
Genova Diagnostics Partners With Neurocode to Launch Innovative Alzheimer's Assessment

Genova Diagnostics Partners With Neurocode to Launch Innovative Alzheimer's Assessment

PR Newswire ·  08/09 19:00

ASHEVILLE, N.C., Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Genova Diagnostics, a global leader in clinical laboratory services, proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking Alzheimer's Assessment, a non-invasive blood test utilizing the p-Tau217 biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease. This initiative is enabled by a strategic partnership with Neurocode, a leading innovator in neurological diagnostics and research.

全球領先的臨床實驗室服務提供商Genova Diagnostics自豪地宣佈推出其重磅創新產品:Alzheimer's Assessment, 該產品爲一種無創血液檢測beta澱粉樣蛋白p-Tau217生物標誌物,用於早期發現阿爾茨海默病。此創新合作藉助領先的神經診斷與研究機構Neurocode支持。

The new Alzheimer's Assessment is a significant advancement in the early detection of Alzheimer's disease. By leveraging the p-Tau217 biomarker, this simple blood test provides highly accurate results that can identify Alzheimer's disease years before clinical symptoms appear, allowing for early intervention and management of the disease. The test offers a less invasive alternative to traditional cerebrospinal fluid and imaging tests, making it an accessible and convenient tool in the fight against Alzheimer's.

該全新的Alzheimer's Assessment可顯著提高阿爾茨海默病的早期檢測水平。該簡單血液檢測利用p-Tau217生物標誌物,提供高度準確的結果,能夠在臨床症狀出現前數年發現阿爾茨海默病,幫助進行早期干預和治療。該檢測可替代傳統的腦脊液及影像學檢測方法,使其成爲治療阿爾茨海默病所需的一種可行、方便的診斷工具。

Leveraging the p-Tau217 biomarker, this simple blood test can identify Alzheimer's disease years before symptoms appear.


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Genova Diagnostics has long been at the forefront of diagnostic innovation, providing healthcare practitioners and individuals with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their health. The collaboration with Neurocode exemplifies Genova's commitment to advancing medical research and expanding its portfolio of diagnostic solutions.

Genova Diagnostics一直處於診斷創新的最前沿,爲醫療從業人員和個人提供了必要的工具,以便理性決策,維護自身健康。與Neurocode合作正是Genova不斷推進醫學研究和擴大診斷解決方案組合的例證。

"Our partnership with Neurocode has enabled us to bring this state-of-the-art Alzheimer's Assessment to the market," said Jeff Ledford, CEO of Genova Diagnostics. "By combining our expertise in laboratory services with Neurocode's cutting-edge neurological research, we can offer a test that significantly impacts the early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This is a significant step forward in our mission to provide innovative, science-based diagnostic services that improve patient outcomes."

"我們與Neurocode的合作使我們能夠推出這種最先進的Alzheimer's Assessment產品。" 因此,Genova Diagnostics首席執行官Jeff Ledford說道。"通過將我們的實驗室服務專業知識與Neurocode的前沿神經科學研究相結合,我們能夠提供一項顯著有助於早期診斷和治療阿爾茨海默病的檢測。這是我們推出基於創新和科學的診斷服務的重要一步。"

"Neurocode is honored to work with Genova in the clinical launch of Alzpath pTau217 assay for accurately detecting amyloid pathology of Alzheimer's type," said Hans Frykman, Chief Science Officer of Neurocode. "Neurocode has performed the most extensive clinical validation in the industry, making our test very trustworthy even for people with very minor memory issues."

"Neurocode很榮幸能與Genova合作,推出Alzpath pTau217含量測定試劑盒。該試劑盒能爲人們準確檢測早期阿爾茨海默病樣澱粉樣物," Neurocode首席科學官Hans Frykman說道。"Neurocode在該行業中已進行了最廣泛的臨床驗證,使我們的測試結果即使對於有極輕微記憶問題的人也非常值得信賴。"

"Offering the pTau217 biomarker through partnership with Genova Diagnostics gives drastic accessibility to a larger segment of people that can now monitor amyloid activity in their brains with a simple blood draw," said Roopa Reddy, CEO at Neurocode. "Neurocode is very excited to realize this potential."

"通過與Genova Diagnostics合作提供pTau217生物標誌物,能夠幫助更多人們僅使用一次簡單的血液檢測,就可以監測大腦中澱粉樣物的指數。" Neurocode首席執行官Roopa Reddy說道。"Neurocode對於實現這一潛力感到非常興奮。"

The Alzheimer's Assessment is available now to healthcare providers. Results include personalized assessments and clinical context for patient care. For more information about the Alzheimer's Assessment and other diagnostic services offered by Genova Diagnostics, visit .

阿爾茨海默病評估現已面向醫療保健機構提供。測試結果包含個性化評估及臨床用途說明,有助於病患的治療護理。更多有關Alzheimer's Assessment和Genova診斷公司提供的其他診斷服務的信息請訪問。

About Genova Diagnostics: Genova Diagnostics is a global leader in comprehensive diagnostic testing, offering innovative assessments that provide insights into gut health, nutrition, metabolic function, hormonal health, and more for personalized healthcare. With a commitment to advancing medical research and improving patient outcomes, Genova Diagnostics serves healthcare practitioners and individuals around the world. To learn more, visit .

關於Genova Diagnostics: Genova Diagnostics是全球領先的廣泛診斷測試提供商,提供創新的測試方案,以便個性化醫療實現對腸道健康、營養、代謝功能、激素健康等方面的深入研究和洞察。Genova Diagnostics致力於推進醫學研究和提高病患治療效果,向全球醫療保健從業者和個人提供服務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

消息來源:Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

