
Citius Pharmaceuticals Completes Merger of Subsidiary With TenX Keane to Form Citius Oncology, Inc.

Citius Pharmaceuticals Completes Merger of Subsidiary With TenX Keane to Form Citius Oncology, Inc.

Citius Pharmaceuticals完成子公司與TenX Keane的合併,組建Citius Oncology, Inc。
PR Newswire ·  08/13 04:22

LYMPHIR for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma approved by the FDA


Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. holds approximately 90% of publicly traded Citius Oncology, Inc.

Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.持有約90%的公開交易的Citius Oncology, Inc。

Shares of Citius Oncology, Inc. anticipated to begin trading on Nasdaq under the ticker "CTOR" on August 13, 2024

Citius Oncology, Inc.的股票預計將於2024年8月13日在納斯達克股票交易所上市,股票代號爲ctor。

CRANFORD, N.J., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Citius Pharma" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: CTXR), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products, today announced that it has completed the previously announced merger of its oncology subsidiary with TenX Keane Acquisition ("TenX") (Nasdaq: TENK), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company. The combined company will operate as Citius Oncology, Inc. ("Citius Oncology") and is expected to begin trading on August 13, 2024 on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol CTOR.

2024年8月12日,新澤西州CRANFORD /PRNewswire/ --擬上市公司Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Citius Pharma" 或 "公司") (Nasdaq: CTXR)是一家專注於開發和商業化首個標準重症護理產品的後期生物醫藥公司。今天宣佈,其腫瘤副公司已完成先前宣佈的與TenX Keane Acquisit...合併交易。合併後的公司將以Citius Oncology, Inc.("Citius Oncology")的名字運營,並將於2024年8月13日在納斯達克股票交易所上市,股票代號爲CTOR。

"This transaction is a significant milestone, providing us greater financial and strategic flexibility to advance our late-stage assets. We believe a publicly traded Citius Oncology offers a unique pure play investment opportunity and is better positioned to unlock the value of LYMPHIR, which was approved by the FDA last week. With this transaction, we look forward to launching LYMPHIR, facilitating future growth initiatives, and exploring additional potential oncology assets. It is our intention to distribute of a portion of our shares of Citius Oncology to Citius Pharma shareholders in the future," stated Leonard Mazur, Chairman and CEO of Citius Pharma and Citius Oncology.

"這筆交易是一個重要的里程碑,爲我們提供了更大的財務和戰略靈活性,以推進我們的後期資產。我們認爲公開交易的Citius Oncology提供了一個獨特的純粹的投資機會,並更好地定位於釋放價值LYMPHIR,該產品於上週獲得FDA批准。通過此交易,我們期待推出LYMPHIR,促進未來的增長舉措,並探索其他潛在的腫瘤資產。我們的意圖是將Citius Oncology的部分股份分配給Citius Pharma股東。" Citius Pharma和Citius Oncology的董事長兼首席執行官Leonard Mazur說。

"This transaction also enables Citius Pharma to focus on growing and unlocking the value of other assets in its portfolio, including our novel Mino-Lok antibiotic lock solution which recently achieved primary and secondary endpoints in a Phase 3 Trial and is now another step closer to entering a $1.8 billion market," added Mazur.

"這筆交易還使Citius Pharma能夠集中精力增長並釋放其組合中其他資產的價值,包括我們的新型Mino-Lok抗生素鎖定溶液,該溶液最近在第三階段試驗中達到了主要和次要終點,現在越來越接近一個18億美元的市場,"Mazur補充說。

As it has in the past, Citius Oncology will operate under a shared services agreement with Citius Pharma for the services of several key members of the Citius Pharma team, led by Leonard Mazur, Chief Executive Officer, Jaime Bartushak, Chief Financial Officer and Dr. Myron Czuczman, Chief Medical Officer. Myron Holubiak will serve as Executive Vice Chairman of the Citius Oncology Board of Directors.

