud Pond區域。由於鋅價下跌,N2D區域的採礦活動仍暫停。下降的Lower Mahler坡道系統提供了進入Lower Mahler採礦區的高品位礦石,支持更高的品位。New Fold的長孔採礦提供了超過目標品位和噸位的礦石。從New Fold的長孔採礦中回收礦石將持續到8月份。預計New Fold和Lower Mahler區域的礦石將繼續支持計劃的產量水平。2024年第三季度採礦預計將在同一區域繼續進行。

Work on projects, including the Turnpike project, has been limited since Q2 of 2023 to preserve cash in response to lower zinc prices. Rod mill liners were received and will be installed in the third quarter of 2024. In the third quarter of 2024, the Company plans to initiate a market search for a replacement UG haulage truck and a mechanical bolter.


The Company's dewatering and other necessary activities to prepare equipment and infrastructure for recommencement of operations following the flooding from Tropical Storm Debby (see the Company's press release dated August 12, 2024) are continuing as planned.






Drill programs in the second quarter of 2024 targeted Lower Mahler and Fowler. Underground drilling totalled 3,315 ft (1,010 m) across six holes. All underground drilling was completed with Company-owned underground drills by Company employees. Of the total drilling, two exploration holes were completed targeting the down dip extensions of Lower Mahler with a third hole targeting this area underway.

2024年第二季度鑽探項目的目標是Lower Mahler和Fowler。地下鑽探總計3,315英尺(1,010米),跨越六個孔。所有地下鑽探都是由公司員工使用公司擁有的地下鑽機完成的。其中兩個勘探孔鑽探完畢,正在鑽探第三個孔,目標是鑽探Lower Mahler的傾向下延續。



Surface drilling was limited to the Kilbourne Project in the second quarter of 2024. An exploration plan for the remainder of 2024 and 2025 has been developed with six regional zinc targets currently being evaluated and prioritized.




Titan has continued work on defining the Kilbourne graphite target, a graphite exploration target hosted within the same stratigraphic sequence as ESM's zinc mineralization. The host unit is Unit 2 of the lower marbles. Historic mapping and drilling have documented roughly 25,000 ft (7.6 km) of strike length, from surface to a depth of over 3,000 ft (914 m). Roughly 8,500 ft (2.5 km) of this strike length is within the affected area of the Empire State Mine and is covered by current permitting. The remaining strike length is securely within mineral rights held by ESM.

Titan一直在繼續確定Kilbourne石墨目標,即在ESM鋅礦化石相同的地層序列中託管的石墨勘探目標。主機單元是下理髓的第二單元。歷史地圖繪製和鑽探記錄了大約25,000英尺(7.6公里)的延伸長度,從地表到超過3,000英尺(914米)的深度,其中大約8,500英尺(2.5公里)的延伸長度位於Empire State Mine的受影響區域內,並已獲得當前許可。其餘延伸長度牢固地位於由ESM掌握的礦物權內。

Kilbourne exploration activities in the second quarter of 2024 were focused on drilling, with a total of 20 holes totalling 5,044 ft (1,537 m) drilled. All drilling was completed with a Company owned drill by Company employees. The initial phase of Kilbourne exploration targeted mineralization within the Company's active-use permit. Graphite mineralization has been intercepted in all 39 holes of the program, with assays returned on the graphitic intercepts from all 39 of those holes. The results received to date continue to show promising results (see Titan's news releases "Titan Mining Provides Initial Drill Results On the Kilbourne Graphite Project, results include 173.5 Ft At 3.75% Graphitic Carbon" dated April 9, 2024 and "Titan Mining Completes Phase I Drilling at the Kilbourne Graphite Project, Additional Assays Returned including 143 ft at 3.6% Graphitic Carbon" dated June 26, 2024). A bulk sample was collected in January 2024 with anticipated usage in material classification.

