
Nickel North Signs Letter of Intent on Hawk Ridge Nickel-Copper Project With 1844 Resources Inc.

Nickel North Signs Letter of Intent on Hawk Ridge Nickel-Copper Project With 1844 Resources Inc.

Nickel North與1844 Resources Inc.就鷹嶺鎳銅礦項目簽署了意向書。
newsfile ·  08/13 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 13, 2024) - Nickel North Exploration Corp. (TSXV: NNX) ("Nickel North" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has entered into a Letter of Intent to option 100% of the Hawk Ridge Ni-Cu-PGM project based on milestones, commitments, with 1844 Resources Inc ("1844" or "EFF"). This new LOI replaces all previous agreement originally announced Mar 6, 2023.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024 年 8 月 13 日)——尼克爾北部勘探公司(TSXV: NNX)(「尼克爾北部」或「公司」)很高興地宣佈,已進入一項意向書,以里程碑、承諾爲基礎,向 1844 Resource Inc(「1844」 或「EFF」)期權佔據鷹嶺Ni-Cu-PGm項目的 100%。該項新意向書替換了 2023 年 3 月 6 日最初宣佈的所有先前協議。

Based on LOI signed August 7, 2024, 1844 will pay combined payments over 5 years of cash payment $1,512,000, 21,000,000 shares issued, $6,000,000 in exploration expenditure outlined per table below. The remaining 20% can be acquired by 1844 as sole and exclusive optionee in exchange for a one-time payment of CAD$2,000,000.

根據 2024 年 8 月 7 日簽署的意向書,1844 將在 5 年內支付合計現金支付 151.2 萬加元、發行 2100 萬股股票、按下表規定的開支 600 萬加元。剩餘的 20% 可以由 1844 作爲唯一和獨家期權人獲得,換取一次性支付 200 萬加元。

If the remaining 20% right is exercised, NNX shall retain a 2% Net Smelter Returns Royalty, of which 50% may be retired by 1844 at any time in exchange for a one-time payment of CAD$1,000,000.

如果行使剩餘 20% 的權利,NNX 應保留 2% 的礦山回報權利,其中 50% 可以在任何時候以一次性支付 100 萬加元的方式退出。

Tony Guo, CEO of Nickel North, states, "This is a transformative transaction for Nickel North as we pivot to high potential projects globally with our committed long-term institutional investors and insiders. With a combined value of over $9 million in cash, expenditures, and 21 million shares of 1844 which despite a challenging venture capital market, we are glad to see 1844 our joint venture partner returning and fully committed to our Hawk Ridge project. It's a testament to its merits and sizable copper-nickel resource in North America with existing resource and exploration potential considering its worldclass neighbors like Raglan and Voisey's Bay Nickel Mines."

尼克爾北部的首席執行官Tony Guo表示:「隨着我們承諾的長期機構投資者和內部人員全球高潛力項目的轉型,這是尼克爾北方的一筆具有變革性的交易。儘管目前創業公司市場面臨嚴峻挑戰,但我們很高興看到1844公司,我們的合資夥伴,與我們的鷹嶺項目保持全面承諾。這證明了它在北美的銅鎳資源價值和勘探潛力,考慮到它的像Raglan 和Voisey's Bay鎳礦這樣的世界級鄰居,是非常有價值的。」

The current Options agreement consists of two options at discretion of 1844 are summarized below.

當前的期權協議包括 1844 自行決定的兩個期權,總結如下。

Event Cash Payment Share Issuance Exploration Expenditures Interest Earned (cumulative)*
Option Signing $12,000 - - -
TSX-V Approval $200,000 5,000,000 - 10%
1st Anniversary $250,000 3,000,000 $500,000 20%
2nd Anniversary $250,000 3,000,000 $1,000,000 30%
3rd Anniversary $250,000 3,000,000 $1,500,000 40%
4th Anniversary $250,000 3,000,000 $1,500,000 60%
5th Anniversary $300,000 4,000,000 $1,500,000 80%
Total $1,512,000 21,000,000 $6,000,000 80%
2024年6月4日發佈的新聞稿。 現金支付 股份發行 勘探支出 累計獲得的利息*
期權簽署 12,000美元 - - -
TSX-V批准 $200,000 5,000,000 - 10%
1週年紀念日 $250,000 3,000,000 500,000美元 20%
2週年紀念日 $250,000 3,000,000 1,000,000美元 30%
3週年紀念日 $250,000 3,000,000 150萬新元 40%
4週年紀念日 $250,000 3,000,000 150萬新元 60%
5週年紀念日 $300,000 4,000,000 150萬新元 80%
總費用 151.2萬加元 2100萬 $6,000,000 80%

*If 1844 does not complete the full option, the interest in the property will be forfeited in exchange for common shares of NNX at a monetary value to be determined in the final agreement divided by the 30-day VWAP of NNX from all exchanges.

