
Earnings Call Summary | Superior Industries International(SUP.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Superior Industries International(SUP.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | superior industries international(SUP.US) 2024年第2季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/11 01:58  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Superior Industries International, Inc. (SUP) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Superior Industries International, Inc. (SUP) 2024年第二季度業績會議電話記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Superior Industries reported a net sales decrease to $319 million from $373 million in the previous year, mainly due to normalization of aluminum costs and the deconsolidation of SPG. Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $40 million, down from $52 million, with the margin at 22%.

  • 由於鋁材成本的正常化和SPG的攤薄,Superior Industries的淨銷售額從上一年的373百萬美元下降至319百萬美元。第二季度調整後EBITDA爲4000萬美元,較上年5200萬美元下降,利潤率爲22%。

Business Progress:


  • Superior has completed its strategic shift to a more competitive cost structure in Europe, closing operations in Germany and ramping up in Poland, expected to result in significant profitability uplift.

  • They have entered into a $1.7 billion wheel program with Volvo for a midsized crossover platform using premium aerodynamic and lightweighting technologies, set to launch in Q4 2025.

  • Superior received an 'A' rating in research and development from Audi, highlighting their positioning as a technology leader.

  • Superior已完成其在歐洲更有競爭力成本結構的戰略轉型,關閉了在德國的業務並擴大了在波蘭的業務,預計將帶來顯著的盈利增長。

  • 他們與沃爾沃簽訂了價值17億美元的車輪計劃,針對中型跨界平台使用高端氣動和輕量化技術,計劃在2025年第四季度推出。

  • Superior在研發方面獲得奧迪的「A」評級,凸顯了其作爲技術領袖的地位。



  • Successfully negotiated permanent price increases with OEMs to offset inflation and other manufacturing costs, reflecting a more robust pricing strategy.

  • New contracts and technology recognition from major automotive players like Volvo and Audi, which could lead to further business expansion.

  • 成功與原始設備製造商協商並獲得永久性價格提高,以抵消通貨膨脹和其他製造成本,反映了更加健全的定價策略。

  • 獲得來自沃爾沃和奧迪等主要汽車製造商的新合同和技術認可,這可能導致進一步業務擴展。



  • Lower industry production volumes have prompted a reduction in sales and value-added sales forecasts for the full-year 2024.

  • Continued reliance on Europe's volatile energy costs could impact operations, despite some price negotiations being indexed to energy prices.

  • 行業產量下降促使全年2024年銷售和增值銷售預測降低。

  • 儘管一些價格談判已經與能源價格掛鉤,但繼續依賴歐洲不穩定的能源成本可能會影響運營。

More details: Superior Industries International IR

更多詳情請參考Superior Industries International IR。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


