


GlobeNewswire ·  08/12 14:30



Vancouver, August 11, 2024 – Leading Edge Materials Corp. ("Leading Edge Materials" or the "Company") (TSXV: LEM) (Nasdaq First North: LEMSE) (OTCQB: LEMIF) announces that an application for Strategic Project designation for the Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earths (HREE) Project has been submitted. The European Commission has indicated that the first list of Strategic Projects will be announced in December 2024.

2024年8月11日,Leading Edge Materials Corp.(「Leading Edge Materials」或「公司」)(TSXV:LEM)(納斯達克First North:LEMSE)(OTCQB:LEMI)宣佈,Norra Kärr重稀土(HREE)項目已提交戰略項目指定申請。歐洲委員會已表明,第一批戰略項目名單將於2024年12月公佈。

Kurt Budge, Chief Executive Officer, states: "Strategic Project status for Norra Kärr would be a catalyst for realizing HREE production in Europe, with Norra Kärr contributing to the EU's needs for a secure, resilient and sustainable supply chain supporting the manufacturing of permanent magnets.

首席執行官Kurt Budge表示:「Norra Kärr的戰略項目地位將成爲在歐洲實現HREE生產的催化劑,Norra Kärr將有助於滿足歐盟對穩定、彈性和可持續的供應鏈的需求,以支持永久磁鐵製造。」

Norra Kärr was first identified by the Geological Survey of Sweden in the early 1900s. Over the last 15 years, systematic project development work has been carried out, during which time, in 2013, an Exploitation Concession, 25-year mining lease, was awarded for a more complex and much larger operation, and, in 2015, a Prefeasibility Study (PFS) was completed.

Norra Kärr於19世紀初被瑞典地質調查局首次發現。在過去的15年中,進行了系統的項目開發工作,在此期間,於2013年授予了更加複雜和更大的操作的剝採特許權,即25年採礦租賃,並於2015年完成了可行性研究(PFS)。

In 2021, the Project was redesigned, increasing resource utilization and efficiency, improving environmental, social and governance factors, minimizing the local footprint by limiting activities taking place at the mine site to mining and physical processing. This is the basis for the Company's application for a new Exploitation Concession which will be submitted in Q4 2024.


It's an exciting time, with the prospect of significant progress being made with Norra Kärr in the next 12-months. The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act is a real driver for a change and greater awareness of the need for sustainable mining in the region. Sweden, with a long history of mining, will continue to play a significant leadership role in the EU's efforts to achieve greater self-sufficiency, as will the Company."

現在是令人興奮的時刻,未來12個月裏有望在Norra Kärr取得重大進展。歐盟的關鍵原材料法是變革和增強該地區可持續採礦需求的現實驅動力。瑞典,作爲一個長期從事採礦的國家,將在歐盟努力實現更大自給自足方面起到重要的領導作用,公司也將扮演重要的角色。”

Norra Kärr's Relevance to the EU:

Norra Kärr對歐盟的重要性:

The Norra Kärr deposit is listed as a mineral deposit of national interest by the Swedish Geological Survey. This designation is linked to the potential for the deposit to provide a supply of rare earth elements to Sweden and Europe. Norra Kärr is an upstream asset that could be the EU's first step in HREE primary production and the establishment of a secure, resilient, and sustainable value chain for REEs; helping to strengthen the EU's self-reliance and to reduce strategic dependency on China for HREEs.

Norra Kärr礦牀被瑞典地質調查局列爲國家利益礦牀。此稱號與該礦牀爲瑞典和歐洲提供稀土元素供應的潛力有關。Norra Kärr是上游資產,可能是歐盟HREE初級生產的第一步,以及建立安全、有彈性和可持續的REES價值鏈。有助於增強歐盟的自給自足能力,並減少中國在HREE方面的戰略依賴。

There is a railway within 30 kilometers of the Norra Kärr site. The location provides uninterrupted road, rail and Baltic port access to European markets where both REE refining capacity and REE enabled technology consumers are located.

