
Weed Discovery Marketplace Leafly Q2 Revenue Drops 18% YoY, Customer Accounts Lower As Average Spend Grows

Weed Discovery Marketplace Leafly Q2 Revenue Drops 18% YoY, Customer Accounts Lower As Average Spend Grows

Benzinga ·  08/09 21:55

Leafly Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ:LFLY) reported its financial results Thursday for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024, disclosing revenue of $8.7 million, compared to $10.7 million in the same quarter of 2023.

Leafly Holdings, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LFLY)公佈了截止2024年6月30日的第二季度財務報告,營業收入爲870萬美元,而2023年第二季度爲1070萬美元。

"We remain focused on enhancing operational efficiency and stabilizing our core business while delivering value to our partners," stated Yoko Miyashita, CEO of Leafly. "We are living in an era of liberalized access to cannabis and we believe the demand for Leafly's trusted voice and guidance has never been greater. We remain invigorated by the opportunities to connect retailers and brands with high-intent consumers."

Leafly的CEO Yoko Miyashita表示:「我們一直致力於提高運營效率和穩定我們的核心業務,同時爲合作伙伴提供價值。我們生活在一個大麻准入自由化的時代,我們相信Leafly的可靠聲音和指導的需求從未如此強烈。我們對與零售商和品牌與高意願消費者聯繫的機會感到振奮。」

The earnings report follows the company's recent partnership upgrade with Uber Eats, a subsidiary of Uber Technologies (NYSE:UBER), to bring cannabis home delivery to Alberta, Canada.

業績發佈後,該公司最近與Uber Technologies(紐交所代碼:UBER)的附屬公司Uber Eats進行了合作,將大麻送貨上門服務帶到了加拿大阿爾伯塔省。

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Second Quarter Summary


  • Net loss was $1.3 million, compared to net loss of $1.4 million for Q2 2023.
  • Gross margin was 89%, a slight improvement over Q2 2023 gross margin of 88%.
  • Adjusted EBITDA was a gain of $483,000 compared to $80,000 in Q2 2023.
  • Retail revenue was $7.3 million, compared to $8.8 million in Q2 2023.
  • Brand revenue was $1.4 million, compared to $1.8 million in Q2 2023.
  • Total operating expense was $8.4 million, a 17% reduction from $10.2 million in Q2 2023.
  • Ended the quarter with $13.6 million in cash, excluding restricted cash, a decrease of $500,000 compared to $14.1 million at the end of Q1 2024.
  • 淨虧損爲130萬美元,而2023年第二季度淨虧損爲140萬美元。
  • 毛利率爲89%,略高於2023年第二季度的88%。
  • 調整後的EBITDA爲48.3萬美元,而2023年第二季度爲8萬美元。
  • 零售業務收入爲730萬美元,2023年第二季度爲880萬美元。
  • 品牌業務收入爲140萬美元,2023年第二季度爲180萬美元。
  • 總共營業費用爲840萬美元,比2023年第二季度的1020萬美元減少了17%。
  • 季末現金爲1360萬美元,不包括限制性現金,在2024年第一季度末爲1410萬美元,較2024年第一季度末減少了50萬美元。

During the quarter the number of retail accounts dropped 32% year-over-year to 3,595 accounts. However, the average retail account spending grew to $684 from $558 in the same period last year.


Q3 Guidance


Based on current business trends and conditions, Leafly expects third-quarter revenue of around $8.4 million and an adjusted EBITDA loss of less than $1.0 million.


"Leafly continues to focus on operating efficiently and managing the business towards profitability," CFO Suresh Krishnaswamy said in a statement. "We have a number of projects and initiatives underway to stabilize revenues. We are seeing green shoots associated with these efforts and will have more confidence as we see the results of these initiatives over the next few quarters."

CFO Suresh Krishnaswamy在一份聲明中表示:「Leafly繼續專注於高效運營並將業務管理向盈利的方向發展。我們正在開展多個項目和創議以穩定收入。我們看到了這些努力帶來的希望之芽,隨着未來幾個季度結果的出現,我們會更有信心。」

Price Action


Leafly shares closed Thursday's market session 4.85% higher at $2.16 per share.


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Photo: Courtesy of SD_FlowerPower via Shutterstock