與以往一樣,Citius Oncology將根據共享服務協議運營,爲Citius Pharma團隊的一些關鍵成員的服務提供支持,由Leonard Mazur擔任首席執行官,Jaime Bartushak擔任首席財務官和Dr. Myron Czuczman擔任首席醫務官。Myron Holubiak將擔任Citius Oncology董事會的執行副主席。

About the Merger

關於合併 2024年3月5日,Akari和Peak Bio宣佈簽署了同股合併的明確協議。合併後的實體將作爲Akari Therapeutics Plc繼續在納斯達克資本市場上列出和交易,股票代碼爲AKTX,由Hoyoung Huh主席擔任。根據協議條款,Peak股東將獲得一定數量的Akari普通股(以美國存托股份代表)來交換他們擁有的Peak股票,交換比率根據協議中描述的換股比率確定。交換預計將導致在完全稀釋基礎上對合並公司的股權隱含擁有權約爲Akari股東50%和Peak股東約50%,但在某些情況下,包括根據交易擬議的終止時雙方的淨現金水平而進行調整。預計該交易將在今年第三季度完成,須依據常規的關閉條件獲得股東的批准。

Pursuant to the agreement, TenX acquired Citius Pharma's wholly owned subsidiary via a merger, with the newly combined publicly traded company renamed Citius Oncology, Inc. As part of the transaction, all shares of Citius Pharma's wholly owned subsidiary were converted into the right to receive common stock of Citius Oncology. Citius Pharma holds approximately 90% of the newly public company. An additional 12.75 million existing options will be assumed by Citius Oncology.

根據協議,TenX通過合併收購了Citius Pharma的全資子公司,新合併的公開交易公司更名爲Citius Oncology, Inc.作爲交易的一部分,Citius Pharma的全資子公司的所有股份轉換爲Citius Oncology的普通股權。 Citius Pharma佔新公開公司的約90%。其他1275萬股既有期權將被Citius Oncology繼承。

The description of the transaction contained herein is only a summary and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the merger agreement, a copy of which has been filed by Citius Pharma in a Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on October 24, 2023.

本交易說明僅爲概要,其全部資格以合併協議爲準,Citius Pharma已在於2023年10月24日向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-k表格中提交了該協議的副本。



Maxim Group LLC is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Citius Pharma and Newbridge Securities Corporation is acting as exclusive financial advisor to TenX. Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP is acting as legal advisor to Citius Pharma and Citius Oncology. The Crone Law Group P.C. is acting as legal advisor to TenX.

Maxim Group LLC是Citius Pharma的排他性財務顧問,Newbridge Securities Corporation是TenX的排他性財務顧問。 Wyrick Robbins Yates&Ponton LLP是Citius Pharma和Citius Oncology的法律顧問。 Crone Law Group P.C.是TenX的法律顧問。

About Citius Oncology, Inc.

關於Citius Oncology, Inc。

Citius Oncology will serve as a platform to develop and commercialize novel targeted oncology therapies. In August 2024, its primary asset, LYMPHIR, was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adults with relapsed or refractory CTCL who had had at least one prior systemic therapy. Management estimates the initial market for LYMPHIR currently exceeds $400 million, is growing, and is underserved by existing therapies. Robust intellectual property protections that span orphan drug designation, complex technology, trade secrets and pending patents for immuno-oncology use as a combination therapy with checkpoint inhibitors would further support Citius Oncology's competitive positioning. Citius Oncology is a publicly traded subsidiary of Citius Pharmaceuticals. For more information, please visit

Citius Oncology將作爲開發和商業化新型靶向腫瘤治療方法的平台。 2024年8月,其主要資產LYMPHIR獲得FDA批准,用於治療成年復發或難治性CTCL的患者,這些患者至少經歷了一種先前的系統治療。 管理層估計,LYMPHIR的初始市場目前超過4000萬美元,正在增長,現有治療尚不足夠。 強大的知識產權保護涵蓋了孤兒藥物指定,複雜技術、商業機密和待定專利,用於與檢查站抑制劑的免疫腫瘤學用作聯合治療,將進一步支持Citius Oncology的競爭地位。 Citius Oncology是Citius Pharmaceuticals的公開交易子公司。 有關更多信息,請訪問

About LYMPHIR (denileukin diftitox-cxdl)


LYMPHIR is a specially engineered IL-2- diphtheria toxin fusion protein made using recombinant DNA technology. It works by targeting cells that have IL-2 receptors with a toxin derived from diphtheria bacteria. Once inside the cell, this toxin stops the cell from making proteins, which leads to cell death. LYMPHIR has two main effects. It directly kills tumor cells by binding to the IL-2 receptors and internalizing the diphtheria toxin directly into the tumor cells, causing them to die. Additionally, it boosts the body's immune response by reducing the number of regulatory T-cells (Tregs) that suppress the immune system, thereby enhancing the body's ability to fight the tumor. LYMPHIR is unique as the only IL-2 receptor targeted CTCL therapy, offering a novel option to patients cycling through multiple treatments.

