
MeiraGTx Announces $50 Million Offering of Ordinary Shares Led by Sanofi and Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operational Results

MeiraGTx Announces $50 Million Offering of Ordinary Shares Led by Sanofi and Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operational Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/12 19:05

- Positive data from the Phase 1 AQUAx study in radiation-induced xerostomia (RIX) presented at the American Academy of Oral Medicine 2024 annual meeting (AAOM) showed meaningful improvements in patient-reported outcomes and saliva production with AAV2-hAQP1 treatment


- Company awarded Innovation Passport Designation by the U.K. Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway Steering Group for AAV8-RK-AIPL1 for the treatment of AIPL1-Leber congenital amaurosis 4 (LCA4)

-公司被英國創新許可和准入途徑指導小組授予用於治療 AIPL1-Leber 先天性黑蒙症 4 (LCA4) 的 AAV8-RK-AIPL1 創新護照稱號

LONDON and NEW YORK, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MeiraGTx Holdings plc (Nasdaq: MGTX), a vertically integrated, clinical-stage genetic medicine company, today announced financial and operational results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024, and provided a corporate update. The Company also announced that it has agreed to sell 12.5 million ordinary shares at a price of $4.00 per share. MeiraGTx anticipates aggregate gross proceeds from the offering will be $50 million.

倫敦和紐約,2024年8月12日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——垂直整合的臨床階段遺傳醫學公司MeiragTX Holdings plc(納斯達克股票代碼:MGTX)今天公佈了截至2024年6月30日的第二季度財務和經營業績,並提供了公司最新情況。該公司還宣佈,它已同意以每股4.00美元的價格出售1250萬股普通股。MeiraGTX預計,此次發行的總收益將爲5000萬美元。

The financing was led by Sanofi, which made a $30 million equity investment in the Company through the offering. Other participants included Perceptive Advisors and leading institutional healthcare funds. The offering is expected to close on or about August 13, 2024, subject to customary closing conditions.

本次融資由賽諾菲牽頭,賽諾菲通過此次發行對該公司進行了3000萬美元的股權投資。其他參與者包括Perceptive Advisors和領先的機構醫療保健基金。此次發行預計將於2024年8月13日左右結束,但須遵守慣例成交條件。

"We are very pleased to receive additional investment from Sanofi and other investors," said Alexandria Forbes, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of MeiraGTx. "The additional funds will allow us to accelerate development of our riboswitch in vivo delivery platform to the clinic with our completely novel and differentiated approach to treating obesity and metabolic disease."


Dr. Forbes continued, "Our lead clinical programs are all progressing well with several important milestones coming before the end of this year. We continue to enroll our pivotal Phase 2 AQUAx2 clinical trial for Grade 2/3 radiation-induced xerostomia that could support a potential BLA filing in 2026. We also anticipate results from our blinded, placebo controlled bridging study of AAV-GAD for Parkinson's disease which will allow discussions with global regulatory agencies on the Phase 3 clinical program."


Dr. Forbes continued, "We anticipate data from the Phase 3 LUMEOS trial of bota-vec for XLRP in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine (formally known as Janssen) this year. We are eligible to receive up to $285 million upon the first commercial sales of bota-vec in the U.S. and EU and manufacturing tech transfer. Additionally, our riboswitch in vivo delivery platform continues to show encouraging data in obesity and metabolic disease as well as CAR-T and other areas, and we look forward to sharing updates later this year."


Dr. Forbes concluded, "Finally, we are very excited to have been awarded an Innovation Passport Designation for AAV8-RK-AIPL1 for the treatment of LCA4, granting us entry into the U.K.'s Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway (ILAP). We are working closely with the ILAP Steering Group to advance AAV8-RK-AIPL1 as quickly as possible towards potential approval and ultimately deliver it to babies who were previously deemed untreatable and destined to be blind for life. The results from the 11 infants and toddlers treated to date are truly remarkable, with every one of the children treated who were all blind at birth now having visual acuity."

