


RIMAG GROUP(2522.HK):中國領先的醫療影像服務供應商
招银国际 ·  08/12

Rimag leads in the third-party medical imaging services market in China. According to Frost & Sullivan (F&S), the Company was the largest medical group specialized in medical imaging in China in 2023 in terms of medical imaging centers, equipment units, registrations by practicing radiologists who registered the Company as their primary workplace, average daily screening volume, and patient fees.

Rimag是中國第三方醫療成像服務市場的領導者。根據Frost & Sullivan (F&S)的數據,該公司在2023年以醫學成像中心、設備數量、註冊公司爲其主要工作場所的放射科醫師、平均每日篩查量和患者費用等方面,成爲中國最大的醫學成像專業醫療機構。

Significant unmet demand for quality medical imaging services in China. With a large population, China has a rapidly expanding market for medical imaging services. According to F&S, China's medical imaging service market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.6% from RMB270.9bn in 2023 to RMB661.5bn in 2030E. However, the uneven distribution of medical imaging services has resulted in heavy patient flow pressure at large public hospitals, and insufficient imaging capabilities in the primary healthcare system. Third- party medical centers can alleviate long waiting time and address the unmet demand for quality medical imaging services. Nevertheless, the third-party medical centers in China are still at an early stage, with only 163 effective licenses for third-party medical imaging centers as of 6 May 2024, indicating strong growth potential. China's third-party medical imaging center market is expected to reach RMB18.6bn in 2030E, with a CAGR of 30.7% from 2023 to 2030E, according to F&S. Rimag currently owns 31 licenses, placing it in a leading position.


Comprehensive medical imaging platform providing end-to-end imaging services. Rimag offers a full suite of medical imaging services and solutions to patients and medical institutions. It is also the only service provider that encompasses the entire development process of medical imaging centers, according to F&S. Rimag provides imaging center services through four types of imaging centers, including its own flagship imaging centers and those established in collaboration with hospitals such as regional collaborative, specialized medical consortium and operational management imaging centers. Through these imaging centers, Rimag integrated imaging resources and enabled lower-level hospitals to acquire professional imaging capabilities at a lower cost. This business model aligns well with the needs of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment. Rimag provides imaging solution services and the Rimag Cloud platform to medical institutions to improve their operation efficiency. With the expansion of medical imaging center network and increasing number of imaging solutions services projects, Rimag's revenue increased at a CAGR of 25.3% from RMB592.0mn in 2021 to RMB928.9mn in 2023. In terms of revenue generated from imaging center services, Rimag ranked second among all third-party medical imaging center operators in China in 2023.

Rimag是一個提供端到端成像服務的綜合醫療成像平台。Rimag向患者和醫療機構提供完整的醫療成像服務和解決方案。根據F&S的數據,它也是唯一一家涵蓋醫學成像中心整個開發過程的服務提供商。Rimag通過四種類型的成像中心提供成像中心服務,包括其自己的旗艦成像中心,以及與醫院合作建立的區域協作、專業醫療聯盟和運營管理成像中心。通過這些成像中心,Rimag整合了成像資源,降低了中低級醫院獲得專業成像能力的成本。這一商業模式與分級診療的需求相吻合。Rimag向醫療機構提供成像解決方案和Rimag Cloud平台,以提高其運營效率。隨着成像中心網絡的擴張和成像解決方案項目的增加,Rimag的營業收入從2021年的5.92億元人民幣增長到2023年的9.29億元人民幣,複合年增長率爲25.3%。在成像中心服務的營收排名中,Rimag在2023年中國第三方醫療成像中心操作商中排名第二。

Initiate at BUY with TP of HK$21.41. We expect Rimag's revenue to grow at a CAGR of 23.3% from 2023 to 2026E. We derived our target price of HK$21.41 based on a 9-year DCF model (WACC: 10.6%, terminal growth rate: 2.5%).

我們認爲,Rimag的營業收入將以23.3%的複合年增長率從2023年增長到2026年。我們通過9年DCF模型 (WACC:10.6%,終端增長率:2.5%)推導出其目標價爲21.41港幣,建議股票買入。

