
Spruce Power Maintains Its Guidance For 2024 Operating EBITDA In The Range Of $68M-$86M And 2024 Adjusted Free Cash Flow In The Range Of $0-$5M, With Current Expectations Trending To The Lower End Of The Ranges

Spruce Power Maintains Its Guidance For 2024 Operating EBITDA In The Range Of $68M-$86M And 2024 Adjusted Free Cash Flow In The Range Of $0-$5M, With Current Expectations Trending To The Lower End Of The Ranges

Spruce Power保持其2024年運營EBITDA在區間$6800萬至$8600萬範圍內的預期,並保持2024年調整自由現金流在區間$0至$500萬範圍內的預期,目前的預期趨勢偏向於範圍較低端。
Benzinga ·  08/15 04:07

2024 Guidance


Spruce Power maintains its guidance for 2024 Operating EBITDA in the range of $68 - $86 million and 2024 Adjusted Free Cash Flow in the range of $0 - $5 million, with current expectations trending to the lower end of the ranges.

Spruce Power維持其2024年營業稅息折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)區間在6800萬美元至8600萬美元以及2024年調整後自由現金流(FCF)區間在0美元至500萬美元。當前預期趨勢爲區間較低端。

While Spruce's M&A pipeline continued to grow, home solar assets and contracts at the end of the second quarter were lower than the assumptions underlying the Company's previously disclosed full year 2024 guidance, which contemplated growth in home solar assets and contracts via M&A activity during the first half of the year. Further, operating expenses have been higher than initially projected given unforeseen CEO transition costs, an increase in legal expenses associated with the proxy contest, that ultimately led to the Company entering a cooperation agreement, and timing of non-routine operations and maintenance expenditures.


