
Crown Point Announces Acquisition to Increase Interest in Exploitation Concessions in Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina

Crown Point Announces Acquisition to Increase Interest in Exploitation Concessions in Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina

Crown Point宣佈收購以增加對阿根廷火地島開發特許權的利益
GlobeNewswire ·  08/13 10:10

CALGARY, Alberta, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Crown Point Energy Inc. (TSX-V:CWV) ("Crown Point" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Crown Point Energia S.A., has entered into a sale and purchase agreement (the "Agreement") with an arm's length party (the "Seller") to acquire the Seller's 16.9972% non-operating participating interest (the "Acquired Assets") in the Rio Cullen, Las Violetas and La Angostura hydrocarbon exploitation concessions (the "TDF Concessions") located in the Tierra del Fuego region of the Austral basin in southern Argentina (the "Acquisition"). Crown Point currently holds a 34.7349% non-operating participating interest in the TDF Concessions.

加拿大阿爾伯塔省,2024年8月12日(環球新聞網)——Crown Point Energy Inc.(TSX-V:CWV)(以下簡稱「Crown Point」或「公司」)很高興地宣佈,其全資子公司Crown Point Energia S.A.已與一家獨立方(「賣方」)簽署了一份購買協議(「協議」)以購買賣方在阿根廷南部火地島(「地火地帶」)南部Austral盆地的Rio Cullen 、Las Violetas和La Anqostura碳氫化合物開採特許權的16.9972%非營運參與權(收購資產)。 Crown Point目前在TDF特許權中持有34.7349%的非運營參與權。

The three TDF Concessions, comprising a total of 489,000 gross acres, are entirely located within Argentine territory on the southern extension of the Austral basin on the island of Tierra del Fuego. The assets are gas weighted and include Company owned infrastructure to gather, process and transport gas production to mainland and island markets. Additional details regarding the TDF Concessions are contained in Crown Point's continuous disclosure documents, including its most recently filed annual information form and Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information, which can be accessed on the SEDAR+ website () and on Crown Point's website ().

TDF特許權包括總面積達489,000英畝的三個特許權,完全位於阿根廷領土內,位於火地島阿烏斯特拉爾盆地南部的延伸部分。資產以天然氣爲重心,幷包括公司擁有的基礎設施,以收集、加工和將天然氣生產運送到大陸和島市場。 關於TDF特許權的其他詳細信息包含在Crown Point的持續披露文件中,包括其最近提交的年度信息表和儲備數據和其他油氣信息,可以在SEDAR+網站( )和Crown Point的網站( )上獲得。

Acquisition Highlights


This Acquisition will consolidate Crown Point's position in the TDF Concessions. The following table sets out the production volumes, sales volumes, reserves and land holdings for the Seller and Crown Point in respect of the TDF Concessions, on a stand-alone basis and on a pro forma basis:

此收購將鞏固Crown Point在TDF特許權中的位置。以下表格列出了賣家和Crown Point在TDF特許權方面的產量、銷售量、儲量和土地持有情況,以獨立基礎和調整基礎呈現:

TDF Concessions Seller Crown Point Pro Forma
Participating Interest 16.9972% 34.7349% 51.7321%
Production (Q2 2024(1)) (boe/d) 353 721 1,074
Sales (Q2 2024(2)) (boe/d) 398 813 1,211
Reserves(3) (Mboe)
Total Proved 316(4) 646(5) 962
Proved Plus Probable 900(4) 1,840(5) 2,740
Net acres 83,116 169,854 252,970
TDF特許權 賣方 Crown Point 以日期爲2024年5月13日,公司向公開認購權證和私人權證的持有人(但不包括PIPE權證的持有人)提供了以每份認購權證1.10美元的暫時減少行使價格的要約行使選擇機會。每個認購權證可以行使購買一份我們的普通股。
參與權 16.9972% 34.7349% 51.7321%
產量(2024年第二季度(1))(boe / d) 353 721 1,074
銷售量(2024年第二季度(2))(boe / d) 398 813 1,211
總探明儲量 316(4) 646(5) 962
已證明加概率 900(4) 1,840(5) 2,740
淨面積 83,116 169,854 252,970



