
New Research Reveals Major Disparities in Access to Living Wages in U.S. Workforce

New Research Reveals Major Disparities in Access to Living Wages in U.S. Workforce

GlobeNewswire ·  08/12 20:00

Inaugural Dayforce Living Wage Index published in partnership with the Living Wage Institute

Dayforce與Living Wage Institute合作發佈了首屆Dayforce Living Wage指數。

MINNEAPOLIS and TORONTO, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dayforce, Inc. (NYSE: DAY; TSX: DAY), a global human capital management (HCM) leader that makes work life better, today launched its inaugural Dayforce Living Wage Index, conducted in partnership with the Living Wage Institute. The report reveals groundbreaking new insights on the percentage of full-time workers in the U.S. that make a family-sustaining living wage based on gender, race and ethnicity, industry, and geography.

2024年8月12日,Dayforce公司(紐交所:DAY;tsx:DAY)作爲全球人力資本管理(HCM)領袖,在合作伙伴Living Wage Institute的協助下,發佈了首個Dayforce Living Wage Index。該報告揭示了有關美國全職工人收入、性別、種族、行業和地理位置等方面的具有突破性的新見解。

The report's key findings include:


  • Only 56% of all full-time workers in the U.S. earn a living wage.
  • Men (62%) are significantly more likely than women (50%) to make a living wage.
  • 60% of full-time Black and Latino workers do not earn a living wage compared to 32% of white workers.
  • Only 31% of full-time workers in leisure and hospitality, 36% in retail, and 46% in health care make a living wage.
  • 47% of full-time workers in three of the nation's ten largest metropolitan areas—including Miami, Phoenix, and Los Angeles—do not earn a living wage.
  • The median hourly wage for full-time male workers is $29.40 compared to $25.20 for women.
  • The median hourly wage for full-time white workers is $30.80 compared to $23.10 for Latino workers and $22.60 for Black workers.
  • 僅有56%的美國所有全職工人收入達到生計水平。
  • 男性(62%)比女性(50%)更有可能達到生計水平。
  • 與白人工人相比,60%的黑人和拉丁裔全職工人的收入未達到生計水平,而僅有32%的白人工人達到生計水平。
  • 只有31%的休閒和酒店業全職工人,36%的零售業全職工人和46%的醫療保健業全職工人收入達到生計水平。
  • 美國十大城市中的三個地區的全職工人中有47%的人無法達到生計水平,包括邁阿密、鳳凰城和洛杉磯。
  • 全職男性工人的中位數小時工資爲29.40美元,女性爲25.20美元。
  • 全職白人工人的中位數小時工資爲30.80美元,而拉丁裔工人的爲23.10美元,黑人工人的爲22.60美元。

"Tens of millions of workers are simply not making enough to provide for their families' most basic needs," said Dr. Amy Glasmeier, MIT Professor and co-founder of the Living Wage Institute. "Over the past few years, this problem has been made worse by cost of living increases outstripping gains in income for workers in lower-wage jobs. Women, Black and Latino workers, and those in some industries that are critical to our economy are disproportionately less likely to earn a living wage. Our hope is that this research brings both awareness and a sense of urgency to this critically important issue for employers of all types."

Living Wage Institute的聯合創始人、麻省理工學院教授Amy Glasmeier博士說:「數百萬工人簡直難以爲繼,無法滿足家庭最基本的需求。過去幾年,低收入工作崗位的生活成本增加已經超過了工人收入的增長。女性、黑人和拉丁裔工人以及某些關鍵的行業人員更有可能無法達到生計水平。我們希望這項研究能夠引起人們的關注,並對僱主產生關鍵影響。」

"At Dayforce, we believe that every worker deserves the opportunity to realize their potential and enjoy happy, healthy, and productive lives," says Jason Rahlan, Vice President for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Dayforce, Inc. "Our mission is to make work life better, and we help employers achieve key business objectives while supporting their people as individuals, spouses, parents, and caretakers. Our hope is that these insights inform our national conversation and spur progress towards more workers earning a just wage that allows them to more than simply survive but thrive."

