
Prairie Provident Resources Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results

Prairie Provident Resources Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results

Prairie Provident Resources宣佈2024年第二季度的財務和營運結果。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/14 20:31

CALGARY, Alberta, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prairie Provident Resources Inc. ("Prairie Provident" or the "Company") (TSX:PPR) announces its operating and financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. The Company's interim consolidated financial statements and related Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for the second quarter are available on its website at and filed on SEDAR+ at .

2024年6月30日止三個月和六個月的營業和財務業績公佈。Prairie Provident Resources Inc.(「Prairie Provident」或「公司」)(TSX:PPR)的中期財務報表及其相關的管理層討論和分析(MD&A)已發佈在公司網站上,並通過 SEDAR+ 提交。



  • Production averaged 2,045 boe/d (52% oil and liquids) in the second quarter of 2024, a 44% or 1,596 boe/d decrease from the same period in 2023, primarily due to the sale of the Evi CGU, production declines and wells requiring maintenance.
  • Operating expenses of $39.36/boe for the three months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of $2.83/boe from the same period in 2023 principally due to costs associated with workovers that commenced in May and June. The majority of the anticipated production increases from the workover program are expected to be realized in Q3.
  • Production Enhancements: PPR completed a total of 12 operations which included well optimization and workovers providing initial production rates of approximately 274 boe/d.
  • Operating netback1 before the impact of realized gains on derivatives was $0.6 million or $3.47/boe for the second quarter of 2024, a decrease of $7.0 million or 92% from the same period in 2023. On a per boe basis, operating netback decreased by $19.55/boe from Q2 2023 driven by lower natural gas prices, a higher natural gas production weighting and higher operating costs from the workover program. Approximately $3.25/boe in operating costs related to the workover program.
  • Net loss for the second quarter of 2024 was $6.5 million, compared to a net loss of $8.8 million in the same period of 2023. The $2.3 million decrease in the net loss was primarily due to a 2023 impairment of the Evi CGU of $14.5 million, offset by a 2023 $6.9 million gain on valuation of financial liabilities and a $10.1 million decrease in oil and natural gas revenue primarily due to the sale of the Evi CGU.
  • In May 2024, the Company received additional funding of US$2.3 million through an issue of additional Second Lien Notes to its current lender, a portion of which was used for the Company's workover program.
  • The Company remained active in its decommissioning program with $1.4 million spent during the first six months of 2024.
  • The Company has significant tax pool coverage, including approximately $329 million of non-capital losses.
  • 2024年第二季度日平均產量爲2,045個標準立方英尺(52%爲石油和液態物質),較2023年同期減少1,596個標準立方英尺或44%,主要原因包括出售Evi CGU、產量下降和需要維護的井。
  • 2024年6月30日止三個月的營業費用爲每桶39.36美元,較2023年同期增加每桶2.83美元,主要是由於工作徹底開始而產生的成本。預計大部分來自工作徹底的產量增加將在第三季度實現。
  • 生產提升:PPR完成了總共12次操作,包括優化和工作改造,提供了約274個標準立方英尺的初期產量。
  • 2024年第二季度的營業淨收益1在實現對沖收益影響前爲60萬美元或每桶3.47美元,較2023年同期下降了700萬美元或92%。每桶的營業淨收益減少了19.55美元,主要是由於天然氣價格下降、天然氣產量佔比較高以及來自工作徹底的更高營業成本等因素。工作徹底的營業成本約爲每桶3.25美元。
  • 2024年第二季度淨虧損爲650萬美元,而2023年同期淨虧損爲880萬美元。淨虧損的230萬美元下降主要是由於2013年Evi CGU減值達1450萬美元,抵消了2013年690萬美元的金融負債估值收益和1010萬美元的油氣收入下降,主要是由於出售Evi CGU。
  • 公司於2024年5月通過向現有貨幣貸款人發行額外次級票據獲得了230萬美元的額外資金,其中部分用於公司的工作徹底計劃。
  • 公司在2024年前六個月的拆除計劃中保持活躍,總共花費了140萬美元。
  • 運營淨回報是一項非普通會計覈算的財務指標,定義如下:「非GAAP和其他財務指標」



(1) Operating netback is a non-GAAP financial measure and is defined below under "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures".