福布斯博士總結道:「最後,我們很高興獲得用於治療LCA4的AAV8-RK-AIPL1的創新護照稱號,這使我們能夠進入英國。」s 創新許可和准入途徑 (ILAP)。我們正在與ILAP指導小組密切合作,儘快推動AAV8-RK-AIPL1獲得潛在批准,並最終將其提供給以前被認爲無法治癒且註定要終身失明的嬰兒。迄今爲止接受治療的11名嬰幼兒的結果確實非常了不起,現在每一個出生時都是失明的接受治療的兒童現在都具有視力。”

Recent Development Highlights and Anticipated Milestones


AAV2-hAQP1 for the Treatment of Xerostomia:

用於治療口乾症的 Aav2-HAQP1:

  • Data from the Company's Phase 1 AQUAx clinical trial were presented in an oral session at the AAOM 2024 annual meeting in April, demonstrating that treatment with AAV2-hAQP1 resulted in significant improvements across three different patient-reported outcomes and in saliva production, with no treatment-related serious adverse events or dose-limiting toxicities reported.
  • The Company continues to enroll and dose participants at multiple sites in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. in the Phase 2 AQUAx2 (NCT05926765) randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
  • 該公司1期AquaX臨床試驗的數據在4月的AaoM 2024年年會上以口頭形式公佈,表明使用Aav2-HAQP1治療可顯著改善三種不同的患者報告的結局和唾液的產生,未報告與治療相關的嚴重不良事件或劑量限制毒性。
  • 在2期AquaX2(NCT05926765)隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照研究中,該公司繼續在美國、加拿大和英國的多個地點招募參與者並給其劑量。
  • The Company recently gained alignment with the FDA on requirements for the ongoing Phase 2 AQUAx2 clinical trial for Grade 2/3 radiation-induced xerostomia to be considered a pivotal trial in support of a potential BLA filing.
  • 該公司最近與美國食品藥品管理局達成一致,要求正在進行的針對2/3級輻射誘發的口乾症的2期AquaX2臨床試驗被視爲支持潛在BLA申請的關鍵試驗。

AAV-GAD for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease:

用於治療帕金森氏病的 AAV-GAD:

  • The Company completed dosing patients in the Phase 1 trial of AAV-GAD under a new IND with material manufactured in its GMP facility in London, U.K. using MeiraGTx's proprietary production process in Q1 2024.
  • 該公司於2024年第一季度在一項新的臨床試驗下完成了AAV-GAD的1期試驗,其材料由其位於英國倫敦的GMP工廠製造,使用MeiragTX的專有生產工藝製造。
  • The Company anticipates results from the study in the fourth quarter of 2024. The AAV-GAD trial is a three-arm randomized clinical bridging study with subjects randomized to sham control or one of two doses of AAV-GAD to evaluate the safety and tolerability of AAV-GAD when delivered to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of patients with Parkinson's disease (NCT05603312).
  • 該公司預計該研究的結果將在2024年第四季度公佈。AAV-GAD試驗是一項三臂隨機臨床橋接研究,受試者隨機選擇假對照或兩劑AAV-GAD中的一劑,以評估AAV-GAD在輸送到帕金森氏病(NCT05603312)患者的丘下核(STN)時的安全性和耐受性。
  • The Company intends to initiate discussions with global regulatory agencies in the fourth quarter 2024 around the Phase 3 clinical program.
  • 該公司打算在2024年第四季度啓動與全球監管機構圍繞3期臨床計劃的討論。

Bota-vec for the Treatment of XLRP:

bota-vec 用於治療 XLRP:

  • Data from the Phase 1/2 study of bota-vec in XLRP was published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology. The study showed that treatment with bota-vec led to improvements in functional vision, as well as retinal and visual functions, compared to untreated controls. The article "Phase 1/2 AAV5-hRKp.RPGR (Botaretigene Sparoparvovec) Gene Therapy: Safety and Efficacy in RPGR-Associated X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa" is available online.
  • XLRP中bota-vec的1/2期研究數據發表在《美國眼科雜誌》上。該研究表明,與未經治療的對照組相比,使用bota-vec治療可以改善功能視力以及視網膜和視覺功能。文章 「1/2期AAV5-HRKP.rpgr(Botaretigene Sparoparvovec)基因療法:RPGR相關X連鎖視網膜色素變性的安全性和有效性」 可在線獲取。
  • MeiraGTx anticipates receiving an additional $15 million in milestone payments later in 2024 and will receive up to a further $285 million upon first commercial sales of bota-vec in the U.S. and EU and for manufacturing technology transfer.
  • MeiragTX預計將在2024年晚些時候再獲得1500萬美元的里程碑式付款,並將通過在美國和歐盟首次商業銷售bota-vec以及製造技術轉讓獲得高達2.85億美元的額外款項。
  • MeiraGTx also entered into a commercial supply agreement with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine for bota-vec manufacturing, which the Company anticipates will generate additional revenue during the product launch.
  • MeiraGTX還與強生創新藥物簽訂了bota-vec生產的商業供應協議,該公司預計該協議將在產品發佈期間產生額外收入。