Dayforce公司的企業責任和可持續性副總裁Jason Rahlan表示:「在Dayforce公司,我們相信每個工人都應有機會實現自己的潛力,並過上幸福、健康和富有成效的生活。我們的使命是讓工作變得更好,幫助僱主實現關鍵業務目標,同時支持他們的員工,讓他們既是個人、配偶、父母,又是照顧者。我們的希望是這些見解能夠促進全國的對話,並推動更多工人獲得一個公正的薪資,讓他們不僅僅是生存,而是茁壯成長」。

The Dayforce Living Wage Index was developed by analyzing deidentified records from nearly 600,000 full-time employees alongside data produced by the Living Wage Institute that is hosted publicly on the Living Wage Calculator. The full methodology is outlined in the Living Wage Index report.

Living Wage指數是通過分析近60萬全職員工的匿名記錄以及Living Wage Institute在Living Wage計算器上公開託管的數據所開發。完整的方法學概述在Living Wage指數報告中說明。

The Living Wage Index is the first report in Dayforce's new WorkWell research series. It leverages internal Dayforce data analysis, expertise from leading third parties, and surveys of the American public to guide organizations and help them deliver meaningful solutions in four core aspects of human capital: pay, leave, retirement, and scheduling. This includes partnerships with the Living Wage Institute, the Financial Health Network, and JUST Capital.

Living Wage指數是Dayforce新的WorkWell研究系列中的第一份報告。它利用內部Dayforce數據分析、領先第三方的專業知識,以及對美國公衆的調查,指導組織並幫助他們在人力資本的四個核心方面提供有意義的解決方案:薪資、休假、退休和排班。這包括與Living Wage Institute、Financial Health Network和JUST Capital的合作。

As outlined in its ESG report, Dayforce believes technology can be a powerful force for good. Whether it's through modern ways to pay people, such as Dayforce Wallet, equipping employees with AI-assisted career pathing through Career Explorer or providing a unified view of workforce data to make informed decisions, technology can help improve the lives of people and to strengthen the relationship between them and their employers.

如其ESG報告所述,Dayforce相信科技可以成爲積極的力量。無論是通過現代化的支付方式,例如Dayforce錢包,還是通過Career Explorer爲員工提供人工智能輔助的職業發展,或是提供統一的勞動力數據視圖以做出明智的決策,科技都可以幫助改善人們的生活,加強他們與僱主之間的關係。

Additional Information


  • Resources from the Living Wage Institute are available to help employers better benchmark and contextualize the living wage for their own workforce and develop long-term strategies around it. Learn more here.
  • Read the blog.
  • Living Wage Institute的資源可幫助僱主更好地對自己的勞動力標準和環境進行基準測試和評估,並制定長期戰略。點擊此處了解更多。
  • 閱讀博客。

About Dayforce
Dayforce makes work life better. Everything we do as a global leader in HCM technology is focused on improving work for thousands of customers and millions of employees around the world. Our single, global people platform for HR, payroll, talent, workforce management, and benefits, equips Dayforce customers to unlock their full workforce potential and operate with confidence. To learn how Dayforce helps create quantifiable value for organizations of all sizes and industries, visit


About the Living Wage Institute
The Living Wage Institute is a benefit corporation helping U.S. employers make the living wage a standard part of their strategy — no matter where they are in their journey. Our data-driven approach catalyzes better business performance while also improving outcomes for workers and their families. To learn more visit .

關於Living Wage Institute
Living Wage Institute是一家受益公司,幫助美國僱主將生計水平作爲標準的一部分納入他們的戰略中。我們的數據驅動方法促使業務表現更佳,同時也改善了工人及其家人的境況。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact
Allison Hacker
+1 425-785-8276

+1 425-785-8276

