
Jerash Holdings (US), Inc. (JRSH) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Jerash Holdings (US), Inc. (JRSH) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Jerash Holdings(美國)公司(JRSH)2025年第一季度業績會交流摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/13 23:10  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Jerash Holdings (US), Inc. (JRSH) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Jerash Holdings(美國)公司(JRSH)2025年第一季度業績會的摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Jerash Holdings reported an increase in revenue for Q1 2025, achieving a record $40.9 million, up 17.8% from the previous year.

  • Gross margin decreased to 11.3% from 16% in the same period last year primarily due to higher raw material import costs and additional manufacturing costs.

  • Net loss was $1.4 million, in contrast with a net income of $495,000 in the same period last year, reflecting increased expenses and operational challenges.

  • Jerash Holdings報告2025年第一季度營業收入增長,創下了4090萬美元的記錄,比去年同期增長了17.8%。

  • 毛利率從去年同期的16%降至11.3%,主要是由於較高的原材料進口成本和額外的製造成本所致。

  • 淨利潤爲140萬美元,與去年同期的淨利潤495000美元形成對比,反映出增加的支出和運營挑戰。

Business Progress:


  • Jerash has diversified its customer base successfully, securing additional trial orders from major global brands and fully booking production through December 2024.

  • A strategic partnership with Busana Apparel Group is yielding trial orders from four global brands.

  • The company is actively addressing supply chain disruptions and is implementing cost reduction projects to improve efficiency.

  • Jerash成功地實現了客戶基礎的多元化,從主要的全球品牌獲得了額外的試訂單並在2024年12月實現了生產的全面預訂。

  • 與Busana Apparel Group的戰略合作正在產生來自四個全球品牌的試訂單。

  • 公司正在積極應對供應鏈瓶頸,並實施減成本項目以提高效率。



  • Diversifying customer base has proven successful, with an increased pace in purchase orders from long-term global clients as well as new major brands.

  • Expanding product mix and entering into strategic partnerships such as the joint venture with Busana Apparel Group.

  • 通過增加長期全球客戶的採購訂單速度和來自新的主要品牌的採購訂單,實現了客戶基礎的多元化。

  • 擴大產品組合並與Busana Apparel Group等開展戰略合作。



  • Continued disruptions due to turmoil in the Red Sea affecting shipping routes, contributing to increased raw material costs and operational delays.

  • Geopolitical situations in surrounding regions pose potential risks; however, contingency plans are in place.

  • 由於紅海地區的動盪影響了航運路線,造成了原材料成本和運營延誤的增加,持續的干擾仍在持續。

  • 周圍地區的地緣政治形勢可能存在潛在風險,但已有應急預案。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