The Basal Quartz/Ellerslie fairway in south central Alberta has seen a rapid increase in horizontal drilling activity by area operators in response to the success of high intensity frac completions. This has resulted in prolific oil wells with disclosed initial production rates that are substantially higher than with conventional completions, generating attractive economics.

阿爾伯塔省中南部的Basal Quartz/Ellerslie油田區通過高強度水力壓裂的成功而見證了區域經營者進行水平鑽井的迅速增加。這導致了產油井初始產量公佈數碼的大幅提高,遠高於傳統石油完井。這產生了有吸引力的經濟效益。

The Company's large land position of 167,869 net acres in its Michichi core area has been internally evaluated for Basal Quartz potential. Prairie Provident is excited by the results being achieved by offsetting activity, with offset wells having disclosed initial production rates of approximately 800 boe/d. Prairie Provident has identified more than 40 Basal Quartz potential drilling opportunities targeting light/medium oil on its Michichi lands. Internal estimates forecast a payout period of approximately eight months and average estimated first year production of approximately 270 bbl/d of light/medium oil. These potential drilling opportunities are not booked locations to which any reserves have been attributed in the most recent independent evaluation of Prairie Provident's reserves data, effective December 31, 2023, by Sproule Associates Limited. The Company's existing proved undeveloped reserves bookings at Michichi, as reflected in the 2023 year-end evaluation, consist primarily of Banff formation oil reserves.

公司的Michichi核心區域擁有167,869英畝的大型土地,其中Basal Quartz潛力經過內部評估。Prairie Provident對毗鄰的活動所取得的成果感到興奮,偏移井公開的初始產量約爲800個標準立方英尺/日。Prairie Provident已經確定了在其Michichi土地上採用輕/中質油目標的超過40個Basal Quartz潛在鑽井機會。內部估計預測返本期約爲8個月,預計第一年的平均估計產量約爲每天270桶輕/中質油。這些潛在的鑽探機會沒有將任何儲量歸屬到公司最近由Sproule Associates Limited於2023年12月31日進行的獨立評估的儲量數據中的已預訂位置。Michichi現有的被證明的未開發儲量儲備(如2023年底評估所反映的)主要由Banff層油氣儲備組成。

Production from successful Basal Quartz drilling will be processed through existing Company-owned infrastructure in the Michichi area. Prairie Provident currently owns and operates two oil batteries (one with LACT connection to Inter Pipeline), two natural gas plants with a combined inlet capacity of approximately 10 MMscf/d, three field booster compressor stations, and an extensive pipeline network at Michichi. Owning and controlling key infrastructure within the Basal Quartz/Ellerslie fairway provides Prairie Provident with a competitive advantage for the future development of this play.


Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
($000s except per unit amounts) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Production Volumes
Crude oil and condensate (bbl/d) 993 2,292 1,244 2,279
Conventional natural gas (Mcf/d) 5,923 7,518 6,211 7,629
Natural gas liquids (bbl/d) 65 97 62 98
Total (boe/d) 2,045 3,641 2,341 3,648
% Liquids 52% 66% 56% 65%
Average Realized Prices
Crude oil and condensate ($/bbl) 94.21 84.40 86.13 84.59
Conventional natural gas ($/Mcf) 1.21 2.23 1.96 2.74
Natural gas liquids ($/bbl) 54.61 55.24 68.50 59.25
Total ($/boe) 50.98 59.19 52.77 60.15
Operating Netback ($/boe) 1
Realized price 50.98 59.19 52.77 60.15
Royalties (8.15) (5.32) (7.95) (7.87)
Operating costs (39.36) (30.85) (36.53) (33.87)
Operating netback 3.47 23.02 8.29 18.41
Realized losses on derivative instruments 0.86 (1.14) (0.47)
Operating netback, after realized losses on derivative instruments 3.47 23.88 7.15 17.94
(單位金額爲$000) 2024 2023 2024 2023
wti原油和凝析油(桶/日) 993 2,292 1,244 2,279
常規天然氣(Mcf/日) 5,923 7,518 6,211 7,629
天然氣液體(桶/日) 65 97 62 98
總計(boe/日) 2,045 3,641 2,341 3,648
% 液態物 52% 66% 56% 65%
wti原油和凝析油(美元/桶) 94.21 84.40 86.13 84.59
常規天然氣(美元/Mcf) 1.21 2.23 1.96 2.74
天然氣液體(每桶美元) 54.61 55.24 68.50 59.25
總計(美元/boe) 50.98 59.19 52.77 60.15
實現價格 50.98 59.19 52.77 60.15
特許權使用費 (8.15) (5.32) (7.95) (7.87)
營業成本 (39.36) (30.85) (36.53) (33.87)
營運淨回報率 3.47 23.02 8.29 18.41
衍生工具實現損失 0.86 (1.14) (0.47)
經營淨回報,實現衍生儀器損失後 3.47 23.88 7.15 (10.87



(1) Operating netback is a non-GAAP financial measure and is defined below under "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures".

(1) 經營淨回報是指 非常規會計覈算的財務指標,指標定義詳見「非常規會計覈算和其他財務指標」 。


關於Prairie Provident

Prairie Provident is a Calgary-based company engaged in the exploration and development of oil and natural gas properties in Alberta, including a position in the emerging Basal Quartz trend in the Michichi area of Central Alberta.

Prairie Provident是一家總部位於卡爾加里的公司,從事於阿爾伯塔省的油氣田的勘探、開發,包括位於中部亞伯達省米基奇地區新興基岩石英趨勢的位置。

For further information, please contact:


Prairie Provident Resources Inc.
Ryan Rawlyk, President and CEO
Phone: (403) 292-8180

Prairie Provident Resources Inc.
Ryan Rawlyk,總裁兼首席執行官
電話:(403) 292-8180

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements ("forward-looking statements") that constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future performance, events or circumstances, are based upon internal assumptions, plans, intentions, expectations and beliefs, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated or suggested therein. All statements other than statements of current or historical fact constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically, but not always, identified by words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "intend", "plan", "budget", "forecast", "target", "estimate", "propose", "potential", "project", "seek", "continue", "may", "will", "should" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or events or statements regarding an outlook.


Without limiting the foregoing, this news release contains forward-looking statements pertaining to: Basal Quartz, drilling opportunities, including estimated payout periods and first year production on potential Basal Quartz wells; and the processing of production from successful Basal Quartz drilling.


Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors, expectations or assumptions of Prairie Provident which have been used to develop such statements, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, which are inherently uncertain and depend upon the accuracy of such expectations and assumptions. Prairie Provident can give no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained herein will prove to be correct or that the expectations and assumptions upon which they are based will occur or be realized. Actual results or events will differ, and the differences may be material and adverse to the Company. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified herein, assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: results from drilling and development activities; consistency with past operations; the quality of the reservoirs in which Prairie Provident operates and continued performance from existing wells (including with respect to production profile, decline rate and product type mix); the continued and timely development of infrastructure in areas of new production; the accuracy of the estimates of Prairie Provident's reserves volumes; future commodity prices; future operating and other costs; future USD/ CAD exchange rates; future interest rates; continued availability of external financing and internally generated cash flow to fund Prairie Provident's current and future plans and expenditures, with external financing on acceptable terms; the impact of competition; the general stability of the economic and political environment in which Prairie Provident operates; the general continuance of current industry conditions; the timely receipt of any required regulatory approvals; the ability of Prairie Provident to obtain qualified staff, equipment and services in a timely and cost efficient manner; drilling results; the ability of the operator of the projects in which Prairie Provident has an interest in to operate the field in a safe, efficient and effective manner; field production rates and decline rates; the ability to replace and expand oil and natural gas reserves through acquisition, development and exploration; the timing and cost of pipeline, storage and facility construction and expansion and the ability of Prairie Provident to secure adequate product transportation; the regulatory framework regarding royalties, taxes and environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which Prairie Provident operates; and the ability of Prairie Provident to successfully market its oil and natural gas production.

