
PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - Dec. 17

PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - Dec. 17

路透社 ·  2019/12/17 14:46

Dec 17 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Wall Street Journal. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.
   - Inc is blocking its third-party sellers from using FedEx Corp's ground delivery network for Prime shipments, citing a decline in performance heading into the final stretch of the holiday shopping season.  
   - Intel Corp is expanding its push into the artificial-intelligence market with an approximately $2 billion deal for Habana Labs Ltd, an Israel-based AI chip-making startup.  
   - Cisco Systems Inc has won a legal battle against counterfeit versions of key networking equipment, securing an injunction that requires big online marketplaces, including Inc and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd  to halt the sale of some knockoffs.  
   - Purdue Pharma LP generated more than $10 billion since 2008 for the Sackler family members who own the company, according to a report that will influence the debate among state and local governments over how much of that money should be returned.

(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)

路透12月17日電-以下是《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)的頭條新聞。路透社尚未核實這些報道,也不保證它們的準確性。-亞馬遜阻止其第三方賣家使用聯邦快遞的地面遞送網絡進行優質發貨,理由是進入假日購物季的最後階段業績下降。-英特爾正在擴大其進軍人工智能市場的力度,斥資約20億美元收購以色列人工智能芯片製造初創公司哈瓦那實驗室有限公司(Habana Labs Ltd.)。-思科公司贏得了一場針對關鍵網絡設備假冒版本的法律戰,獲得了一項禁令,要求包括亞馬遜和阿里巴巴在內的大型在線市場停止銷售一些仿冒品。-普渡製藥有限公司(Purdue Pharma LP)的一份報告顯示,自2008年以來,普渡製藥有限公司為擁有該公司的薩克勒家族成員創造了超過100億美元的收入,這份報告將影響州和地方政府之間關於應該返還多少資金的辯論。(由班加盧市新聞編輯部彙編)(