AAV-AIPL1 Specials License in the U.K.:

英國的 AAV-AIPL1 特別許可證:

  • MeiraGTx was awarded an Innovation Passport Designation by the U.K. Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway Steering Group for AAV8-RK-AIPL1.
    • Designation provides entry into the U.K.'s Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway (ILAP) designed to accelerate time to market and patient access to innovative medicines.
    • Other benefits of ILAP include access to a range of development tools, such as the potential for accelerated Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) assessment, rolling review, and a continuous benefit-risk assessment, or potential Marketing Authorization under Exceptional Circumstances.
  • MeiragTX被英國創新許可和准入途徑指導小組授予AAV8-RK-AIPL1的創新護照稱號。
    • 指定爲進入英國提供了入境資格。”的創新許可和准入途徑(ILAP)旨在縮短上市時間和患者獲得創新藥物的機會。
    • ILAP的其他好處包括訪問一系列開發工具,例如加速上市許可申請(MAA)評估的可能性、滾動審查和持續的收益風險評估,或特殊情況下可能的上市許可。
  • Meaningful responses have been observed in 11 out of 11 LCA4 children treated to date with AAV-AIPL1. All children were treated between 1 and 3 years old, all were blind on treatment, and all gained visual acuity 4 or more weeks following treatment.
  • 迄今爲止,在接受 AAV-AIPL1 治療的 11 名 LCA4 兒童中,有 11 名觀察到有意義的反應。所有兒童均在1至3歲之間接受治療,所有兒童均失明,所有兒童在治療後4周或更長時間內均獲得視力。
  • The Company's AAV-AIPL1 for the treatment of inherited retinal dystrophy due to defects in the AIPL1 gene has been granted orphan drug designation by the FDA and orphan designation by the European Commission.
  • 該公司用於治療因 AIPL1 基因缺陷而導致的遺傳性視網膜營養不良症的 AAV-AIPL1 已獲得 FDA 的孤兒藥認定,並被歐盟委員會認定爲孤兒藥。