前瞻性聲明基於Prairie Provident使用的一些實質因素、預期或假設來制定這些聲明,但這些假設可能被證明是不正確的。雖然公司認爲此前瞻性聲明中反映的預期和假設是合理的,但不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明,這些聲明存在本質上的不確定性,並且取決於這些預期和假設的準確性。Prairie Provident無法保證此處包含的前瞻性聲明將被證明是正確的,或者基於它們所依賴的預期和假設將會發生或實現。實際結果或事件將會不同,並且這些差別可能對公司產生重大並且不利的影響。除了這裏可能識別的其他因素和假設,還已經對以下條件作出了假設:結果來自於鑽探和開發活動;與過去的業務保持一致;Prairie Provident經營的油氣藏的質量和現有井(包括與生產概況、下降率和產品類型混合有關的情況)的持續表現;在新產區域內基礎設施的持續和及時發展;Prairie Provident儲備量估計的準確性;未來的商品價格;未來的運營和其他成本;未來的美元/加元匯率;未來的利率;繼續可用外部融資並內在產生現金流來資助Prairie Provident的現有和未來計劃和支出,其外部融資應符合可接受條款;競爭的影響;Prairie Provident所經營的經濟和政治環境的總體穩定性;當前行業條件的繼續;及獲得所需的監管批准的及時性;Prairie Provident及時以及成本有效地獲得合格人員、設備和服務;鑽井結果;Prairie Provident參股的項目運營商能夠在安全、高效和有效的方式下運營該油田;油氣場產量和下降率;通過收購、開發和勘探來替代和擴大油氣儲量的能力;管道、儲存和設施建設和擴建的時間和成本以及Prairie Provident能力,以獲得足夠的產品運輸;關於Prairie Provident在其作業的司法轄區中的稅和環境事項的披露以及行業相關事宜的法規框架;以及Prairie Provident成功推廣其石油和天然氣產量的能力。

The forward-looking statements included in this news release are not guarantees of future performance or promises of future outcomes and should not be relied upon. Such statements, including the assumptions made in respect thereof, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements including, without limitation: reduced access to external debt financing; higher interest costs or other restrictive terms of debt financing; changes in realized commodity prices; changes in the demand for or supply of Prairie Provident's products; the early stage of development of some of the evaluated areas and zones; the potential for variation in the quality of the geologic formations targeted by Prairie Provident's operations; unanticipated operating results or production declines; changes in tax or environmental laws, royalty rates or other regulatory matters; changes in development plans of Prairie Provident or by third party operators; increased debt levels or debt service requirements; inaccurate estimation of Prairie Provident's oil and reserves volumes; limited, unfavourable or a lack of access to capital markets; increased costs; a lack of adequate insurance coverage; the impact of competitors; and such other risks as may be detailed from time-to-time in Prairie Provident's public disclosure documents (including, without limitation, those risks identified in this news release and Prairie Provident's current Annual Information Form dated April 1, 2024 as filed with Canadian securities regulators and available from the SEDAR+ website () under Prairie Provident's issuer profile).