(1) Average daily production volumes are for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, weighted approximately 32% to crude oil and natural gas liquids and approximately 68% to natural gas.
(2) Average daily sales volumes are for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.
(3) Reserves are "gross reserves", being working interest share of reserves before the deduction of royalties owned by others and without including royalty interests.
(4) The reserves volume estimates for the Seller are based on the Company's internal evaluation as at December 31, 2023 and were prepared by a qualified reserves evaluator who is a member of management of Crown Point in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook. Given that the Seller's participating interest in the TDF Concessions is approximately half the size of Crown Point's participating interest in the TDF Concessions, the reserves volumes attributable to the Acquired Assets were considered to be approximately half the size of Crown Point's reserves volumes attributable to the TDF Concessions as at December 31, 2023.
(5) Crown Point's reserves volumes were evaluated by Sproule Associates Limited as at December 31, 2023 in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook.

(4)賣家的儲量的估計是基於公司於2023年12月31日的內部評估,並由Crown Point的管理層成員兼資格儲量評估師根據51-101國家法規和加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊編制而成。鑑於賣方在TDF特許權中的參與份額約爲Crown Point在TDF特許權中的參與份額的一半,因此認爲收購資產的儲量約爲Crown Point在2013年12月31日時歸屬於TDF特許權的儲量的一半。
(5)Crown Point的儲量由Sproule Associates有限公司在2013年12月31日時根據51-101國家法規和加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊進行了評估。

Purchase Price and Financing


The purchase price payable by Crown Point to the Seller is US$700,000 cash (US$293,000 of which has been paid as a deposit), subject to customary closing adjustments, including for crude oil and natural gas inventories attributable to the Acquired Assets on the effective date of the Acquisition, which is July 1, 2024. Crown Point anticipates funding the purchase price using its existing cash resources, operating cash flows, and new debt financing.

Crown Point支付給賣方的購買價款爲70萬美元現金(其中已支付29.3萬美元作爲存款),視具有約定的常規收盤條件而定,包括所購資產在2024年7月1日生效日的原油和天然氣庫存,Crown Point預計將使用其現有的現金資源、經營現金流和新債務融資來籌集購買價格。

Closing Conditions


Completion of the Acquisition is subject to, among other things, the receipt of all necessary regulatory, stock exchange and Provincial approvals, the waiver or expiration of applicable rights of first refusal ("ROFR"), and other customary closing conditions. Crown Point's partners in the TDF Concessions have ROFRs in connection with the Acquisition. If one or more of such partners exercises its ROFR, the Company will acquire the portion of the Acquired Assets in respect of which the ROFR has not been exercised, and the purchase price shall be adjusted accordingly. Closing is currently expected to occur in the third quarter of 2024.


About Crown Point

關於Crown Point

Crown Point is an international oil and gas exploration and development company incorporated in Alberta, Canada, trading on the TSX Venture Exchange and operating in Argentina. Crown Point's exploration and development activities are focused in three producing basins in Argentina, the Austral basin in the province of Tierra del Fuego, and the Neuquén and Cuyano basins in the province of Mendoza. Crown Point has a strategy that focuses on establishing a portfolio of producing properties, plus production enhancement and exploration opportunities to provide a basis for future growth.

