
Astrana Health and Awell Forge Partnership to Bring CareOps to Value-Based Healthcare

Astrana Health and Awell Forge Partnership to Bring CareOps to Value-Based Healthcare

PR Newswire ·  08/14 17:00

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Awell, the leading CareOps platform, has teamed up with Astrana Health Inc., a leading provider-centric, technology-powered healthcare company which enables providers to deliver accessible, high-quality, and high-value care to all. This collaboration validates the success of Awell's CareOps platform and aims to scale its application across Astrana Health's extensive network, enhancing patient care, provider experience and operational efficiency.

2024年8月14日,洛杉磯/美通社——領先的CareOps平台Awell,已與領先的提供者中心、科技驅動型醫療保健公司Astrana Health Inc.展開合作,使提供者能夠爲所有人提供可訪問、高質量和高價值的醫療保健。這種合作證實了Awell的CareOps平台的成功,並旨在擴展其在Astrana Health廣泛網絡中的應用,提升患者護理、提供者體驗和運營效率。

Thomas Vande Casteele, Co-founder and CEO of Awell, shared his commitment to the project, emphasizing Awell's foundation on value-based care principles. "Care teams and patients are tired of waiting months and years to see improvements. Astrana Health is changing this status quo by leveraging technology in their unique value-based care model. By integrating Awell's CareOps platform into its proprietary technology, Astrana Health gains a unique advantage to design, implement and continuously improve disease management programs that boost provider experience, drive operational excellence and most importantly lead to improved patient outcomes. We are strong believers in Astrana Health's model and anticipate this collaboration will further extend its lead in value-based care," said Vande Casteele.

Awell聯合創始人兼首席執行官托馬斯·範德·卡斯蒂勒(Thomas Vande Casteele)表示,他致力於這個項目,並強調Awell基於價值導向的護理原則的基礎。範德·卡斯蒂勒說:「護理團隊和患者已經厭倦了等待數月乃至數年才看到改進的狀態。Astrana Health通過利用其獨特的價值導向的護理模式來改變這種現狀。通過將Awell的CareOps平台整合到其專有技術中,Astrana Health獲得了設計、實施和不斷改進疾病管理計劃的獨特優勢,這樣可以提高提供者的體驗、推動運營卓越,最重要的是能夠導致改善患者的結果。我們堅信Astrana Health的模式,並期待這種合作將進一步擴大其在價值導向的護理領域的領先地位。」

Brandon Sim, President and CEO of Astrana Health, highlights the collaboration with Awell as a significant step that aligns with Astrana Health's core principles of empowering the entrepreneurial provider with constantly improving technology and clinical tools: "Healthcare is evolving rapidly, and by integrating with Awell's CareOps platform, our teams are enabled to navigate these complexities with agility, innovate swiftly, and maintain our leading position in value-based healthcare. Across a number of initiatives including this one with Awell, we aim to accelerate our ability to effectively deliver care, allowing us to remain at the forefront of healthcare innovation."

Astrana Health總裁兼首席執行官布蘭登·辛姆(Brandon Sim)強調與Awell的合作是一個重要的步驟,符合Astrana Health賦予創業提供者不斷改進技術和臨床工具的核心原則。辛姆說:「醫療保健行業正在迅速發展,通過與Awell的CareOps平台整合,我們的團隊可以以敏捷的方式應對這些複雜性,快速創新,並保持我們在價值導向的醫療保健領域的領先地位。在包括與Awell的這一項在內的諸多倡議中,我們旨在加速我們有效地提供護理的能力,使我們保持醫療創新的前沿。」

About Awell


Awell is the leading CareOps platform that enables clinical and ops teams to design, implement, and improve clinical workflows without IT. With Awell, providers such as Astrana Health, Commons Clinic and Better Health orchestrate over 23 million care activities each year ranging in complexity, from patient onboarding, transitional care management to chronic disease management. Organizations who adopt Awell's CareOps platform build automated processes in days, reduce soul-crushing manual tasks for their teams and improve their care model faster.

Awell是領先的CareOps平台,使臨床和運營團隊能夠在沒有IT的情況下設計、實施和改進臨床工作流程。通過使用Awell,提供者如Astrana Health、Commons Clinic和Better Health每年平均協調超過2300萬次各種複雜度的護理活動,從患者登記、過渡期護理管理到慢性疾病管理。採用Awell的CareOps平台的組織在數天內構建自動化流程,爲其團隊減輕繁瑣的手動任務,並更快地改進其護理模式。



To learn more, visit or contact:
Aaron Larsson
[email protected]

亞倫·拉爾森(Aaron Larsson)
[email protected]

SOURCE Awell Health Inc

源自Awell Health Inc