本新聞發佈中包含的前瞻性聲明並非對未來業績的保證或未來結果的承諾,不應被依賴。這樣的聲明包括所涉及的假設,在沒有限制其他因素和假設的情況下,涉及廣泛風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與預期的不同,並且可能影響不利公司的經濟狀況和經營前景。不保證所有的前瞻性聲明都會實現。包括所做的假設在內。此類假設包括:減少獲得外部債務融資的渠道;較高的利息成本或其他債務融資的限制條件;實現的商品價格變化;Prairie Provident產品的供需改變;其中一些區域和帶狀區域的初步開發階段;Prairie Provident運作所針對的地質形態目標的質量可能出現變化;不可預期的運營結果或生產下降;稅法或環境法的變化,特定的產權法、管理辦法或其他法規事項的變化;Prairie Provident或第三方運營商的開發計劃的變化;財務負擔或債務償還要求的增加;Prairie Provident油氣儲量預測的不準確;對資本市場的使用有限、不利或者缺乏訪問;成本上升;缺乏充足的保險覆蓋;與競爭的影響;另外,可能存在其他決策或因素,導致Prairie Provident業績或結果有所不同,最新的公開披露文件中包含的風險因素 (包括但不限於本新聞稿中所識別的這些風險以及Prairie Provident於2024年4月1日提交給加拿大證券監管機構的《年度信息表》(可在SEDA+網站()下 Prairie Provident的發行人資料中獲得)。

The forward-looking statements contained in this news release speak only as of the date of this news release, and Prairie Provident assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, or otherwise, except as may be required pursuant to applicable laws. All forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述僅於本新聞稿發佈日有效,Prairie Provident不承擔公開更新或修訂這些陳述以反映新事件或情況的責任,除非根據適用的法律要求。所有前瞻性陳述都經由這一警示語明確限定。

Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures


This news release discloses certain financial measures that are 'non-GAAP financial measures' or 'supplementary financial measures' within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such measures do not have a standardized or prescribed meaning under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and, accordingly, may not be comparable to similar financial measures disclosed by other issuers. Non-GAAP and other financial measures are provided as supplementary information by which readers may wish to consider the Company's performance but should not be relied upon for comparative or investment purposes. Readers must not consider non-GAAP and other financial measures in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of the Company's financial results as reported under IFRS. For a reconciliation of each non-GAAP measure to its nearest IFRS measure, please refer to the "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" section of the MD&A.

本新聞稿披露了一些非GAAP財務指標或補充財務指標,其含義根據適用的加拿大證券法規不具有標準化或指定的含義,因此可能無法與其他發行人披露的類似財務指標相比較。非GAAP和其他財務指標是提供給讀者考慮公司業績的補充信息,但不能用於比較或投資目的。讀者不得孤立地或作爲在IFRS下報告的公司財務結果分析的替代品考慮非GAAP和其他財務指標。 有關將每個非GAAP度量與其最近的IFRS度量調節的修正,請參見MDA的「非GAAP和其他財務指標」部分。

This news release also includes reference to certain metrics commonly used in the oil and natural gas industry, but which do not have a standardized or prescribed meanings under the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation (COGE) Handbook or applicable law. Such metrics are similarly provided as supplementary information by which readers may wish to consider the Company's performance but should not be relied upon for comparative or investment purposes.


The following is additional information on non-GAAP and other financial measures and oil and gas metrics used in this news release.


Operating Netback – Operating netback is a non-GAAP financial measure commonly used in the oil and natural gas industry, which the Company believes is a useful measure to assist management and investors to evaluate operating performance at the oil and natural gas lease level. Operating netbacks included in this news release were determined as oil and natural gas revenues less royalties less operating costs. Operating netback may be expressed in absolute dollar terms or a per unit basis. Per unit amounts are determined by dividing the absolute value by gross working interest production. Operating netback after gains or losses on derivative instruments, adjusts the operating netback for only the realized portion of gains and losses on derivative instruments. Operating netback per boe and operating netback, after realized gains (losses) on derivatives per boe are non-GAAP financial ratios.

