
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, And Jack Ma-Backed Breakthrough Energy Ventures Nears $1B Goal For Climate-Focused Fund

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, And Jack Ma-Backed Breakthrough Energy Ventures Nears $1B Goal For Climate-Focused Fund

Benzinga ·  08/14 16:23

Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a climate-focused investment firm supported by Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates,, Inc. founder Jeff Bezos, and Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma, has successfully raised $839 million for its third flagship fund.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures是一家氣候投資公司,得到了微軟聯合創始人比爾·蓋茨、亞馬遜創始人傑夫·貝索斯和阿里巴巴創始人馬雲的支持,成功籌集了83900萬美元用於第三支旗艦基金。

What Happened: The firm, which was established by Gates, is now close to reaching its $1 billion target for its new fund, according to a recent U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The fund will prioritize innovation in climate technology and support startups that focus on reducing emissions.


Gates established Breakthrough Energy Ventures in 2015 with notable investors including Bezos and Ma. The firm currently has over $3.5 billion in committed capital, investing in more than 110 companies.

蓋茨於2015年創立了Breakthrough Energy Ventures,並得到了貝索斯和馬雲等知名投資者的支持。該公司目前已經承諾了超過35億美元的投資,投資超過110家公司。

Some of the startups in its portfolio are E.V. battery maker QuantumScape and electric plane company ZeroAvia.


Earlier this year, the firm co-led a $31.4 million funding round for Reactive Technologies, a company specializing in grid stability measurements. It also participated in financing rounds for companies like the carbon-free hydrogen-focused Koloma and fusion-tech startup Xcimer.

今年早些時候,該公司聯合領導了3140萬美元的融資輪,投資於網格穩定性測量公司Reactive Technologies。它還參與了公司融資輪,如以無碳氫爲重點的Koloma和聚變技術初創企業Xcimer。

"We can confirm that Breakthrough Energy Ventures is working on a new fund, BEVIII," said the firm in a statement to Observer Breakthrough Energy Ventures, but it has not yet disclosed the exact size and timing of the fund. The investment focus will include green solutions in areas such as electricity, transportation, manufacturing, buildings, food, and agriculture.

該公司在Observer Breakthrough Energy Ventures的一份聲明中表示:「我們可以證實,Breakthrough Energy Ventures正在籌備新基金BEVIII,但尚未公佈基金的確切規模和時機。該投資重點將包括電力、交通、製造、建築、食品和農業等領域的綠色解決方案。」

Why It Matters: The recent fundraising by Breakthrough Energy Ventures underscores Gates' ongoing commitment to addressing climate change through innovative investments.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures最近的籌資突顯出蓋茨通過創新投資來繼續致力於應對氣候變化。

In June, Gates pledged to inject billions more into TerraPower's nuclear initiatives, highlighting the critical role of nuclear energy in meeting future electricity demands.


Earlier in February, Breakthrough Energy Ventures invested $107 million in Heart Aerospace, a company developing hybrid-electric airplanes. This investment aligns with the aviation industry's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

今年2月,Breakthrough Energy Ventures投資了10700萬美元用於心臟航空公司,後者正在開發混合動力飛機。這項投資符合航空業實現2050年零排放目標的目標。

However, Gates also defended the increased energy consumption due to artificial intelligence, asserting that AI's benefits would ultimately outweigh its higher electricity usage. He emphasized the importance of not overreacting to the energy demands of new technologies.


Moreover, Gates has been vocal about the need for influential figures like Elon Musk to discuss climate change more actively.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

