
Adcore Inc. (ADCOF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Adcore Inc. (ADCOF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Adcore Inc. (ADCOF) 2024年第二季度業績會話節選
富途資訊 ·  08/15 02:20  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Adcore Inc. (ADCOF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Adcore Inc.(ADCOF)2024年Q2業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 revenue was $6.6 million, down from $6.9 million year-on-year.

  • Gross profit slightly decreased to $2.9 million from $3 million in the prior year.

  • Operating loss for the quarter was $0.8 million, a significant increase from the $0.4 million loss in the same period last year.

  • Net loss for the quarter grew to $0.7 million from $0.5 million compared to the previous year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA was negative $173,000, reflecting a significant decrease from the previous year.

  • Q2 2024年營業收入爲660萬美元,同比下降了690萬美元。

  • 毛利潤略微下降至290萬美元,爲上一年度的300萬美元。

  • 該季度的營運虧損爲80萬美元,較去年同期的40萬美元虧損顯著增加。

  • 本季度淨虧損增至70萬美元,與去年同期的50萬美元相比增加。

  • 調整後的EBITDA爲負173,000美元,較上年同期顯著下降。

Business Progress:


  • Gross margin improved by 1% year-on-year from 43% to 44%.

  • Significant regional revenue increases: 22% growth in North America and 6% in APAC year-on-year.

  • Introduced technological innovations, with Media Blast app reaching an ARR of CAD1 million within 12 months.

  • Enhanced focus on enterprise clients and low-touch, do-it-yourself solutions for efficiency.

  • Acquired 60,000 shares for cancellation under the NCIB plan, with overall cancellation of 4.1 million shares over two years.

  • 毛利率同比提高1%,從43%增至44%。

  • 地域板塊營收顯著增長:北美同比增長22%,亞太地區同比增長6%。

  • 推出了創新科技,Media Blast 應用程序在12個月內達到100萬加元的ARR。

  • 加強對企業客戶及低接觸式自助解決方案的關注,提高效率。

  • 根據NCIb計劃收購了60,000股用於註銷,兩年內共註銷了410萬股。



  • Focus on North America, a strategic market that showed a substantial revenue increase this quarter, is expected to continue propelling growth.

  • Moving into AI and low-touch, do-it-yourself solutions to streamline client interactions and improve operational efficiencies.

  • 關注戰略市場北美,該市場在本季度顯示出了實質性的營收增長,並有望繼續推動增長。

  • 進軍人工智能與低接觸式自助解決方案,以簡化客戶互動並提高運營效率。



  • Potential temporary setbacks in the EMEA region, marked by a 27% decrease in revenue.

  • Challenges posed by seasonality in advertising spend could affect future quarter revenues unpredictably.

  • 歐洲、中東和非洲地區存在潛在的暫時性挫折,營收下降27%。

  • 廣告支出季節性波動可能會不可預測地影響未來季度的營收。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