Norra Kärr工地30公里以內有一條鐵路。該地理位置提供了通往歐洲市場的無縫道路、鐵路和波羅的海港口。該地區擁有稀土元素煉製能力和稀土元素技術消費者。

EU demand for rare earth metals is expected to increase six-fold by 2030 and seven-fold by 2050. The EU is almost 100% dependent on China for HREEs1.


A report by The European Rare Earths Competency Network (ERECON) in 2014 titled Strengthening The European Rare Earths Supply-Chain stated that 'The development of new sources of heavy rare earths outside of China and greater recycling must therefore remain an urgent priority for Europe.'2

2014年歐洲稀土競爭網絡(ERECON)發佈的報告《加強歐洲稀土供應鏈》指出,「中國以外的重貴金屬新源開發,和更大規模的回收再利用必須仍保持爲歐洲的緊急任務。」這篇報道現在已有十年的歷史,它指出,「在適當的資金和許可下,採礦可以在2020年前開始,併爲幾十年的歐洲REE供應提供保障。」Norra Kärr是歐洲「最知名」的兩個先進階段REE項目之一,根據它的規模和品位,未來幾十年可能有望對歐洲的REE供應做出貢獻。

The report, now a decade old, stated that 'With adequate funding and permitting, mining could begin before 2020 and secure European REE supply for decades.' Norra Kärr is one of two 'best known' advanced stage REE projects in Europe, which given size and grade could potentially contribute to Europe's security of supply of REE for decades to come.

2023年5月,歐洲原材料聯盟(ERMA)在名爲《能源儲存與轉化材料-歐洲行動呼籲》的報告中, 對在歐洲及其周邊地區針對能源儲存和轉化材料的50多個投資案例進行了識別,並識別了一些在2030年前有重大投資意義的項目,Norra Kärr就是其中之一。該報告認爲,歐盟內部一些材料的初級生產規模有限,對於一些與能源儲存相關的材料,歐盟幾乎完全依賴進口。

In May 2023, the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA), in the report titled Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - A European Call for Action3, identified over 50 investment cases targeting materials for energy storage and conversion across Europe and beyond, and a total investment need exceeding EUR 15 billion. Norra Kärr was one of the projects identified, that combined with the others, if realized, would make a significant contribution to the EU's needs by 2030. The report acknowledged that there is limited primary production within the EU and for some materials related to energy storage, the EU relies almost entirely on imports.


Critical Raw Materials Act:

On 23 May 2024, a call for Strategic Projects as defined by the CRMA was opened. 關鍵原材料法的目的是確保歐盟關鍵原材料的安全和可持續供應。該法案引入了歐盟提取項目的許可程序明確的最後期限,允許委員會和成員國公認爲項目是戰略項目,需要進行供應鏈風險評估,要求成員國制定國家勘探計劃,並通過確定具有采礦、加工、回收和多元化輸入來源的抱負基準,確保歐盟獲得關鍵和戰略原材料。

On 18 March 2024, the European Council adopted the regulation to establish a framework to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials, known as the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA).

Leading Edge Materials是一家加拿大公開公司,專注於開發位於歐盟境內的關鍵原材料項目組合。歐盟根據經濟重要性和供應風險來確定關鍵原材料。這些原材料直接與高增長技術有關,如鋰離子電池和永磁體電機和風力發電,是支撐社會可持續發展轉型的基礎。項目組合包括擁有100%Woxna石墨礦山(瑞典),Norra Kärr重稀土元素項目(瑞典),Bergby鋰項目(瑞典)和51% Bihor Sud鎳鈷勘探聯盟(羅馬尼亞)。

The CRMA introduces clear deadlines for permit procedures for EU extracting projects, allows the Commission and member states to recognize a project as strategic, requires supply-chain risk assessments, requires member states to have national exploration plans and ensures the EU's access to critical and strategic raw materials through ambitious benchmarks on extraction, processing, recycling and diversification of import sources.