Riboswitch Gene Regulation Technology: Upcoming R&D Day

Riboswitch 基因調控技術:即將到來的研發日

  • Later this year, the Company intends to present data from its riboswitch gene regulation technology platform for in vivo delivery at an R&D Day highlighting encouraging data in metabolic disease models as well as CAR-T for both oncology and autoimmune diseases:
    • Obesity and metabolic disease: The company has successfully delivered multiple combinations of gut peptides in vivo including GLP-1, GIP, PYY, Glucagon, and Oxyntomodulin as well as novel myokine and adipokine peptides that drive muscle metabolism and fat storage, via the riboswitch platform. This proprietary in vivo delivery technology allows daily dosing with a small molecule to drive the production of natural short lived peptides within the body in physiologically relevant combinations and timing. This provides a platform for addressing not just weight loss via reduced appetite, but also muscle strength, fat metabolism, cardiovascular health and neurodegenerative disorders in metabolic disease, with daily oral small molecules.
    • CAR-T for both oncology and autoimmune disease: Precise control of levels and timing of the CAR with our riboswitch platform has demonstrated a significant impact on CAR-T efficacy, with a 3-4 fold improvement in in vivo potency of T-cells with regulated CAR compared to the currently approved CAR-T with unregulated constitutively active CAR. In addition, MeiraGTx's regulated CAR-T displays a normal naïve T-cell profile, lacking exhaustion markers and retaining proliferation and killing ability in contrast to CAR-T with unregulated constitutive CAR expression.
  • 今年晚些時候,該公司打算在研發日上公佈其用於體內交付的riboswitch基因調控技術平台的數據,重點介紹代謝疾病模型以及腫瘤和自身免疫性疾病CAR-T中令人鼓舞的數據:
    • 肥胖和代謝性疾病:該公司已成功通過riboswitch平台在體內交付了多種腸道肽組合,包括 GLP-1、GIP、PYY、GLucagon和Oxyntomodulin,以及推動肌肉代謝和脂肪儲存的新型肌因和脂肪因子肽。這種專有的體內輸送技術允許每天給藥小分子,以生理相關的組合和時間推動體內天然短壽命肽的產生。這不僅爲通過減少食慾減輕體重提供了一個平台,還可以通過每日口服小分子來解決肌肉力量、脂肪代謝、心血管健康和代謝性疾病中的神經退行性疾病。
    • car-t 適用於腫瘤學和自身免疫性疾病:使用我們的riboswitch平台精確控制CAR的水平和時間已顯示出對CAR-T療效的顯著影響,與目前批准的具有不受調節的本體活性CAR的CAR-T相比,具有調節CAR的T細胞的體內效力提高了3-4倍。此外,與本構CAR表達不受調節的car-t相比,MeiraGTX的受監管的CAR-T顯示出正常的幼稚T細胞特徵,缺乏衰竭標誌物,並保留了增殖和殺滅能力。

As of June 30, 2024, MeiraGTx had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $100.0 million as well as approximately $1.6 million in receivables due from Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. The Company believes that with such funds, as well as anticipated near-term milestones from Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine under the asset purchase agreement, together with the proceeds from the offering and tax incentive receivable, it will have sufficient capital to fund operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements into the second quarter of 2026. This estimate does not include the $285.0 million in milestones the Company is eligible to receive under the asset purchase agreement upon first commercial sale of bota-vec in the United States and in at least one of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, and for completion of the transfer of certain manufacturing technology.


Financial Results


Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash were $101.0 million as of June 30, 2024, compared to $130.6 million as of December 31, 2023.


Service revenue was $0.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024 due to progress of process performance qualification services under the asset purchase agreement with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.


There was no license revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $3.5 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The decrease is due to the termination of the collaboration agreement concurrent with the execution of the asset purchase agreement with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.


General and administrative expenses were $11.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $12.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The decrease of $1.1 million was primarily due to a decrease in share-based compensation, payroll and payroll-related costs, insurance costs and rent and facilities costs. These decreases were partially offset by an increase in consulting fees and other office related costs.


Research and development expenses for the three months ended June 30, 2024 were $34.9 million, compared to $19.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The increase of $15.0 million was primarily due to a decrease in reimbursements from Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine as the reimbursement for the three months ended June 30, 2023 was in connection with research funding provided under the collaboration agreement, which was terminated on December 20, 2023, whereas the reimbursement for the three months ended June 30, 2024 was in connection with transition services we provided to Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. Additionally, expenses related to our preclinical programs increased primarily related to development of our gene regulation technology. These increases were partially offset by decreases in manufacturing costs primarily due to an increase in the number of batches of clinical trial material produced during the three months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2023, which costs were charged to the clinical programs, a decrease in other research and development costs, as well as a decrease in clinical trial expenses primarily related to bota-vec as Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine is now primarily funding the expenses related to this program as a result of the asset purchase agreement. The decrease in expenses related to bota-vec were partially offset by an increase in expenses related to our other clinical programs, primarily AAV-hAQP1.


Foreign currency loss was $0.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to a gain of $1.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The change of $2.2 million was primarily due to the restructuring and payment of certain intercompany receivables and payables. Foreign currency gains and losses subsequent to the restructuring are recorded as a part of accumulated other comprehensive income.


Interest income was $0.8 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $0.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The increase of $0.1 million was due to higher interest rates and cash balances during 2024.


Interest expense was $3.3 million for each of the three months ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023.


Net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, was $48.6 million, or $0.76 basic and diluted net loss per ordinary share, compared to a net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of $29.6 million, or $0.53 basic and diluted net loss per ordinary share for the quarter ended June 30, 2023.