*如果 1844 沒有完成全部期權,則該資產的權益將以 NNX 所有交易所的每股平均加權價值爲基礎,在最終協議中確定的貨幣價值的普通股換取。

Definitive Agreement


1844 and NNX commit to completing definitive agreements covering the Option within 45 days of the execution of this Letter of Intent.
The target closing date of the definitive option agreements shall be September 30, 2024, with a mutually agreed 30-day extension, should it be required.

1844 和 NNX 承諾在簽署本意向書後 45 日內完成有關期權的明確協議。
最終期權協議的目標截止日期應爲 2024 年 9 月 30 日,如有必要,可在雙方同意的 30 天延期期限內完成。

Exclusivity Period


NNX agrees to grant exclusivity over negotiations and potential transactions involving the Hawk Ridge Property for a period of 90 days from the signing of this letter of intent.

NNX同意在簽署本意向書後的 90 天內獨家談判和涉及鷹嶺財產的潛在交易。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Tony Guo, P. Geo., Nickel North Exploration Corp's President and CEO, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息由尼克爾北部勘探公司的總裁兼首席執行官Tony Guo,P. Geo. 審查並獲得了批准,他是根據 《43-101號國家法規》定義的合格人士。

About Nickel North Exploration

關於Nickel North Exploratio

Nickel North Exploration is a Canada-based exploration company focused on defining a Cu-Ni-Co-PGE mineral resource at its Hawk Ridge Project in Northern Quebec. The board of directors, advisor committee and management team are experienced, successful mine finders. The property consists of a 50 km long belt of strong magmatic Cu-Ni-Co-PGE occurrences covering 179.67 km2. Quebec is a mining-friendly jurisdiction. Nickel North Exploration is a conscientious corporate citizen maintains good relations with local Inuit communities and is committed to sustainable development. For more information on the company, please visit or follow Company on Twitter at .

Nickel North Exploration是一家總部位於加拿大的勘探公司,專注於在魁北克北部的Hawk Ridge項目中定義銅-鎳-鈷-鉑族元素礦產資源。董事會、顧問委員會和管理團隊是經驗豐富、成功尋找礦藏的人。該物業由50公里長的強大岩漿銅鎳鈷鉑族元素產出帶覆蓋的179.67平方公里組成。魁北克是一個礦業友好的司法管轄區。Nickel North Exploration是一傢俱有責任感的企業公民,與當地因紐特社區保持良好關係,並致力於可持續發展。有關公司的更多信息,請訪問或在Twitter上關注企業。

Nickel North Exploration Corp. has been identified as a key player in the Critical and Strategic Minerals value chain by Quebec's Ministry of Economics and Innovation (MEI) in 2021 (Quebec Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Minerals 2020-2025 (, which is part of Quebec's Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Metals (QPDCSM) and aims to stimulate the exploration and mining of SCMs, their transformation and recycling.

根據2020-2025年魁北克關鍵和戰略性礦物計劃(,Nickel North Exploration Corp.已被魁北克經濟和創新部(MEI)確認爲關鍵和戰略性礦物價值鏈中的關鍵參與者,該計劃是魁北克關鍵和戰略金屬開發計劃(QPDCSM)的一部分,旨在促進SCM的勘探和開採、轉化和回收。

Per: "Tony Guo"
Tony Guo

按:"Tony Guo"
Tony Guo

Nickel North Exploration Inc.
Tony Guo. P. Geo, Chief Executive Officer (Tel: +1-778-877-5480)

Nickel North Exploration Inc.
Tony Guo. P. Geo,首席執行官(電話: +1-778-877-5480)

North America IR / PR Jemini Capital
Kevin Shum
Tel: +1 (647) 725-3888 ext 702

北美IR / PR Jemini Capital
Kevin Shum
電話:+1 (647) 725-3888分機702

For further information please visit .

要獲取更多信息,請訪問 .

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