Crown Point是一家國際石油和天然氣勘探開發公司,成立於加拿大阿爾伯塔省,在TSX Venture Exchange上交易,在阿根廷開展業務。Crown Point的勘探和開發活動集中在阿根廷的三個生產盆地,分別爲火地島省的奧斯特羅盆地,門多薩省的內烏肯盆地和庫彥盆地。Crown Point制定的策略是建立生產性物業的組合,加強產量,並提供探索機會,爲未來增長打下基礎。



Forward-Looking Statements
Certain information regarding Crown Point set forth in this document, including all details regarding the proposed Acquisition, the benefits that we anticipate deriving from the Acquisition, the anticipated timing for closing the Acquisition, our beliefs regarding how we will fund the purchase price for the Acquisition and our ability to fund the purchase price for the Acquisition, including our ability to obtain the requisite debt financing, may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Crown Point, including expectations and assumptions concerning: prevailing commodity prices and exchange rates; applicable royalty rates and tax laws; future well production rates and reserve volumes; the timing of receipt of regulatory approvals; the performance of existing wells; the success obtained in drilling new wells; the sufficiency of budgeted capital expenditures in carrying out planned activities; and the availability and cost of labour and services. Although Crown Point believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because Crown Point can give no assurances that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking information addresses future events and conditions, by its very nature it involves inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These risks include, without limitation: risks associated with oil and gas exploration, development, exploitation, production, marketing and transportation, loss of markets, volatility of commodity prices, environmental risks, inability to obtain drilling rigs or other services, capital expenditure costs, including drilling, completion and facility costs, unexpected decline rates in wells, wells not performing as expected, delays resulting from labour unrest, delays resulting from our inability to obtain required regulatory approvals and ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, the impact of general economic conditions in Canada, Argentina, the United States and overseas, industry conditions, changes in laws and regulations (including the adoption of new environmental laws and regulations) and changes in how they are interpreted and enforced, increased competition, the lack of availability of qualified personnel or management, fluctuations in foreign exchange, interest rates and inflation rates, and stock market volatility and market valuations of companies with respect to announced transactions and the final valuations thereof. There are also risks inherent in the nature of the proposed Acquisition, including failure to realize anticipated opportunities and benefits; risks regarding the integration of the Acquired Assets into Crown Point; incorrect assessment by Crown Point of the value of the Acquired Assets; failure to obtain the required regulatory and other third party approvals; failure to obtain the debt and/or other financing required to fund the purchase price for the Acquisition; the possibility that one or more of Crown Point's partners exercise its ROFR; and the possibility that the Agreement will be amended or terminated. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive.

本文件中所載有關Crown Point的某些信息,包括所有關於提議收購、我們預計從收購中獲得的利益、收購的預計時間、我們將如何籌集購買價格以及我們能夠籌集購買價格的信念,包括我們能否獲得必要的債務融資,均可能構成適用證券法下的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性信息基於Crown Point作出的某些關鍵期望和假設,包括對:主流商品價格和匯率的期望和假設;適用的稅率和稅法;未來的井產出率和儲量;收到監管批准的時間;現有井的表現;在鑽新井中獲得的成功;預算資本支出足以執行計劃活動;以及勞動力和服務的可用性和成本的期望和假設。儘管Crown Point認爲其構成前瞻性信息的期望和假設是合理的,但不應過度依賴前瞻性信息,因爲Crown Point不能保證其會被證明是正確的。由於前瞻性信息涉及未來的事件和情況,因此本質上涉及固有的風險和不確定性。由於多種因素和風險,實際結果可能與目前預期的結果有很大不同。這些風險包括但不限於:與石油和天然氣勘探、開發、開採、生產、營銷和運輸有關的風險,市場流失風險,商品價格波動風險,環境風險,無法獲得鑽探設備或其他服務,包括鑽井、完井和設施成本,井的意外下降率,井的表現與預期不符,因勞工不滿引起的延遲,由於我們無法獲得所需的監管批准而導致的延遲,以及能否從內部和外部渠道獲得充足的資本,加拿大、阿根廷、美國和海外的經濟狀況,行業狀況,法律法規的變化(包括新環保法律法規的採用)以及對這些法律法規的解釋和執行的變化,增加的競爭,缺乏合格的人員或管理人員,外匯、利率和通脹率的波動,股市波動和宣佈交易的公司的市場估值以及最終估值。所提議的收購也存在固有的風險,包括未能實現預期的機會和利益;Crown Point對所收購資產的價值評估不正確;未獲得所需的監管機構和其他第三方的批准;未獲得用於籌集收購價格的債務和/或其他融資;Crown Point的一名或多名合作伙伴行使其ROFR的可能性;以及可能修訂或終止協議。本文有關收購及其預計時間的前瞻性信息,均通過Crown Point依賴於其認爲合理的某些假設提供。這些日期可能因多種原因而發生變化,包括無法按照所假定的時間獲得必要的監管、證券交易所或其他批准,Crown Point的一名或多名合作伙伴行使其ROFR的時間或需要更長的時間滿足完成收購的條件。此外,沒有保證收購將按披露的條件或任何條件完成。因此,讀者不應根據本新聞稿中所含有關收購的前瞻性信息而進行過度依賴。

