
Samchem released financial results for the Q2 of 2024

Samchem released financial results for the Q2 of 2024

Samchem 發佈了2024年Q2的財務結果。
Business Today ·  08/15 17:49

Integrated chemicals and lubricants distributor, Samchem Holdings Berhad ("Samchem" or the "Group"), has released its financial results for the second quarter of 2024, ending 30 June 2024.

綜合化學品和潤滑油分銷商三燦控股有限公司(「Samchem」 或 「集團」)發佈了截至2024年6月30日的2024年第二季度財務業績。

For 2Q2024, Samchem's revenue rose by 8% to RM298.4 million, up from RM276.2 million in the same period last year (2Q2023). Despite subdued average selling prices (ASPs), the increase in revenue was driven by higher sales volumes. The Group's net profit for the quarter was RM6.2 million, marking a 3% rise from RM6.0 million in 2Q2023. Additionally, Samchem has declared a second interim dividend of 0.5 sen per ordinary share.

在 2Q2024 方面,Samchem的收入從去年同期的27620萬令吉(2Q2023)增長了8%,至29840萬令吉。儘管平均銷售價格(ASP)疲軟,但收入的增長是由銷售量的增加推動的。該集團本季度的淨利潤爲62萬令吉,比 2Q2023 的600萬令吉增長了3%。此外,Samchem已宣佈第二次派發每股普通股0.5仙的中期股息。

Ng Thin Poh, Executive Chairman of Samchem, remarked on the quarter's performance: "The second quarter of 2024 saw softer activity levels, impacted by two festive holidays in Malaysia and Indonesia. We continued to face cautious market sentiments due to China's slower-than-expected economic recovery and concerns about a potential US recession. However, manufacturing activities in our core markets are stabilising, with improved chemical demand from the construction and oil & gas sectors.

Samchem執行董事長Ng Thin Poh在談到該季度的業績時表示:“受馬來西亞和印度尼西亞兩個節日假期的影響,2024年第二季度的活動水平有所疲軟。由於中國的經濟復甦慢於預期,以及對美國潛在衰退的擔憂,我們繼續面臨謹慎的市場情緒。但是,隨着建築和石油與天然氣行業對化學品的需求增加,我們核心市場的製造活動正在穩定下來。

To adapt to the current market environment, we are refining our product and service offerings. Our strategy includes targeting new industries within our key markets, expanding our product range, and enhancing value-added services. These steps are aimed at increasing our market share as we anticipate a recovery in demand.


We view the ongoing consolidation in the global petrochemical industry positively, as it may support chemical prices and improve our margins. Additionally, this trend could encourage manufacturers to outsource distribution, presenting growth opportunities for distributors like Samchem. With our expanded infrastructure in Malaysia and Vietnam, we are well-positioned to seize these opportunities," he added.

我們對全球石化行業的持續整合持樂觀態度,因爲這可能會支撐化工價格並提高我們的利潤率。此外,這種趨勢可能會鼓勵製造商將分銷外包,爲像Samchem這樣的分銷商提供增長機會。隨着我們在馬來西亞和越南基礎設施的擴大,我們完全有能力抓住這些機會,” 他補充說。