第二季度的Kilbourne勘探活動主要集中在鑽井上,總計20個孔,共計5,044英尺(1,537米)。所有鑽探都是由公司擁有的鑽桿和公司員工完成的。Kilbourne第一階段勘探重點針對了公司活躍使用許可證範圍內的礦化,所有39個鑽孔中都遇到了石墨礦化,在所有39個鑽孔中返回了石墨攔截的分析結果。迄今爲止收到的結果繼續顯示出有前途的結果(請參見Titan的新聞稿「Titan Mining Provides Initial Drill Results On the Kilbourne Graphite Project, results include 173.5 Ft At 3.75% Graphitic Carbon」 dated April 9, 2024 and 「Titan Mining Completes Phase I Drilling at the Kilbourne Graphite Project, Additional Assays Returned including 143 ft at 3.6% Graphitic Carbon」 dated June 26, 2024)。一份散裝樣品於2024年1月收集,預計在材料分類中使用。

Phase I of Kilbourne drilling successfully tested 8,255 ft of strike length within the ESM active use permit. The program has helped identify two distinct zones of mineralization within Unit 2. The upper zone averages 54 ft (16.5 m) in thickness with an average grade of 3.1% graphitic carbon (Cg), and the lower zone averages 28.9 ft (8.8 m) in thickness with an average grade of 3.0% Cg. Phase I of metallurgical work began in the fourth quarter of 2023 with SGS in Lakefield, ON, and demonstrated the ability of Kilbourne graphite to be concentrated and purified to qualities suitable for modern industrial applications. Phase II of metallurgy began in the second quarter of 2024 with Forte Analytical of Wheat Ridge, CO. Testing has built off the initial results of Phase I, with preliminary results expected in the third quarter of 2024.

Kilbourne鑽探的第一階段成功測試了在ESm活躍使用許可範圍內8255英尺的延伸長度。該計劃有助於確定單元2內的兩個不同礦化區域。上部礦化帶平均厚度爲54英尺(16.5米),平均品位爲3.1%的石墨碳(Cg),下部礦化帶平均厚度爲28.9英尺(8.8米),平均品位爲3.0%的Cg。冶金工作的第一階段於2023年第四季度在安大略省萊克菲爾德的SGS公司開始,表明Kilbourne石墨具有集中和提純到適用於現代工業應用的質量的能力。金冶工作的第二階段於2024年第二季度在科羅拉多州小麥裏奇的Forte Analytical公司開始。測試基於金冶工作第一階段的初步結果,預計第三季度將得出初步結果。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release and the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the scientific and technical information has been reviewed, verified and approved by Donald R. Taylor, MSc., PG, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, a qualified person for the purposes of NI 43-101. Mr. Taylor has more than 25 years of mineral exploration and mining experience and is a Registered Professional Geologist through the SME (registered member #4029597). The data was verified using data validation and quality assurance procedures under high industry standards.

本新聞稿所包含的科學技術信息以及支撐科學技術信息的採樣、分析和測試數據已由本公司的合格人員、董事總經理Donald R. Taylor(MSc、PG)進行了審核、驗證和批准。Taylor先生擁有超過25年的礦產勘探和採礦經驗,並且是經SME註冊的專業地質師(註冊會員號碼#4029597)。根據高行業標準進行了數據驗證和質量保證程序。

Non-GAAP Performance Measures


This document includes non-GAAP performance measures, discussed below, that do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. The performance measures may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other issuers. The Company believes that these performance measures are commonly used by certain investors, in conjunction with conventional GAAP measures, to enhance their understanding of the Company's performance. The Company uses these performance measures extensively in internal decision-making processes, including to assess how well the Empire State Mine is performing and to assist in the assessment of the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the mine site management team. The tables below provide a reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measures as contained within the Company's issued financial statements.

本文檔包括非科技進步和超水平表現測量標準(以下簡稱非普通測量標準)。這些表現測量標準不具備國際財務報告準則規定的標準化含義,這些表現測量標準可能不可比較其他發行人披露的類似測量標準。本公司認爲,某些投資者通常會將這些表現測量標準與傳統GAAP測量標準結合使用,以增強對本公司表現的了解。本公司在內部決策過程中廣泛使用這些表現測量標準,其中包括評估Empire State Mine的表現以及協助評估礦山管理團隊的整體效率和效果。下表提供了這些非普通測量標準與本公司發行的金融報表中最相近的IFRS測量標準的對應關係。

C1 cash cost per payable pound sold


C1 cash cost is a non-GAAP measure. C1 cash cost represents the cash cost incurred at each processing stage, from mining through to recoverable metal delivered to customers, including mine site operating and general and administrative costs, freight, treatment and refining charges.


The C1 cash cost per payable pound sold is calculated by dividing the total C1 cash costs by payable pounds of metal sold.