About MeiraGTx
MeiraGTx (Nasdaq: MGTX) is a vertically integrated, clinical-stage genetic medicine company with a broad pipeline of late-stage clinical programs supported by end-to-end manufacturing capabilities. MeiraGTx has an internally developed manufacturing platform process, internal plasmid production for GMP, two GMP viral vector production facilities as well as an in-house Quality Control hub for stability and release, all fit for IND through commercial supply. MeiraGTx has core capabilities in viral vector design and optimization and a potentially transformative riboswitch gene regulation platform technology that allows for the precise, dose-responsive control of gene expression by oral small molecules. MeiraGTx is focusing the riboswitch platform on delivery of metabolic peptides including GLP-1, GIP, Glucagon and PYY using oral small molecules, as well as cell therapy for oncology and autoimmune diseases. Although initially focusing on the eye, central nervous system, and salivary gland, MeiraGTx has developed the technology to apply genetic medicine to more common diseases, increasing efficacy, addressing novel targets, and expanding access in some of the largest disease areas where the unmet need remains great.

關於 MeiraGTX
MeiraGTX(納斯達克股票代碼:MGTX)是一家垂直整合的臨床階段基因醫學公司,在端到端製造能力的支持下,擁有廣泛的後期臨床項目管道。MeiraGTX擁有內部開發的製造平台工藝、用於GMP的內部質粒生產、兩個GMP病毒載體生產設施以及一個用於穩定性和釋放的內部質量控制中心,所有這些都適合通過商業供應進行臨床試驗。MeiragTX 擁有病毒載體設計和優化方面的核心能力,以及具有潛在變革性的 riboswitch 基因調控平台技術,可通過口服小分子對基因表達進行精確、劑量響應式的控制。MeiraGTX 將重點放在使用口服小分子輸送代謝肽,包括 GLP-1、GIP、胰高血糖素和 PYY 以及腫瘤和自身免疫性疾病的細胞療法上。儘管最初專注於眼睛、中樞神經系統和唾液腺,但MeiraGTX已經開發了將遺傳醫學應用於更常見的疾病的技術,提高了療效,解決了新的靶點,並在一些尚未得到滿足的需求的大型疾病領域擴大了可及性。

