
Earnings Call Summary | ATA Creativity Global(AACG.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | ATA Creativity Global(AACG.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | ata creativity global(AACG.US) 2024 Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/11 02:09  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the ATA Creativity Global (AACG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是ATA Creativity Global (AACG) 2024年第二季度業績會交流記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • ATA Creativity Global reported a 42.8% increase in second quarter 2024 total net revenue, achieving RMB41.8 million.

  • Gross margin improved to 49.6% in Q2 2024 from 39.5% in the previous year, primarily due to significantly increased revenue.

  • Net loss decreased marginally to RMB15.8 million in Q2 2024 from RMB17.2 million in the previous year, despite a 30.2% increase in operating expenses related to higher G&A and sales expenses.

  • ATA Creativity Global報告,在2024年第二季度,總淨營業收入同比增長42.8%,達到4180萬人民幣。

  • 由於營業收入大幅增加,毛利率在2024年第二季度從去年的39.5%增至49.6%。

  • 儘管由於一般及行政費用及銷售費用增加所導致的營業費用增長了30.2%,淨虧損在2024年第二季度從去年的1720萬人民幣降至1580萬人民幣。

Business Progress:


  • The company saw an enrollment increase in its portfolio training programs, with 612 students enrolled in Q2 2024 compared to 540 the previous year, demonstrating a 15.8% year-over-year growth.

  • ATA Creativity Global continues to expand in teaching and sales staff to drive student enrollment and support growth.

  • Significant growth in registrations from top global institutions for their graduates, suggesting increased demand for overseas study counseling services.

  • 該公司的項目培訓課程的招生人數增加,2024年第二季度報名人數爲612人,比去年的540人增長了15.8%。

  • ATA Creativity Global繼續擴大教學和銷售團隊,以推動學生入學和業務增長。

  • 來自全球頂尖機構畢業生的報名人數大幅增長,表明對海外留學諮詢服務的需求增加。



  • Continued expansion across all business areas, including research-based learning and overseas study counseling services, indicates robust market acceptance and competitive positioning.

  • Anticipated stronger financial performance in the second half of 2024, supporting the year-end revenue forecast of RMB230 million to RMB235 million, a 5% to 50% increase over 2023.

  • 在所有板塊,包括基於研究的學習和海外留學諮詢服務領域,持續擴展表明市場接受度和競爭力有力。

  • 預計2024年下半年將有更強勁的財務表現,支持年末的營業收入預測爲2.3億到2.35億人民幣,同比增長5%至50%。



  • Increased operating expenses due to expanded G&A and sales force may pressure profit margins if not offset by proportionate revenue growth.

  • 由於總部和銷售團隊拓展而導致的營業費用增加,如果不能通過相應的營業收入增長來抵消,則可能對利潤率造成壓力。

More details: ATA Creativity Global IR

更多細節請見ATA Creativity Global投資者關係網站。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