綜合淨收益 –經營淨回報是石油和天然氣行業中常用的一項非GAAP財務指標,該公司認爲這是一項有用的指標,可以幫助管理層和投資者評估石油和天然氣租賃層面的運營表現。本新聞稿所涉及的經營淨回報是指石油和天然氣收入減去稅收減去營運成本。經營淨回報可以以絕對金額或按單位計算。單位金額是通過將絕對值除以毛工作利益生產,計算出來的。在衍生儀器損益實現後的經營淨回報,只調整了衍生儀器的實現收益和損失的部分的經營淨回報。每桶油當量的經營淨回報、衍生品實現盈虧後的經營淨回報也是一種非GAAP財務比率。

Oil and Gas Reader Advisories


Barrels of Oil Equivalent. The oil and natural gas industry commonly expresses production volumes and reserves on a "barrel of oil equivalent" basis ("boe") whereby natural gas volumes are converted at the ratio of six thousand cubic feet to one barrel of oil. The intention is to sum oil and natural gas measurement units into one basis for improved analysis of results and comparisons with other industry participants. A boe conversion ratio of six thousand cubic feet to one barrel of oil is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip. It does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead nor at the plant gate, which is where Prairie Provident sells its production volumes. Boe's may therefore be a misleading measure, particularly if used in isolation. Given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil as compared to natural gas is significantly different from the energy equivalency ratio of 6:1, utilizing a 6:1 conversion ratio may be misleading as an indication of value.

油當量桶石油和天然氣行業通常以「桶油當量」來表達生產量和儲量,在這種情況下將天然氣體積轉換爲一桶石油相當。其目的是將油和天然氣測量單元彙總成一種基礎 ,從而改進結果分析並與其他行業參與者進行比較。根據基於燒嘴端主要適用的能量等效轉換方法,一個桶石油相當於六千立方英尺的天然氣體積。它不代表井口或工廠門的價值相等方法,Prairie Provident以這種方法銷售其生產量。如果孤立地使用,也可能會產生誤導性。鑑於目前的原油價格與天然氣相比的價值比例明顯不同,6:1的轉換比例可能會在價值指示方面存在誤導性。

Analogous Information. Information in this news release regarding initial production rates from offset wells drilled by other industry participants located in geographical proximity to the Company's lands may constitute "analogous information" within the meaning of National Instrument 51-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (NI 51-101). This information is derived from publicly available information sources (as at the date of this news release) that Prairie Provident believes (but cannot confirm) to be independent in nature. The Company is unable to confirm that the information was prepared by a qualified reserves evaluator or auditor within the meaning of NI 51-101, or in accordance with the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation (COGE) Handbook. Although the Company believes that this information regarding geographically proximate wells helps management understand and define reservoir characteristics of lands in which Prairie Provident has an interest, the data relied upon by the Company may be inaccurate or erroneous, may not in fact be indicative or otherwise analogous to the Company's land holdings, and may not be representative of actual results from wells that may be drilled or completed by the Company in the future.

類似信息本新聞發佈中有關其他行業參與者鑽探的相鄰井的初始產量的信息在公司的陸地持有地區可能構成《石油和天然氣活動的披露標準》(NI 51-101)的「類似信息」。這些信息來源於公開可得的信息來源(截至本新聞發佈日期)Prairie Provident認爲這些信息具有獨立性質(但無法確認)。公司無法證實該信息是否由符合NI 51-101定義的資產儲量評估師或核數師準備,或是否根據《加拿大石油和天然氣評估》(COGE)手冊的規定準備。儘管公司認爲有關地理相鄰井的此類信息有助於管理層了解和定義Prairie Provident持有權益地的油藏特徵,但公司所依賴的數據可能是不準確或錯誤的,可能不實際上反映或與公司今後可能鑽探或完成的井的實際結果類似。