All-In Sustaining Cost (AISC)


AISC measures the estimated cash costs to produce a pound of payable zinc plus the estimated capital sustaining costs to maintain the mine and mill. This measure includes the C1 cash cost and capital sustaining costs divided by pounds of payable zinc sold. AISC does not include depreciation, depletion, amortization, reclamation and exploration expenses.


Three months ended June 30,
Six months ended June 30,
2024 2023
C1 cash cost per payable pound Total Per
Total Per
Total Per
Total Per
Pounds of payable zinc sold (millions) 14.7 15.0 29.1 30.0
Operating expenses and selling costs $ 9,652 $ 0.66 $ 11,085 $ 0.74 $ 19,914 $ 0.69 $ 25,230 $ 0.85
Concentrate smelting and refining costs 1,913 0.13 4,600 0.31 5,581 0.19 8,656 0.29
Total C1 cash cost $ 11,565 $ 0.79 $ 15,685 $ 1.05 $ 25,495 $ 0.88 $ 33,886 $ 1.14
Sustaining Capital Expenditures $ - $ 0.00 $ 1,042 $ 0.07 $ 439 $ 0.02 $ 1,519 $ 0.05
AISC $ 11,565 $ 0.79 $ 16,727 $ 1.12 $ 25,934 $ 0.89 $ 35,405 $ 1.19
2024 2023
每付款磅的C1現金成本 總費用 單張債券
總費用 單張債券
總費用 單張債券
總費用 單張債券
可付鋅的磅數(百萬) 14.7 15.0 29.1 30.0
營業費用和銷售費用 $ 9,652 $ 0.66 $ 11,085 $ 0.74 $ 19,914 $ 0.69 $ 25,230 $ 0.85
精礦冶煉和精煉成本 1,913 0.13 4,600 0.31 5,581 0.19 8,656 0.29
總C1現金成本 $ 11,565 $ 0.79 $ 15,685 $ 1.05 $ 25,495 $ 0.88 $ 33,886 $ 1.14
維持性資本支出 $ - $ 0.00 $ 1,042股 $ 0.07 $ 439 $ 0.02 $ 1,519 $ 0.05
全成本維持費 $ 11,565 $ 0.79 $ 16,727 $ 1.12 $ 25,934 $ 0.89 $ 35,405 $ 1.19

Sustaining capital expenditures


Sustaining capital expenditures are defined as those expenditures which do not increase payable mineral production at a mine site and excludes all expenditures at the Company's projects and certain expenditures at the Company's operating sites which are deemed expansionary in nature. Expansionary capital expenditures are expenditures that are deemed expansionary in nature. The following table reconciles sustaining capital expenditures and expansionary capital expenditures to the Company's additions to mineral, properties, plant and equipment (or total capital expenditures):


Six months ended June 30,
2024 2023
Sustaining capital expenditures $ 438 $ 1,519
Expansionary capital expenditures 2 401
Additions to mineral, properties, plant and equipment $ 440 $ 1,920
2024 2023
維持性資本支出 $ 438 $ 1,519
擴張性資本支出 2 401
礦產、財產、設備的增加 $ 440 $ 1,920

Net Debt


Net debt is calculated as the sum of the current and non-current portions of long-term debt, net of the cash and cash equivalent balance as at the balance sheet date. A reconciliation of net debt is provided below.


Six months ended
Year ended
June 30, 2024
December 31, 2023
Current portion of debt $ 36,177 $ 35,779
Non-current portion of debt - -
Total debt $ 36,177 $ 35,779
Less: Cash and cash equivalents (5,547) (5,031)
Net debt $ 30,630 $ 30,748
償還短期債務 $ 36,177 $ 用戶數爲133,832
非流動負債部分 - -
總債務 $ 36,177 $ 用戶數爲133,832
Less: 現金及現金等價物 (5,547) (5,031)
淨債務 $ 30,630 $ 30,748

About Titan Mining Corporation

關於Titan Mining Corporation

Titan is an Augusta Group company which produces zinc concentrate at its 100%-owned Empire State Mine located in New York state. Titan is built for growth, focused on value and committed to excellence. For more information on the Company, please visit our website at

Titan是一家屬於Augusta Group公司,其在紐約州擁有100%的Empire State Mine採礦權,並生產鋅精礦。Titan旨在成長、專注於價值和致力於卓越。有關公司的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:



For further information, please contact: Investor Relations: Email:


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements and information contained in this new release constitute "forward-looking statements", and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). These statements appear in a number of places in this news release and include statements regarding our intent, or the beliefs or current expectations of our officers and directors, including that underground drilling that was successful in expanding the Mud Pond and New Fold resource areas will be reported on in the second half of the year with an updated Life of Mine plan; evaluation of the Kilbourne drill results is underway by an independent engineering firm with a maiden mineral resource estimate to be released in the second half of the year; large scale metallurgical testing is underway to further determine purity, concentrate grades and grain morphology expected in the final product; ore recovery from the longhole stoping in New Fold will continue into August; it is expected that ore from New Fold and Lower Mahler zones will continue to support head grades at planned levels for the remainder of the year; mining is expected to continue in the same zones in the third quarter of 2024; rod mill liners were received and will be installed in the third quarter of 2024; in the third quarter of 2024, the Company plans to initiate a market search for a replacement UG haulage truck and a mechanical bolter; A bulk sample was collected in January 2024 with anticipated usage in material classification; and preliminary results of the Phase II metallurgy program are expected in the third quarter of 2024. When used in this news release words such as "to be", "will", "planned", "expected", "potential", and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to vary materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors identified in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Such forward-looking statements are based on various assumptions, including assumptions made with regard to the ability to advance exploration efforts at ESM; the results of such exploration efforts; the ability to secure adequate financing (as needed); the Company maintaining its current strategy and objectives; and the Company's ability to achieve its growth objectives. While the Company considers these assumptions to be reasonable, based on information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Except as required by applicable law, we assume no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If we update any one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that we will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements. You should not place undue importance on forward-looking statements and should not rely upon these statements as of any other date. All forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

本新聞稿中包含的某些聲明和信息構成「前瞻性聲明」和「前瞻性信息」,並符合適用證券法規(統稱爲「前瞻性聲明」)。這些聲明在本新聞稿中出現在許多地方,包括關於我們的意圖或我們的高管和董事的信念或當前預期,包括成功擴展Mud Pond和New Fold資源區的地下鑽探將在下半年報告,更新的終身礦計劃;獨立工程公司正在評估Kilbourne鑽孔結果,預計在下半年發佈maiden礦產資源估計;已進行大規模冶金測試以進一步確定最終產品中的純度、濃縮品位和顆粒形貌;New Fold的長孔採礦礦石回收將持續到8月份;預計New Fold和Lower Mahler的礦石將繼續支持計劃水平的首要品位直至年底;採礦預計將在2024年第三季度在相同地區繼續進行;第三季度2024年將安裝棒形磨磨板烤盤;第三季度2024年,公司計劃在市場上尋找UG運輸卡車和機械鑽孔機的替代品;2024年1月進行了大宗樣本收集,預計將用於材料分類;第二階段冶金學方案的初步結果預計將於2024年第三季度公佈。當本新聞稿中使用諸如「將要」、「將」、「計劃」、「預計」、「潛在」等表達意向、信仰或當前預期的措辭時,這些都旨在識別這些前瞻性聲明。儘管公司相信這些前瞻性聲明和/或信息所反映的期望是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明,因爲公司無法保證此類期望會被證明是正確的。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與這些前瞻性陳述所預期的結果或事件不同,包括在公司的定期文件中確定的風險、不確定性和其他因素。這些前瞻性聲明基於各種假設,包括就能夠推進ESM的勘探工作、勘探成效的結果、能夠獲得足夠的融資(如有需要)、公司保持當前的策略和目標以及公司實現其增長目標所做的假設。雖然公司認爲這些假設是合理的,基於目前可用的信息,但它們可能被證明是不正確的。除適用法律要求外,我們假定無需更新或公開宣佈此處包含的任何前瞻性陳述的任何變化的結果,以反映實際結果、未來事件或發展、假設的變化或其他影響前瞻性陳述的其他因素的變化。如果更新任何一個或多個前瞻性陳述,不應推斷我們將對這些或其他前瞻性陳述作出其他更新。您不應將前瞻性聲明視爲與任何其他日期一樣重要,並且不應依賴這些聲明。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性聲明均已明確在此風險警示聲明中表示。

