
Blue-Chips Propel FBM KLCI Above 1,600 Points, Marking A Strong Start

Blue-Chips Propel FBM KLCI Above 1,600 Points, Marking A Strong Start

Business Today ·  08/12 18:01

Bursa Malaysia started the week on a positive note, with the FBM KLCI surging past the 1,600-point threshold, thanks to robust gains in blue-chip stocks. The benchmark index, which opened at 1,598.53 points, quickly climbed to an all-day high of 1,609.57 points within the first 30 minutes of trading, reflecting investor confidence in the market's resilience.

隨着藍籌股強勢上漲,馬來西亞證券交易所的FBM KLCI指數突破了1600點大關,並以1609.57點的全天最高點開盤。證券交易所開盤時的指數爲1,598.53點,在交易的前30分鐘內迅速攀升。這反映了投資者對市場韌性的信心。

The market's upward momentum was particularly evident in the utility sector, which saw a significant rebound. The sector, buoyed by strong performances from leading companies such as Yang Zhongli, posted a 2.8% increase. The overall bullish sentiment drove the FBM KLCI to close at 1,606.66 points, marking a 10.61-point or 0.67% gain for the day.

市場的上漲勢頭在公用事業板塊特別明顯,該板塊見證了顯著的反彈。這個板塊因主要公司(如楊仲力)的強勁表現而受到支撐,錄得2.8%的增長。整體看漲的情緒推動FBM KLCI指數以1,606.66點收盤,標誌着當天上漲10.61點或0.67%。

Throughout the trading day, a total of 4.01 billion shares changed hands, amounting to a transaction value of RM2.92 billion. The broader market also reflected the upbeat sentiment, with the FBM All-Share Index closing at 12,255.22 points, up 80.05 points. In terms of market breadth, 646 stocks advanced, 406 declined, while 522 remained unchanged, and 868 stocks saw no trading activity.


Despite the market's strong performance, the ringgit weakened slightly against the US dollar, closing at 4.4555.


