
MMAG's Sky-High Deal: New Cargo Agreement With China Southern Airlines

MMAG's Sky-High Deal: New Cargo Agreement With China Southern Airlines

Business Today ·  08/09 18:00

MMAG Holdings Berhad (MMAG) has taken its logistics operations to new heights with a recent bilateral cargo interline traffic agreement signed with China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. (CS Air). The agreement, finalised on 9 August 2024, marks a strategic partnership between MMAG's subsidiary MJets Air Sdn Bhd and one of China's leading airlines, headquartered in Guangzhou.

MMAG控股公司(MMAG)與中國南方航空股份有限公司(CS Air)簽署了一份雙邊貨物互聯互通協議,將物流運營提升至一個新高度。該協議於2024年8月9日正式敲定,標誌着MMAG的子公司MJets Air Sdn Bhd與中國一家總部位於廣州的領先航空公司之間達成了戰略合作關係。

Strategic Partnership Takes Flight


The new agreement aims to optimise cargo operations and enhance efficiency by leveraging the strengths and networks of both airlines. Starting from 15 August 2024, MJets Air and CS Air will collaborate to transport each other's shipments on designated routes, facilitating smoother and more efficient cargo flow between Southeast Asia, Asia, and China. The partnership is set to strengthen connectivity and expand network coverage, offering a broader portfolio of services.

新協議旨在通過充分利用兩家航空公司的優勢和網絡,優化貨運業務並提高效率。從2024年8月15日開始,MJets Air和CS Air將合作在指定航線上運輸彼此的貨物,爲東南亞、亞洲和中國之間的貨物流暢和高效提供便利。該合作將加強互聯互通,擴大網絡覆蓋,提供更廣泛的服務組合。

MMAG, a comprehensive supply chain service provider, operates its aviation arm from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Its services include commercial cargo operations, ground handling, oceanic transshipment, and on-demand cargo depot solutions. This new agreement with CS Air is expected to bolster MMAG's offerings and contribute positively to the company's net assets and earnings for the financial year ending 30 September 2024.

MMAG是一家綜合供應鏈服務提供商,從吉隆坡國際機場(KLIA)運營其航空事業部。其服務包括商業貨運業務、地面處理、海洋中轉和按需貨物庫解決方案。這份與CS Air的新協議有望增強MMAG的業務,併爲截至2024年9月30日的財務年度對公司淨資產和收益做出積極貢獻。

Future Prospects and Risks


While the agreement is not anticipated to impact MMAG's share capital or substantial shareholders' holdings, it is expected to enhance the company's overall financial performance. The Board of Directors believes that this strategic move will benefit the company in the long run.


However, like any major business deal, there are inherent risks. These include changes in competition, economic conditions, and potential wear and tear on aircraft. Despite these challenges, MMAG is committed to managing and mitigating these risks to ensure the agreement's success.


No Conflicts of Interest


The Board confirms that no directors or major shareholders of MMAG have any direct or indirect interest in the agreement. The partnership is seen as a routine business decision, aligning with the company's strategic goals and operational needs.


MMAG's new collaboration with China Southern Airlines represents a significant step forward in its efforts to enhance its global cargo network and service offerings.


