
Spotlight On Pekat With Rising Orderbook

Spotlight On Pekat With Rising Orderbook

Business Today ·  08/13 12:30

Pekat Group Berhad has clinched a significant RM21.8 million contract for earthing and lightning protection systems at a hyperscale data centre project led by Gamuda Engineering. This project, located at the Elmina Business Park, is expected to be completed by September 2025. Pekat's order book now stands robust at RM207 million, predominantly from rooftop solar projects, and is anticipated to expand to RM320 million by the fourth quarter of 2024 with additional Corporate Green Power Programme (CGPP) EPCC jobs.

Pekat Group Berhad已經贏得了一份價值2180萬令吉的合同,爲Gamuda Engineering主導的超大規模數據中心項目提供接地和雷電防護系統。該項目位於Elmina Business Park,預計將於2025年9月完成。Pekat的訂單簿現在已經從屋頂太陽能項目中主要爲主,高達20700萬令吉,並有望通過額外的企業綠色電力計劃(CGPP) EPCC工作到2024年第四季度擴大到32000萬令吉。

Analysts maintain a BUY call for Pekat with an unchanged target price of RM1.32 per share. This recommendation is underpinned by the company's consistent performance and favourable industry conditions, including supportive policies like the CGPP and the National Energy Transition Roadmap. Pekat's latest win reflects its strategic focus on fast-paced projects, aligning with the increasing demand for industrial data centres.

分析師維持對Pekat的買入看漲,目標價爲每股1.32令吉。這一建議得到了公司一貫的良好業績和有利的行業條件的支持,包括CGPP和國家能源轉型路線圖等支持政策。 Pekat最新的獲勝反映了其對快節奏項目的戰略關注,並與對工業數據中心的不斷增長的需求保持一致。

With the company expected to release its second-quarter results on August 21, 2024, forecasts indicate performance in line with the FY24 expectations of RM8 million to RM9 million for the first half of the fiscal year, driven by its commercial, industrial, and residential rooftop solar segments. Furthermore, the company's positive outlook is bolstered by its proposed acquisition of 60% of Apex Power, enhancing its business scope into power distribution equipment and potentially opening new international markets.

預計公司將於2024年8月21日公佈第二季度業績,預測表明其財年上半年的業績將達到800萬令吉至900萬令吉,帶動其商業、工業和住宅屋頂太陽能部門的業績。 此外,該公司提出收購Apex Power 60%的計劃,加強其進入電力分配設備行業的業務範圍,可能開拓新的國際市場。

Pekat's share price is currently at RM0.965, with an anticipated return of +36.8%, based on the analysts' projections. The company's strategic initiatives and robust project pipeline contribute to its optimistic future performance.

Pekat的股價目前爲0.965令吉,根據分析師的預測,有望獲得+36.8%的回報。 該公司的戰略舉措和強大的項目管道有助於其未來的樂觀表現。