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Forward Looking Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding our product candidate development, our ability to manufacture product candidates, potential milestone payments and the achievement of such milestones, including the receipt of such milestone payments and the impact on our cash runway, and our pre-clinical and clinical data, reporting of such data and the timing of results of data and regulatory matters, as well as statements that include the words "expect," "will," "intend," "plan," "believe," "project," "forecast," "estimate," "may," "could," "should," "would," "continue," "anticipate" and similar statements of a future or forward-looking nature. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, our incurrence of significant losses; any inability to achieve or maintain profitability, raise additional capital, repay our debt obligations, identify additional and develop existing product candidates, successfully execute strategic transactions or priorities, bring product candidates to market, expansion of our manufacturing facilities and processes, successfully enroll patients in and complete clinical trials, accurately predict growth assumptions, recognize benefits of any orphan drug designations, retain key personnel or attract qualified employees, or incur expected levels of operating expenses; the impact of pandemics, epidemics or outbreaks of infectious diseases on the status, enrollment, timing and results of our clinical trials and on our business, results of operations and financial condition; failure of early data to predict eventual outcomes; failure to obtain FDA or other regulatory approval for product candidates within expected time frames or at all; the novel nature and impact of negative public opinion of gene therapy; failure to comply with ongoing regulatory obligations; contamination or shortage of raw materials or other manufacturing issues; changes in healthcare laws; risks associated with our international operations; significant competition in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries; dependence on third parties; risks related to intellectual property; changes in tax policy or treatment; our ability to utilize our loss and tax credit carryforwards; litigation risks; and the other important factors discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC's website at These and other important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management's estimates as of the date of this press release. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, unless required by law, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change. Thus, one should not assume that our silence over time means that actual events are bearing out as expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的所有與歷史事實無關的陳述均應被視爲前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關我們的候選產品開發、我們生產候選產品的能力、潛在的里程碑付款和實現此類里程碑的陳述,包括此類里程碑付款的收取及其對我們現金流的影響、臨床前和臨床數據、此類數據的報告以及數據和監管事項的結果公佈時間以及包含 「期望」、「將」、「打算」、「計劃」、「相信」、「項目」、「預測」、「估計」、「可能」、「應該」、「將」、「繼續」、「預期」 等詞語的陳述,以及具有未來或前瞻性質的類似陳述。這些前瞻性陳述基於管理層當前的預期。這些陳述既不是承諾也不是擔保,但涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他重要因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異,包括但不限於我們蒙受的重大損失;無法實現或維持盈利能力、籌集額外資金、償還債務、確定其他和開發現有候選產品,成功執行戰略交易或優先事項,將候選產品推向市場,擴大我們的製造設施和流程,成功招收患者並完成臨床試驗,準確預測增長假設,確認任何孤兒藥名稱的好處,留住關鍵人員或吸引合格員工,或產生預期的運營支出水平;疫情、流行病或傳染病疫情對我們臨床試驗的狀態、招生、時間和結果以及業務的影響,經營業績和財務狀況;早期數據無法預測最終結果;未能在預期的時間範圍內或根本沒有獲得美國食品藥品管理局或其他監管機構的批准;基因療法負面公衆輿論的新性質和影響;未能履行現行監管義務;原材料污染或短缺或其他製造問題;醫療保健法律的變化;與我們的國際業務相關的風險;製藥和生物技術行業的激烈競爭;對第三方的依賴;與知識產權相關的風險;稅收政策或待遇的變化;我們使用虧損和稅收抵免結轉的能力;訴訟風險;以及我們在截至2024年6月30日的季度10-Q表季度報告中在 「風險因素」 標題下討論的其他重要因素,因爲這些因素可能會在我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件中不時更新,這些文件可在美國證券交易委員會的網站www.sec上查閱 .gov。這些因素和其他重要因素可能導致實際業績與本新聞稿中前瞻性陳述所示的結果存在重大差異。任何此類前瞻性陳述均代表管理層截至本新聞稿發佈之日的估計。儘管除非法律要求,否則我們可能會選擇在未來的某個時候更新此類前瞻性陳述,但我們不承擔任何更新此類前瞻性陳述的義務,即使隨後發生的事件導致我們的觀點發生變化。因此,不應假設我們隨着時間的推移保持沉默意味着實際事件是按照此類前瞻性陳述中明示或暗示的方式發生的。在本新聞稿發佈之日之後的任何一天,都不應依賴這些前瞻性陳述來代表我們的觀點。







