
Suburban Propane Powers the Future of Hydrogen Innovation With Sponsorship of H2 Grand Prix

Suburban Propane Powers the Future of Hydrogen Innovation With Sponsorship of H2 Grand Prix

suburban propane通過H2 Grand Prix的贊助支持氫能創新的未來
PR Newswire ·  08/14 22:10

WHIPPANY, N.J., Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Suburban Renewable Energy, LLC (Suburban Renewables), a subsidiary of Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH), a nationwide distributor of propane, renewable propane, renewable natural gas, fuel oil and related products and services, as well as a marketer of natural gas and electricity and investor in low carbon fuel alternatives, today announced its sponsorship of the Horizon Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP), taking place in Anaheim, California on September 9th through 12th. This event will be held during North America's largest renewable industry tradeshow, RE+. This sponsorship underscores Suburban Propane's commitment to investing in the future of the hydrogen industry by supporting the next generation of innovators and leaders.

Suburban Renewable Energy,LLC(Suburban Renewables)是Suburban Propane Partners,L.P.(NYSE: SPH)的子公司,是一家全國性的丙烷、可再生丙烷、可再生天然氣、燃料油及相關產品和服務的分銷商,以及一家天然氣和電力營銷商和低碳燃料替代品投資者,致力於支持下一代創新者和領袖,於2024年8月14日在新澤西州WHIPPANY發表了本次聲明。本次公司贊助Horizon Hydrogen Grand Prix(H2GP)活動,該活動將於9月9日至12日在加利福尼亞州的Anaheim舉辦,而此次比賽是在北美最大的可再生行業貿易展RE+期間舉辦的。這次贊助展示了Suburban Propane公司與氫能源行業未來投資的承諾,支持下一代創新者和領袖。

H2 Grand Prix 2023. This sponsorship underscores Suburban Propane's commitment to investing in the future of the hydrogen industry by supporting the next generation of innovators and leaders.
H2 Grand Prix 2023。這次贊助展示了Suburban Propane公司與氫能源行業未來投資的承諾,支持下一代創新者和領袖。

In line with Suburban Renewables' dedication to advancing renewable energy education, this sponsorship benefits students ages 13 – 17 from around the world, who have spent the past several months working in teams to design, engineer and build their own 1:10 scale hydrogen fuel cell model car, which they will race to showcase their commitment to global renewable energy. This program, managed by The H2GP Foundation, offers students a thorough understanding of the engineering principles that will shape the future of renewable energy.

與Suburban Renewables致力於推進可再生能源教育的願景保持一致,此次贊助將惠及來自世界各地的13-17歲的學生,他們在過去幾個月中分別組建團隊設計、工程和構建了1:10比例的氫燃料電池模型賽車,以展示他們對全球可再生能源的承諾。該項目由H2GP Foundation管理,爲學生提供了深入理解將塑造可再生能源未來的工程原理。

In addition, Suburban Renewables will participate in the H2 Grand Prix 'Corporate Race', where they will compete against other businesses and firms to determine whose customized hydrogen-powered car will win, bringing home the H2GP Corporate Championship Trophy. Suburban Renewables is eager to defend its 2023 title as the winner of the fastest lap. This sponsorship and participation highlight the Company's ongoing commitment to excellence and leadership in the evolving hydrogen sector.

此外,Suburban Renewables將參加H2 Grand Prix的'Corporate Race',與其他企業和公司展開競爭,以確定哪輛定製的氫動力汽車將獲勝並贏得H2GP Corporate Championship Trophy。Suburban Renewables很榮幸能夠捍衛其2023年最快圈速的冠軍頭銜。此次贊助和參與凸顯了該公司在不斷髮展的氫能源行業中的卓越領導力和承諾。

The H2 Grand Prix is a premier competition showcasing the remarkable achievements of students across the globe in the hydrogen fuel cell industry. By sponsoring this prestigious event, Suburban Renewables reinforces its dedication to fostering innovation and advancement within the clean energy sector. The Company is enthusiastic about providing these bright, young minds with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and creativity in a dynamic and competitive environment.