This press release also contains forward-looking information concerning the anticipated completion of the Acquisition and the anticipated timing thereof. Crown Point has provided this information in reliance on certain assumptions that it believes are reasonable, including assumptions as to the timing of receipt of the necessary regulatory, stock exchange and other approvals and the satisfaction of and time necessary to satisfy the conditions to the closing of the Acquisition. These dates may change for a number of reasons, including the inability to secure necessary regulatory, stock exchange or other approvals in the time assumed, the exercise by one or more of Crown Point's partners of its ROFR, or the need for additional time to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Acquisition. In addition, there are no assurances the Acquisition will be completed on the terms disclosed herein or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking information contained in this press release concerning the Acquisition.

本新聞稿還包含關於已完成並將於預計時間完成的收購的前瞻性信息。Crown Point認爲這些信息是基於其認爲合理的某些假設提供的,包括在假定的時間內獲得必要的監管、證券交易所和其他批准以及滿足和完成收購的條件所需的時間。由於多種原因,這些日期可能會發生變化,包括無法在假定的時間內獲得必要的監管、證券交易所或其他批准,Crown Point的一名或多名合作伙伴行使其ROFR,或需要更多的時間來滿足完成收購的條件。此外,不能保證收購將按照此處披露的條件完成或完全完成。因此,讀者不應過度依賴本新聞稿中所含有關收購及其預計完成時間的前瞻性信息。

Crown Point's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits that the Company will derive therefrom. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect Crown Point's operations and financial results are included in reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the SEDAR+ website () or Crown Point's website (). The forward-looking statements contained in this document are made as at the date of this news release and Crown Point does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

Crown Point實際的結果、表現或成就可能會與這些前瞻性陳述表述的不同,因此不能保證任何前瞻性陳述所預計的事件將發生,或者如果發生,公司將從中獲得什麼收益。關於這些和其他可能影響Crown Point運營和財務結果的因素的詳細信息已經在加拿大證券監管當局的文件中包含,並可以通過SEDAR+網站()或Crown Point的網站()訪問。本文件包含的前瞻性陳述日期爲本新聞發佈日期,Crown Point不承擔更新或修改所包含的前瞻性陳述的任何公開責任,包括因新信息、未來事件或其他原因而產生的後續變化,除非適用證券法另有規定。

Reserves Disclosure
"Proved reserves" are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves. "Probable reserves" are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated proved plus probable reserves.


"boe/d" means barrels of oil equivalent per day. "Mboe" means thousand barrels of oil equivalent. Barrels of oil equivalent (boes) may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) to 1 barrel is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. In addition, given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil in Argentina as compared to the current price of natural gas in Argentina is significantly different from the energy equivalency of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1 basis may be misleading as an indication of value.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


CONTACT: Gabriel Obrador
President & CEO
Ph: (403) 232-1150
Crown Point Energy Inc.

Marisa Tormakh
Vice-President, Finance & CFO
Ph: (403) 232-1150
Crown Point Energy Inc.
聯繫人:Gabriel Obrador
Crown Point Energy Inc.

Marisa Tormakh
Crown Point Energy Inc.

