
BAE Systems Wins 2023 Group Achievement Award for Work on TEMPO Instrument

BAE Systems Wins 2023 Group Achievement Award for Work on TEMPO Instrument

PR Newswire ·  08/15 00:58

The TEMPO instrument provides publicly available, hourly data on air pollution across North America


BROOMFIELD, Colo., Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BAE Systems (LON:BA) received a NASA Group Achievement Award at the NASA Langley Research Center 2023 Honor Awards Ceremony in Hampton, Virginia Tuesday afternoon, recognizing the team for their exemplary work on the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument.

美國科羅拉多州布魯姆菲爾德市,2024年8月14日,/美通社/--英國BAE Systems (LON:BA) 於2023年Langley研究中心榮譽頒獎典禮上榮獲NASA團隊成就獎。該團隊因其在Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution(TEMPO)儀器上的出色工作而獲得表彰。

The TEMPO team was selected for the award for their "outstanding performance in the integration, testing, launch, and commissioning of the TEMPO Instrument."


Team honored for outstanding performance in the integration, testing, launch, and commissioning of the TEMPO Instrument.


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BAE Systems (LON:BA) received a NASA Group Achievement Award at the NASA Langley Research Center 2023 Honor Awards Ceremony in Hampton, Virginia Tuesday afternoon, recognizing the team for their exemplary work on the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument.
英國BAE Systems (LON: BA) 在NASA Langley研究中心2023年榮譽頒獎典禮上獲得了NASA的團隊成就獎,以表彰他們在Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO)儀器上的傑出工作。

"We are honored to be selected for this distinguished award from our valued mission partners at NASA, which affirms the hard work and dedication our team put forward to make this ambitious project a reality," said Dr. Alberto Conti, vice president and general manager of Civil Space for BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems. "This award is not only a recognition of the quality of the instrument, but of the meaningful change it will help to bring to communities around North America moving forward."

「我們非常榮幸能從我們的重要合作伙伴NASA那裏獲得這個傑出獎項,這肯定了我們團隊爲實現這個雄心勃勃的項目所付出的辛勤工作和奉獻精神。這個獎項不僅是這個儀器質量的認可,也是這個儀器將有助於爲北美社區帶來有意義的變革的肯定,」BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems的民用空間副總裁兼總經理Alberto Conti博士表示。“TEMPO於2023年4月發射,是NASA和史密森天體物理觀測臺之間的合作任務,旨在提高整個北美的遠程空氣質量監測能力。BAE Systems生產的儀器使用紫外線/可見光光譜儀掃描整個大陸,並每小時白天測量關鍵大氣污染物如臭氧、二氮化氮和甲醛。這些高精度和頻率的讀數爲科學家和公共衛生官員提供了確切的污染源、濃度和移動的數據,有助於提高空氣質量預報的詳細和準確度。

TEMPO launched in April 2023 as a collaborative mission between NASA and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, part of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, to improve remote air quality monitoring capabilities across greater North America. The BAE Systems-built instrument uses an ultraviolet/visible spectrometer to scan across the continent and provide hourly, daytime measurements of key atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and formaldehyde. The high resolution and frequency of readings are providing scientists and public health officials with precise data on the sources, concentration, and movement of pollution, which will help to enhance the detail and accuracy of air quality forecasts.

TEMPO於2023年4月發射,是NASA和史密森天體物理觀測臺(哈佛・史密森天體物理學中心的一部分)之間的合作任務,旨在提高整個北美的遠程空氣質量監測能力。BAE Systems生產的儀器使用紫外線/可見光光譜儀掃描整個大陸,並每小時白天測量關鍵大氣污染物如臭氧、二氮化氮和甲醛。這些高精度和頻率的讀數爲科學家和公共衛生官員提供了確切的污染源、濃度和移動的數據,有助於提高空氣質量預報的詳細和準確度。

TEMPO's near-real-time data can be viewed on the mission website: TEMPO Data for Public (

TEMPO的準實時數據可以在該任務網站上查看:TEMPO Data for Public (

BAE Systems developed TEMPO alongside the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) instrument, which launched in 2020 and provides air pollution monitoring data for the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) of South Korea.

BAE Systems是TEMPO和地球同步環境監測光譜儀(GEMS)儀器的開發商,GEMS於2020年發射,爲韓國宇航研究院(KARI)和韓國環境研究院(NIER)提供空氣污染監測數據。

For more information, please contact:


Sawyer D'Argonne, BAE Systems
Mobile: 303-250-6031
[email protected]

Sawyer D'Argonne,BAE系統
[email protected]



SOURCE BAE Systems, Inc.

來源:BAE Systems,Inc