On 23 May 2024, a call for Strategic Projects as defined by the CRMA was opened. The CRMA designates strategic projects to increase EU capacity to extract, process and recycle strategic raw materials and diversify EU supplies from third countries. Strategic raw materials are crucial for the success of the green and digital transitions as well as the resilience of the defence and aerospace sectors.

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On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Leading Edge Materials Corp.

Leading Edge Materials Corp.

Kurt Budge, CEO

CEO Kurt Budge

For further information, please contact the Company at:


About Leading Edge Materials

關於Leading Edge Materials

Leading Edge Materials is a Canadian public company focused on developing a portfolio of critical raw material projects located in the European Union. Critical raw materials are determined as such by the European Union based on their economic importance and supply risk. They are directly linked to high growth technologies such as lithium-ion batteries and permanent magnets for electric motors and wind power that underpin the sustainability transition of society. The portfolio of projects includes the 100% owned Woxna Graphite mine (Sweden), Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Element project (Sweden), Bergby lithium project (Sweden) and the 51% owned Bihor Sud Nickel Cobalt exploration alliance (Romania).

Leading Edge Materials是一家加拿大公開公司,專注於開發位於歐盟境內的關鍵原材料項目組合。關鍵原材料是歐洲聯盟根據其經濟重要性和供應風險確定的。它們與鋰離子電池、永磁體電機和風力發電等高增長技術直接相關,是社會可持續發展轉型的基礎。項目組合包括擁有100%Woxna石墨礦山(瑞典),Norra Kärr重稀土元素項目(瑞典),Bergby鋰項目(瑞典)和51% Bihor Sud鎳鈷勘探聯盟(羅馬尼亞)。

Additional Information


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, on August 11, 2024, at 11:30 PM Vancouver time.

Leading Edge Materials is listed on the TSXV under the symbol "LEM", OTCQB under the symbol "LEMIF" and Nasdaq First North Stockholm under the symbol "LEMSE". Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company's Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North and may be contacted via email or by phone +46 (0) 8 5030 1550.

Leading Edge Materials在 TSXV 上的交易代碼爲「LEM」,在OTCQb 上的交易代碼爲「LEMIF」以及在納斯達克第一北歐交易所上的交易代碼 爲「LEMSE」。Mangold Fondkommission Ab是該公司在納斯達克第一北歐交易所的認證顧問,可通過電子郵件 或電話 +46 (0) 8 5030 1550 聯繫。CA@mangold.se或致電 +46 (0) 8 5030 1550。

Reader Advisory


This news release may contain statements which constitute "forward-looking information", including statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company, its directors, or its officers with respect to the future business activities of the Company. The words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future business activities and involve risks and uncertainties, and that the Company's future business activities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, fluctuations in market prices, changes in the Company's intended use of proceeds from the Private Placement, successes of the operations of the Company, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such information will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. The Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking information except as required under the applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含構成"前瞻性信息"的聲明,包括與公司、其董事或其官員有關的計劃、意圖、信念和當前期望,涉及到公司未來的商業活動。這些相關詞彙是爲了表明這些前瞻性陳述。儘管公司相信這些陳述是基於當前的現狀和可靠的信息制定的,但投資者應意識到任何此類前瞻性陳述均存在風險和不確定性,實際結果和未來商業活動可能會因各種因素而與此不同,包括但不限於市場價格波動、公司擬作用的收益用途變更、公司經營的成功情況、繼續獲得資本和融資以及一般的經濟、市場或商業條件。這方面的任何信息都不能保證準確性,因此讀者應相信自己對這些不確定性的評估。不得修改此前瞻性信息,除非在適用證券法規定的情況下。 考慮到適用的證券法規定,公司不承擔任何更新前瞻性信息的義務。

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