H2 Grand Prix是展示全球學生在氫燃料電池行業方面的卓越成就的主要比賽。Suburban Renewables通過贊助這個備受矚目的活動,強化了其在清潔能源領域培育創新和發展的承諾。該公司熱衷於爲這些聰明的年輕人提供機會,在充滿活力和競爭性的環境中展示他們的技能和創造力。

As part of its sponsorship, Suburban Renewables will also host a booth at the H2 Grand Prix, offering visitors an in-depth look at the Company's initiatives and innovations in the field of renewable energy technology. Attendees will have the chance to engage with the Suburban Renewables team and learn about the Company's strategic investments in hydrogen as a clean energy source.

作爲贊助商,Suburban Renewables還將在H2 Grand Prix設立展臺,向參觀者展示公司在可再生能源技術領域的舉措和創新。參觀者將有機會與Suburban Renewables團隊互動,並了解該公司在氫作爲清潔能源來源方面的戰略投資。

The H2 Grand Prix will celebrate the launch of the newly formed H2GP Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting educational programs and research initiatives related to hydrogen technology. The Foundation aims to drive innovation, provide scholarships and facilitate partnerships that advance the hydrogen economy. Suburban Renewables' involvement with the H2GP Foundation reflects its strategic vision of nurturing future talent and advancing hydrogen technologies through collaborative efforts.

H2 Grand Prix將慶祝新成立的H2GP Foundation的成立,這是一個致力於支持與氫技術相關的教育計劃和研究倡議的非營利組織。該基金會旨在推動創新,提供獎學金,並促進推進氫經濟的夥伴關係。Suburban Renewables與H2GP Foundation的合作反映了公司培養未來人才並通過協作推進氫技術的戰略願景。

"We are thrilled to be a part of the H2 Grand Prix and to support the talented students who are shaping the future of hydrogen energy," said Nandini Sankara, spokesperson for Suburban Propane and Suburban Renewables. "Our sponsorship is a testament to our belief in the transformative power of hydrogen and our commitment to investing in the innovators who will drive the industry forward."

Suburban Propane和Suburban Renewables的發言人Nandini Sankara說:"我們很高興成爲H2 Grand Prix的一部分,並支持塑造氫能源未來的有才華的學生們。"該公司的贊助證明了其對氫的轉型能力的信念和提供創新者驅動行業發展的承諾。

"We're happy to have the continued support of Suburban Renewables for this year's H2GP World Final," said Nicola Weiss, President of the H2GP Foundation. "This support engages communities through hands-on educational programs in hydrogen, helping to build a future workforce that will secure our energy future."

H2GP Foundation的總裁Nicola Weiss表示:"我們很高興Suburban Renewables能夠繼續支持今年的H2GP世界總決賽。"這種支持在氫方面開展實踐教育計劃,並有助於建立未來能源力量,從而確保我們的能源未來。

Please join Suburban Renewables and other industry leaders at the H2 Grand Prix at RE+ this September to celebrate the advancements in hydrogen technology and witness the future of clean energy innovation.

請在今年9月的RE+ H2 Grand Prix上,與Suburban Renewables和其他行業領袖一起慶祝氫技術的進步,見證清潔能源創新的未來。

About Suburban Renewables:
Formed in 2022, Suburban Renewable Energy, LLC ("Suburban Renewables") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Suburban Propane, L.P., formed to serve as a platform for investments in renewable energy assets and technologies, building off the well-established legacy of Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. Suburban Renewables also drives long-term strategic growth and diversification efforts for Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. by identifying new areas of investment, strategic partnerships and collaborations within the renewable energy space, and paves the way to a low carbon future.

關於Suburban Renewables:
成立於2022年的Suburban Renewable Energy, LLC(Suburban Renewables)是Suburban Propane, L.P.的全資子公司,旨在作爲可再生能源資源和技術的投資平台,借鑑Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.良好的歷史,爲Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.的長期戰略增長和多樣化努力鋪平道路,通過識別新的投資領域和在可再生能源領域內的戰略伙伴關係和合作,爲低碳未來鋪平道路。

For additional information on Suburban Renewables, please visit .

