
Earnings Call Summary | FRP Holdings(FRPH.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | FRP Holdings(FRPH.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | frp holdings(FRPH.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/10 17:03  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the FRP Holdings, Inc. (FRPH) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是FRP Holdings, Inc. (frp holdings) Q2 2024業績會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 net income for FRP Holdings increased significantly by 242% to $2 million, or $0.11 per share, compared to $598,000, or $0.03 per share in the same period last year.

  • For the first six months, net income rose by 188% to $3.3 million or $0.18 per share.

  • Pro rata net operating income (NOI) for Q2 was $9.2 million, marking a 22% improvement year-over-year.

  • Revenue and operating profit remained largely flat, indicating stability in core business operations despite substantial net income and NOI growth.

  • FRP Holdings的Q2 2024淨利潤大幅增長242%,達到200萬美元,每股收益爲0.11美元,相比去年同期的598,000美元,每股收益爲0.03美元。

  • 前六個月的淨利潤增長188%,達到330萬美元,每股收益爲0.18美元。

  • Q2的比例淨營業收入 (NOI) 爲920萬美元,同比增長22%。

  • 營業收入和營業利潤基本持平,表明核心業務運營穩定,儘管淨利潤和 NOI 實現了大幅增長。

Business Progress:


  • FRP Holdings is focusing on industrial development and expanding its footprint, with several major projects underway expected to significantly increase square footage and regional presence.

  • Development in segments like Multifamily and Commercial & Industrial are driving NOI improvements, particularly with assets like Aberdeen Overlook and projects such as .408 Jackson and Bryant Street.

  • The company is actively managing a comprehensive pipeline of development projects scheduled until 2025, indicating a robust long-term strategy.

  • FRP Holdings 正專注於工業發展和擴大業務版圖,多個重要項目正在進行中,預計將大幅增加平方英尺數和區域影響力。

  • 多家公寓和商業項目的發展推動 NOI 獲得了改善,尤其是 Aberdeen Overlook、.408 Jackson 和 Bryant Street 等資產和項目。

  • 公司正在積極管理着一份到 2025 年的全面開發項目計劃,表明該公司有強大長期策略。



  • Proactive management of development projects and strategic focus on industrial segments present significant growth opportunities, especially with the current developments in Florida and Aberdeen.

  • The company's approach to capitalizing on high demand for multifamily and industrial spaces in strategic locations positions it well for sustainable growth.

  • 對開發項目的積極管理和工業領域的戰略關注,爲公司提供了重要的增長機遇,尤其是當前在佛羅里達和 Aberdeen 的發展。

  • 公司利用戰略位置上高需求的公寓和工業空間,爲可持續增長提供了有利條件。



  • Increased supply in the D.C. market and rising real estate taxes and insurance premiums may pressure vacancies and revenue growth, potentially impacting NOI from a same-store perspective.

  • 華盛頓特區市場供應增加以及房地產稅和保險費用增加可能會對收入增長產生壓力,可能會影響到從同店鋪角度獲得的 NOI。

More details: FRP Holdings IR

更多細節: FRP Holdings IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


