
Swift Haulage's 2Q Profit Dips But Improves For YTD

Swift Haulage's 2Q Profit Dips But Improves For YTD

Swift Haulage的第二季度利潤下降,但年初至今有所改善。
Business Today ·  08/09 22:30

Swift Haulage announced its second quarter results recording a revenue of RM172.9 million, gross profit of RM45.9 million and profit before tax of RM11.1 million while net profit came in at RM8.3 million which is slightly lower compared to the previous year's quarter of RM9.7 million.

Swift Haulage公佈了其第二季度業績,收入爲17290萬令吉,毛利爲4590萬令吉,稅前利潤爲1110萬令吉,而淨利潤爲830萬令吉,與去年同期的970萬令吉相比略低。

The logistics company said the revenue was primarily contributed by container haulage (RM67.6 million) and land transportation (RM62.6 million), collectively amounting to 75.3% of total Group revenue. Other business segments such as warehousing and container depot and freight forwarding contributed RM28 million and RM14.7 million respectively to 2QFY2024 revenue.

這家物流公司表示,收入主要來自集裝箱運輸(6760萬令吉)和陸運(6260萬令吉),共佔集團總收入的75.3%。倉儲、集裝箱倉庫和貨運代理等其他業務部門分別爲 2QFY2024 的收入貢獻了2800萬令吉和1470萬令吉。

For the financial period-to-date revenue was at RM352.2 million, gross profit of RM97.6 million and PBT of RM35.3 million, net profit was RM29 million which is higher compared to 1HFY23 of RM19 million.

本財政期迄今爲止的收入爲35220萬令吉,毛利爲9760萬令吉,pbT爲3530萬令吉,淨利潤爲2900萬令吉,高於1900萬令吉的 1HFY23。

The group added that the revenue was mainly contributed by container haulage (RM137.1 million) and land transportation (RM129.7 million). These key segments collectively made up 75.8% total Group revenue. Other segments such as warehousing and container depot and freight forwarding business contributed RM55.2 million and RM30.0 million respectively to 1HFY2024 revenue.

該集團補充說,收入主要來自集裝箱運輸(13710萬令吉)和陸路運輸(12970萬令吉)。這些關鍵細分市場合計佔集團總收入的75.8%。倉儲和集裝箱倉庫以及貨運代理業務等其他領域分別爲 1HFY2024 的收入貢獻了5520萬令吉和3000萬令吉。

The improved revenue it said was mainly driven by higher revenue contribution from container haulage, additional revenue generated from the increase in fleet capacity for the land transportation segment, as well as the expansion of the auto logistics warehouse, and an increase in the depot business. Gross profit decreased marginally from RM98.7 million, whilst PBT rose by 42.4% (RM10.5 million) from RM24.8 million. This was mainly boosted by higher other income generated from the disposal of a 12.5% stake in Global Vision Logistics Sdn Bhd ("GVL").


