
EVE Energy Reveals Advanced Omnicell 6C Fast-Charging Battery That Can Reach 300km Driving Range With Five Minutes Charging

EVE Energy Reveals Advanced Omnicell 6C Fast-Charging Battery That Can Reach 300km Driving Range With Five Minutes Charging

EVE能源發佈了先進的Omnicell 6C快速充電電池,充電五分鐘即可行駛300公里區間。
PR Newswire ·  08/14 18:22

With a refreshed brand vision, EVE Energy will continue to expand commercial applications of its lithium batteries to include smart living, green transportation, energy transformation, and future exploration.

憑藉煥然一新的品牌願景,EVE Energy將繼續擴展其鋰電池的商業應用,包括智能生活、環保交通、能源變革和未來探索。

HUIZHOU, China, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- EVE Energy, a leading global lithium-ion battery company, launched its industry-leading Omnicell 6C fast-charging large cylindrical all-purpose battery specifically designed for high-end passenger cars this June. The innovative battery has four key highlights, namely, fast charging, low temperature, physical, and a sustainable life cycle. It can charge from 10% to 80% power in nine minutes at a normal temperature of 25°C, achieving a driving range of 300 kilometers after charging for five minutes, and in a low temperature environment of -30°C, charging from 10% to 80% takes just 25 minutes.

2024年8月14日,中國惠州/美通社——EVE Energy是全球領先的鋰離子電池公司,其行業領先的6C全能快充大型圓柱電池——Omnicell 6C,專爲高端乘用車而設計,於今年6月推出。這種創新電池具有四大亮點,即快速充電、低溫性能、物理性能和可持續的生命週期。在25°C的常溫下,它可以在9分鐘內從10%充電到80%電量,充電5分鐘後實現300公里的行駛里程,在低溫環境-30°C下,從10%充電到80%只需25分鐘。

EVE Energy's Omnicell
EVE Energy的Omnicell
EVE Energy's eVTOL battery
EVE Energy的eVTOL電池
EVE Energy's solid-state battery
EVE Energy的固態電池

Johnson Feng, product director with the EVE Energy Battery System Research Institute revealed core technical insights regarding the Omnicell battery and the design concept of its product cycle that promotes the wider application of lithium batteries. "The difficulty in reaching 6C, the C being the measure of battery discharge relative to the battery's maximum capacity, is to reduce internal resistance while improving cooling efficiency," Johnson Feng comments. "Speeding up the heat exchange while maintaining a low internal battery resistance ensures the battery runs at an optimal temperature."

EVE Energy電池系統研究院的產品總監馮強就Omnicell電池的核心技術和促進鋰電池更廣泛應用的產品週期設計理念透露了其核心技術的深入見解。馮強表示:「達到6C的難度,C是電池放電與電池最大容量的比較,是降低內阻同時提高散熱效率。」,「在保持低內部電池阻抗的基礎上,加快熱交換以確保電池處於最佳溫度。」

EVE Energy's ongoing process focuses on innovative design and solutions to tackle the technical challenge of reducing the internal resistance of the cell while increasing its heat exchange.

EVE Energy正在進行創新設計和解決方案的持續工作,以應對減少電池內部阻抗的技術挑戰,同時增加其換熱量。

Internal resistance reduction: Technical innovations have been made in electrolyte, separator, and other materials in the battery cell, reducing the internal resistance of the battery cell to 1.4mΩ, which translates to a 20% internal resistance reduction for 10 minutes of fast charging.


Heat exchange acceleration: Omnicell adopts a three-sided heat dissipation design on the top and both sides of each cell to better control the temperature of the battery cell and further solve the high-voltage current plate heating issue of the battery, allowing the entire battery to maintain a suitable temperature with a heat exchange area to reach 52.3 mm2/Wh, increasing the heat exchange efficiency by 270% when fast charging.


Meanwhile, the Omnicell boasts sustainable advantages that significantly reduce carbon footprint with extended battery life.


High residual value: Using NCM materials, Omnicell achieves 10% higher residual value than lithium iron phosphate batteries, and the cylindrical design ensures standardized disassembly and easier recycling. The EVE Energy's cylindrical cell production line uses 100% green electricity in the manufacturing of anode, cathode, and cell, and 50% secondary NCM materials, complying with the latest EU battery laws.

高剩餘價值:Omnicell採用NCm材料,比磷酸鐵鋰電池具有高出10%的剩餘價值,而圓柱形設計確保了標準化拆卸和更容易的回收。EVE Energy圓柱形電池生產線使用100%的綠色電力製造陽極、陰極和電池,50%的二次NCm材料,符合最新的歐盟電池法規。

EVE Energy has also successively launched electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) batteries and accelerated the R&D of solid-state batteries.

EVE Energy還先後推出了電垂直起降(eVTOL)電池,並加快了固態電池的研發。

Electric Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) batteries: EVE Energy's eVTOL battery has an energy density of 320Wh/Kg that can be quickly charged to 80% within 10 minutes, meets 10C high output capacity during the life cycle, and guarantees more than 7,000 cycles, injecting new impetus into the rapidly emerging low-altitude economy.

電垂直起降(eVTOL)電池: EVE Energy的eVTOL電池具有320 Wh/kg的能量密度,可以在10分鐘內快速充電到80%,在壽命週期內可以滿足10C的高輸出容量,保證超過7,000次循環,爲迅速新興的低空經濟注入新動力。

Solid-state batteries: Eve Energy plans to launch high-power, high environmental tolerance, and safe all-solid-state batteries in 2026, and gradually promote 400 Wh/kg all-solid-state batteries by 2028.

固態電池:EVE Energy計劃在2026年推出高功率、高環境耐受性和安全的全固態電池,並逐步推廣400 Wh/kg的全固態電池到2028年。

About EVE Energy

關於EVE Energy:成立於2001年,EVE Energy Co.,Ltd.(股票代碼:300014)於2009年首次在深圳創業板上市。經過23年的快速發展,EVE現在是一家全球性的鋰電池公司,擁有消費類電池、動力電池和能量存儲電池的核心技術和解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

Established in 2001, EVE Energy Co., Ltd. (Stock code: 300014) was first listed on Shenzhen GEM in 2009. After 23 years of rapid development, EVE is now a global lithium battery company that possesses core technologies and solutions for consumer batteries, power batteries and energy storage batteries. For more information, please visit .

EVE Energy Co., Ltd.(股票代碼:300014)成立於2001年,2009年在深圳創業板首次上市。經過23年的快速發展,EVE現在是一家擁有消費電池、動力電池和儲能電池的核心技術和解決方案的全球性鋰電池公司。更多信息請訪問。

SOURCE EVE Energy Co., Ltd.

來自EVE Energy Co., Ltd.的消息來源。