Potential Drilling Opportunities vs Booked Locations. This news release refers to potential drilling opportunities and booked locations. Unless otherwise indicated, references to booked locations in this news release are references to proved drilling locations or probable drilling locations, being locations to which Sproule Associated Limited (Sproule) attributed proved or probable reserves in its most recent year-end evaluation of Prairie Provident's reserves data, effective December 31, 2023. Sproule's year-end evaluation was in accordance with NI 51-101 and, pursuant thereto, the COGE Handbook. References in this news release to potential drilling opportunities are references to locations for which there are no attributed reserves or resources, but which the Company internally estimates can be drilled based on current land holdings, industry practice regarding well density, and internal review of geologic, geophysical, seismic, engineering, production and resource information. There is no certainty that the Company will drill any particular locations, or that drilling activity on any locations will result in additional reserves, resources or production. Locations on which Prairie Provident in fact drills wells will ultimately depend upon the availability of capital, regulatory approvals, seasonal restrictions, commodity prices, costs, actual drilling results, additional reservoir information and other factors. There is a higher level of risk associated with locations that are potential drilling opportunities and not booked locations. Prairie Provident generally has less information about reservoir characteristics associated with locations that are potential drilling opportunities and, accordingly, there is greater uncertainty whether wells will ultimately be drilled in such locations and, if drilled, whether they will result in additional reserves, resources or production.

潛在的鑽井機會與預定位置本新聞發佈涉及潛在的鑽探機會和預定地點。除非另有說明,本新聞發佈中關於預定地點的引用是指Sproule Associated Limited(Sproule)在其最近的年終評估Prairie Provident儲量數據時歸屬於被證明的鑽探地點或可能的鑽探地點的地點,即截至2023年12月31日。Sproule的年終評估符合NI 51-101和COGE Handbook的規定。本新聞發佈中提到的潛在鑽探機會是指沒有歸屬儲量或資源的地點,但公司在當前土地保有量、關於井密度的行業實踐和對地質學、地球物理學、地震學、工程學、生產和資源信息的內部審查基礎上內部預估可以鑽探的地點。公司是否鑽探任何特定地點或者在任何地點進行的鑽井活動是否會導致額外的儲量、資源或生產並不確定。Prairie Provident實際鑽探井的地點將最終取決於資本的可用性、監管批准、季節限制、商品價格、成本、實際鑽探結果、附加儲集層信息和其他因素。潛在的鑽探機會和未預訂地點的風險更高。Prairie Provident通常對與潛在鑽探機會有關的儲集層特徵了解得較少,因此,是否在這些地點鑽井存在更大的不確定性,如果鑽井,是否會導致額外的儲量、資源或生產也存在更大的不確定性。

Type Well Information. Information contained in this news release regarding estimated payout periods and first year production on potential Basal Quartz wells is based on the Company's internally-defined type wells. Type well information reflects Prairie Provident's expectations and experience in relation to wells of the indicated types, including with respect to costs, production and decline rates. There is no assurance that actual well-related results (including payout periods and first year production) will be in accordance with those suggested by the type well information, or that initial production rates will be indicative of long-term well or reservoir performance or of ultimate recovery. Actual results will differ, and the difference may be material.

標準井信息本新聞發佈中關於潛在基底石英岩井的估計收回期和第一年產量的信息是基於公司內部定義的類型井。類型井信息反映了Prairie Provident對所指示類型的井的期望和經驗,包括與成本、產量和遞減率有關的方面。實際的井相關結果(包括收回期和第一年產量)是否與類型井信息所建議的相符或者初始生產率是否能說明長期井或儲集層性能或最終補償有沒有保證的。實際結果將有所不同,這些差異可能很大。

Initial Production Rates. This news release discloses initial production rates for certain wells as indicated. Initial production rates are not necessarily indicative of long-term well or reservoir performance or of ultimate recovery. Actual results will differ from those realized during an initial short-term production period, and the difference may be material.


Payout. Prairie Provident considers payout on a well to be achieved when future net revenue from the well is equal to the capital costs to drill, complete, equip and tie-in the well. Forecasted payout periods disclosed in this news release are based on the following commodity price and CAD/USD exchange rate assumptions: USD $75.00/bbl WTI, CAD $3.00/Mcf AECO, CAD $1.35-to-USD $1.00.

支出Prairie Provident認爲,在從井獲得的未來淨收入等於鑽井、完井、裝備和引入銜接井的資本成本時,可實現井的回收。本新聞發佈中預測的回收期基於以下商品價格和加元/美元匯率的假設:WTI 75.00美元/桶,AECO 3.00加拿大元/Mcf,加元1.35兌換美元1.00。