LYMPHIR是一種特殊的合成IL-2 / 白喉桿菌毒素融合蛋白,利用重組DNA技術製造。 它通過針對具有IL-2受體的細胞以白喉桿菌爲基礎的毒素來發揮作用。 進入細胞後,該毒素阻止細胞製造蛋白質,導致細胞死亡。 LYMPHIR有兩個主要效果: 它通過與IL-2受體結合並將白喉桿菌毒素內化到腫瘤細胞中,導致腫瘤細胞死亡。 此外,它通過減少抑制免疫系統的調節性T細胞(Tregs)數量,增強體內抗腫瘤能力。 LYMPHIR是唯一的針對IL-2受體的CTCL治療方法,爲那些正在經歷多種治療的患者提供了新的選擇。

In 2011 and 2013, the FDA granted orphan drug designation to LYMPHIR for the treatment of PTCL and CTCL, respectively. In 2021, denileukin diftitox received regulatory approval in Japan for the treatment of CTCL and peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL). Subsequently, in 2021, Citius Pharma acquired an exclusive license with rights to develop and commercialize LYMPHIR in all markets except for Japan and certain parts of Asia. In August 2024, LYMPHIR was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adults with relapsed or refractory CTCL who had had at least one prior systemic therapy.

2011年和2013年,FDA分別授予LYMPHIR治療PTCL和CTCL的孤兒藥物指定。 2021年,Denileukin Diftitox因CTCL和外周T細胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)的治療獲得日本的監管批准。 隨後,Citius Pharma以獨家許可證的形式獲得了在除日本和亞洲某些地區開發和商業化LYMPHIR的權利。 2024年8月,LYMPHIR獲得FDA批准,用於治療成年復發或難治性CTCL的患者,這些患者至少經歷了一種先前的系統治療。

Additional value-creating opportunities in larger markets include potential indications in peripheral T-cell lymphoma or as a combination therapy with CAR-T and PD-1 inhibitors, and in markets outside the U.S. Currently, two investigator-initiated trials are underway to explore LYMPHIR's potential as an immuno-oncology combination therapy.

在更大的市場中,可能會有其他增值機會,包括作爲與CAR-t和PD-1抑制劑的聯合治療或外周T細胞淋巴瘤的潛在適應症,並在美國以外的市場中。 目前,正在進行兩項研究員發起的試驗,以探究LYMPHIR作爲免疫腫瘤學聯合治療的潛力。

Please read Important Safety Information and full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING, for LYMPHIR at .


About Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

關於Citius Pharmaceuticals,Inc。

Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products. In August 2024, the FDA approved LYMPHIR, a targeted immunotherapy for an initial indication in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that is now being developed by Citius Oncology. Citius Pharma's late-stage pipeline also includes Mino-Lok, an antibiotic lock solution to salvage catheters in patients with catheter-related bloodstream infections, and CITI-002 (Halo-Lido), a topical formulation for the relief of hemorrhoids. A Pivotal Phase 3 Trial for Mino-Lok and a Phase 2b trial for Halo-Lido were completed in 2023. Mino-Lok met primary and secondary endpoints of its Phase 3 Trial. Citius is actively engaged with the FDA to outline next steps for both programs. For more information, please visit .

Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.是一家致力於開發和商業化首個標準重症護理產品的生物醫藥公司。 2024年8月,FDA批准了LYMPHIR作爲一種針對CTCL的靶向免疫治療方法的初始適應症,該方法現在由Citius Oncology開發。 Citius Pharma的後期管線還包括Mino-Lok,一種抗生素鎖定溶液,用於挽救具有導管源性血流感染的患者,以及CITI-002 (Halo-Lido),一種緩解痔瘡的局部製劑。 Mino-Lok的關鍵性第三階段試驗和Halo-Lido的第二十億階段試驗已於2023年完成。 Mino-Lok達到了其第三階段試驗的主要和次要終點。 Citius正在積極與FDA合作,爲兩個計劃制定下一步計劃。 有關更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements are made based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events impacting Citius. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "will," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "plan," "should," and "may" and other words and terms of similar meaning or use of future dates. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition and stock price. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated, and that apply to Citius Pharma and Citius Oncology as our majority owned subsidiary, are: the anticipated benefits of the transaction between TenX Keane Acquisition and Citius Pharma to form Citius Oncology may not be realized fully, if at all, or may take longer to realize than expected; Citius Oncology's ability to commercialize LYMPHIR; our need for substantial additional funds; risks relating to the results of research and development activities, including those from our existing and any new pipeline assets; our ability to commercialize any of our other product candidates approved by the FDA; our dependence on third-party suppliers; our ability to procure cGMP commercial-scale supply; the estimated markets for our product candidates and the acceptance thereof by any market; the ability of our product candidates to impact the quality of life of our target patient populations; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; uncertainties relating to preclinical and clinical testing; the early stage of products under development; market and other conditions; risks related to our growth strategy; patent and intellectual property matters; our ability to identify, acquire, close and integrate product candidates and companies successfully and on a timely basis; government regulation; competition; as well as other risks described in our SEC filings. These may be further impacted by any future public health risks or geopolitical events. Accordingly, these forward-looking statements do not constitute guarantees of future performance, and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Risks regarding our business are described in detail in our Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filings which are available on the SEC's website at, including in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2023, filed with the SEC on December 29, 2023, and updated by our subsequent filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

本新聞稿可能包含"前瞻性聲明",根據1933年證券法第27A節和1934年證券交易法第21E節的規定進行。這些聲明是基於我們對影響Citius的未來事件的期望和信念而作出的。您可以通過它們使用"將要"、"預測"、"估計"、"期望"、"計劃"、"應該"和"可能"等詞語以及其他具有類似意義或使用未來日期的詞語和術語來識別這些聲明。前瞻性聲明是根據管理層目前的期望,並面臨着可能對我們的業務、營運結果、財務狀況和股票價格產生負面影響的風險和不確定性。可能導致實際結果與當前預期存在實質性差異,並適用於我們的多數擁有子公司Citius Oncology和Citius Pharma的因素,包括:預計TenX Keane Acquisition與Citius Pharma之間的交易將形成Citius Oncology所帶來的益處可能無法完全實現,如果實現,也可能需要比預期更長的時間;Citius Oncology商業化LYMPHIR的能力;我們需要大量額外資金;與研究和開發活動的結果相關的風險,包括我們現有和任何新流水線資產的風險;我們商業化FDA批准的任何其他產品候選藥物的能力;我們對第三方供應商的依賴性;我們獲得cGMP商業化規模供應的能力;我們產品候選藥物的估計市場及其受到任何市場的接受程度;我們產品候選藥物對我們目標患者人群生活質量的影響能力;我們獲得、執行和維護融資和戰略協議和關係的不確定性;與臨床前和臨床測試相關的不確定性;開發產品處於早期階段的風險;市場和其他條件;與我們增長戰略相關的風險;專利和知識產權問題;我們能否成功識別、收購、關閉和整合產品候選藥物和公司以及及時完成;政府監管;競爭;以及我們在SEC文件中描述的其他風險。這些風險可能對任何未來的公共衛生風險或地緣政治事件產生進一步影響。因此,這些前瞻性聲明不構成未來業績的保證,我們警告您不要過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明。有關我們業務的風險詳見我們的證券交易委員會("SEC")文件,這些文件在SEC的網站www.sec.gov上可用,包括我們於2023年12月29日在SEC提交的截至2023年9月30日的年度報告10-k,以及隨後我們在SEC提交的文件進行的更新。這些前瞻性聲明僅適用於此日期,我們明確聲明沒有任何義務或承諾公開發布任何更新或修訂任何此類前瞻性聲明,以反映任何基於法律依據的期望或任何這種聲明所依據的事件、條件或情況的變化,除非法律要求。

Investor Contact:


Ilanit Allen
[email protected]
[email protected]
908-967-6677 x113

Ilanit Allen
[email protected]
[email protected]
908-967-6677 x113

Media Contact:


Greg Salsburg
[email protected]

Greg Salsburg
[email protected]

SOURCE Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

來源:Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