有關Suburban Renewables的其他信息,請訪問官網。

About Suburban Propane:
Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. ("Suburban Propane") is a publicly traded master limited partnership listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Headquartered in Whippany, New Jersey, Suburban Propane has been in the customer service business since 1928 and is a nationwide distributor of propane, renewable propane, renewable natural gas ("RNG"), fuel oil and related products and services, as well as a marketer of natural gas and electricity and producer of and investor in low carbon fuel alternatives, servicing the energy needs of approximately 1 million residential, commercial, governmental, industrial and agricultural customers through approximately 700 locations across 42 states.

關於suburban propane:
Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.("Suburban Propane")是一家在紐約證券交易所上市的公開交易大師有限合夥制公司。總部位於新澤西州Whippany,Suburban Propane自1928年以來一直致力於客戶服務業務,並是一個全國性的丙烷、可再生丙烷、可再生天然氣(RNG)、燃料油及相關產品和服務的分銷商,以及天然氣和電力營銷商和低碳燃料替代品生產商和投資者,通過大約700個位置來服務約100萬戶住宅、商業、政府、工業和農業客戶,在42個州拓展業務。

Suburban Propane is supported by three core pillars: (1) Suburban Commitment – showcasing Suburban Propane's 95-year legacy, and ongoing commitment to the highest standards for dependability, flexibility, and reliability that underscores Suburban Propane's commitment to excellence in customer service; (2) SuburbanCares – highlighting continued dedication to giving back to local communities across Suburban Propane's national footprint; and (3) Go Green with Suburban Propane – promoting the clean burning and versatile nature of propane and renewable propane as a bridge to a green energy future and investing in the next generation of innovative, renewable energy alternatives.

Suburban Propane得到了三個核心支柱的支持:(1)Suburban Commitment--展示Suburban Propane 95年的傳奇歷史,以及對在可靠性、靈活性和可靠性方面的最高標準的持續承諾,這反映了Suburban Propane在客戶服務方面的卓越領導力;(2)SuburbanCares--突出Suburban Propane在全國範圍內回饋當地社區的持久承諾;(3)Go Green with Suburban Propane--推廣丙烷和可再生丙烷作爲通往綠色能源未來的清潔燃燒和多功能性,並投資於創新的、可再生能源替代品的生產和研發,以滿足未來的能源需求。

For additional information on Suburban Propane, please visit .

有關Suburban Propane的更多信息,請訪問。

About H2GP:
The Horizon Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP) is an initiative run by The H2GP Foundation that challenges students to design, engineer, construct and then eventually race 1:10 scale hydrogen-powered cars. During this process, students learn advanced science and engineering skills in addition to picking up real-world problem-solving, teamwork and project management abilities. Each year, the best teams from over 20 countries compete in the annual H2GP World Final. Find out

Horizon Hydrogen Grand Prix(H2GP)是The H2GP Foundation發起的一個倡議,旨在挑戰學生設計、工程、建造和最終競賽1:10比例的氫動力汽車。在這個過程中,學生不僅學習先進的科學和工程技術,還掌握了實際解決問題、團隊合作和項目管理的能力。每年,來自20多個國家的最佳團隊將參加年度的H2GP世界總決賽。了解更多信息,請訪問

About The H2GP Foundation:
The H2GP Foundation provides accessible, affordable, and engaging educational programs aimed at training a new generation of leaders in hydrogen and sustainable energy. The Foundation is dedicated to providing students with a strong foundational understanding of renewable energy concepts through hands-on learning while empowering today's young minds and nurturing them into leaders, innovators, and future stewards of the environment. The Foundation plays a key role in creating academic and professional pathways for young people to participate in the emerging green economy, while bridging the renewable energy knowledge gap in underserved communities. Discover more at

關於The H2GP Foundation:
The H2GP Foundation提供易於獲取、支付和參與的教育項目,旨在培訓新一代氫和可持續能源領域的領袖。基金會致力於通過親身體驗爲學生提供可再生能源概念、建立強大的信心、良好的溝通和協作技能,培養未來的創新者、領袖和環境管理員。基金會在創建學術和專業通道方面發揮着重要作用,使年輕人能夠參與新興的綠色經濟,並彌補對可再生能源知識缺口的服務社區。了解更多信息,請訪問

SOURCE Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.

來源:Suburban Propane Partners,L.P。

