
利華控股(01346.HK)獲控股股東及行政總裁增持共920萬股 共涉資逾717萬元

Aspial Corp (01346.HK) received a total shareholding of 9.2 million shares from its controlling shareholder and CEO, involving over HKD 7.17 million.

AASTOCKS ·  Aug 14, 2024 17:34

Lever Style Holdings Limited (01346.HK) announced that the controlling shareholder and the company's CEO, TAN William, have separately informed that they have purchased 7 million and 2.2 million shares of the company today (14th), at prices of 5.46 million and 1.716 million yuan respectively.

After the acquisition, Lever Style Holdings Limited holds 0.342 billion shares of Lever Style, accounting for approximately 53.64% of the total issued shares of the company. If the actual ownership of 3.75 million shares of the company's stock is taken into account, held by the executive director and chairman of the board, STUART Tsz Yan, STUART Tsz Yan will be considered to have a combined 0.346 billion shares of leverage style shares, accounting for approximately 54.23% of the total issued shares of the company.

In addition, after the acquisition, TAN William holds 4.554 million shares of Lever Style, accounting for approximately 0.71% of the total issued shares of the company.

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