Jason Braco, Ph.D.
LifeSci Communications


(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)
For the Three-Month Periods Ended June 30, For the Six-Month Periods Ended June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Service revenue - related party $ 282 $ $ 979 $
License revenue - related party 3,540 6,874
Total revenue 282 3,540 979 6,874
Operating expenses:
General and administrative 11,257 12,388 24,404 25,160
Research and development 34,934 19,937 69,256 42,259
Total operating expenses 46,191 32,325 93,660 67,419
Loss from operations (45,909) (28,785) (92,681) (60,545)
Other non-operating income (expense):
Foreign currency (loss) gain (284) 1,905 (819) 5,762
Interest income 827 655 1,924 1,200
Interest expense (3,254) (3,355) (6,504) (6,415)
Gain on sale of nonfinancial assets 29,018
Fair value adjustment (1) 53
Net loss (48,620) (29,581) (69,062) (59,945)
Other comprehensive loss:
Foreign currency translation loss (488) (2,541) (2,179) (4,894)
Comprehensive loss $ (49,108) $ (32,122) $ (71,241) $ (64,839)
Net loss $ (48,620) $ (29,581) $ (69,062) $ (59,945)
Basic and diluted net loss per ordinary share $ (0.76) $ (0.53) $ (1.08) $ (1.15)
Weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding 64,376,396 55,349,534 64,221,145 52,012,382
MEIRAGTX 控股有限公司及其子公司
在截至6月30日的三個月期間, 在截至6月30日的六個月期間,
2024 2023 2024 2023
服務收入-關聯方 $ 282 $ $ 979 $
許可證收入-關聯方 3,540 6,874
總收入 282 3,540 979 6,874
一般和行政 11,257 12,388 24,404 25,160
研究和開發 34,934 19,937 69,256 42,259
運營費用總額 46,191 32,325 93,660 67,419
運營損失 (45,909) (28,785) (92,681) (60,545)
外匯(虧損)收益 (284) 1,905 (819) 5,762
利息收入 827 655 1,924 1,200
利息支出 (3,254) (3,355) (6,504) (6,415)
出售非金融資產的收益 29,018
公允價值調整 (1) 53
淨虧損 (48,620) (29,581) (69,062) (59,945)
外幣折算損失 (488) (2,541) (2,179) (4,894)
綜合損失 $ (49,108) $ (32,122) $ (71,241) $ (64,839)
淨虧損 $ (48,620) $ (29,581) $ (69,062) $ (59,945)
每股普通股基本虧損和攤薄後淨虧損 $ (0.76) $ (0.53) $ (1.08) $ (1.15)
已發行普通股的加權平均數 64,376,396 55,349,534 64,221,145 52,012,382
(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)
June 30, December 31,
2024 2023
Cash and cash equivalents $ 99,974 $ 129,566
Accounts receivable - related party 1,628 10,138
Prepaid expenses 4,955 5,625
Tax incentive receivable 3,557 13,277
Other current assets 660 1,016
Total Current Assets 110,774 159,622
Property, plant and equipment, net 108,844 115,896
Intangible assets, net 969 1,118
Restricted cash 1,051 1,083
Other assets 1,139 1,917
Equity method and other investments 6,766 6,766
Right-of-use assets - operating leases, net 13,823 15,910
Right-of-use assets - finance leases, net 23,285 24,432
TOTAL ASSETS $ 266,651 $ 326,744
Accounts payable $ 21,398 $ 16,042
Accrued expenses 16,928 42,639
Lease obligations, current 4,212 4,193
Deferred revenue - related party, current 3,498 2,926
Other current liabilities 970 1,278
Total Current Liabilities 47,006 67,078
Deferred revenue - related party 53,763 34,017
Lease obligations 10,688 12,952
Asset retirement obligations 2,490 2,401
Note payable, net 72,665 72,119
TOTAL LIABILITIES 186,612 188,567
Ordinary Shares, $0.00003881 par value, 1,288,327,750
authorized, 64,684,187 and 63,601,015 shares issued and
outstanding at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively
3 2
Capital in excess of par value 706,943 693,841
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (3,614) (1,435)
Accumulated deficit (623,293) (554,231)
Total Shareholders' Equity 80,039 138,177
MEIRAGTX 控股有限公司及其子公司
6月30日 十二月三十一日
2024 2023
現金和現金等價物 $ 99,974 $ 129,566
應收賬款-關聯方 1,628 10,138
預付費用 4,955 5,625
稅收優惠應收賬款 3,557 13,277
其他流動資產 660 1,016
流動資產總額 110,774 159,622
財產、廠房和設備,淨額 108,844 115,896
無形資產,淨額 969 1,118
受限制的現金 1,051 1,083
其他資產 1,139 1,917
權益法和其他投資 6,766 6,766
使用權資產——經營租賃,淨額 13,823 15,910
使用權資產-融資租賃,淨額 23,285 24,432
總資產 $ 266,651 $ 326,744
應付賬款 $ 21,398 $ 16,042
應計費用 16,928 42,639
租賃債務,當期 4,212 4,193
遞延收入-關聯方,當前 3,498 2,926
其他流動負債 970 1,278
流動負債總額 47,006 67,078
遞延收入-關聯方 53,763 34,017
租賃義務 10,688 12,952
資產報廢債務 2490 2,401
應付票據,淨額 72,665 72,119
負債總額 186,612 188,567
分別於 2024 年 6 月 30 日和 2023 年 12 月 31 日未繳款
3 2
超過面值的資本 706,943 693,841
累計其他綜合虧損 (3,614) (1,435)
累計赤字 (623,293) (554,231)
股東權益總額 80,039 138,177
負債總額和股東權益 $ 266,651 $ 326,744

