
FGV Produces EUDR Compliant Crude Palm Kernel Oil

FGV Produces EUDR Compliant Crude Palm Kernel Oil

Business Today ·  08/08 22:56

FGV Holdings Berhad announced that it has managed to achieve its first production of European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) compliant Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO).

FGV Holdings Berhad宣佈,它已成功實現了首次生產符合歐盟森林砍伐條例(EUDR)的粗棕櫚仁油(CPKO)。

CPKO, which is primarily used in food and personal care products, including non-dairy ice cream, margarine, chocolate, confectionery, soap and detergent, is now produced in compliance with stringent EUDR standards. The EUDR is a legislative framework aimed at ensuring that products imported into the European Union (EU) are free from deforestation and forest degradation activities.


"At FGV, we understand the critical role that businesses must play in addressing the pressing environmental and social challenges. Our production of EUDR-compliant CPKO marks a major advancement for our operations and underscores our dedication to meeting stringent global environmental and social standards. This achievement will positively impact our bottom line over time and reflects our proactive approach to environmental stewardship and our commitment to sustainable palm oil production," said Dato' Nazrul Mansor, Group Chief Executive Officer of FGV.

「在FGV,我們了解企業在應對緊迫的環境和社會挑戰方面必須發揮的關鍵作用。我們生產的符合EUDR的CPKO標誌着我們的運營取得了重大進展,也凸顯了我們對滿足嚴格的全球環境和社會標準的承諾。隨着時間的推移,這一成就將對我們的利潤產生積極影響,並反映出我們積極的環境管理方法和我們對可持續棕櫚油生產的承諾。」 FGV集團首席執行官拿督納茲魯爾·曼索爾說。

FGV said it has focused on sourcing its Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) from three key sources: its own estates, FELDA's settlers, and independent smallholders who are already in line with EUDR, Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification (MSPO) or Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) traceability requirements.


Key enhancements involve specific focus areas under each pillar, addressing current global ESG trends such as operational excellence, human rights and labour standards, diversity, equity and inclusion, sustainability certification, traceability, responsible sourcing and supply chain management, community engagement and development; climate action, renewable energy and energy management, and biodiversity and land management.


