
Bunker Hill Announces Entry Into Silver Loan Facility, Closing of the First Tranche and Amendments to Sprott Streaming Financing Package

Bunker Hill Announces Entry Into Silver Loan Facility, Closing of the First Tranche and Amendments to Sprott Streaming Financing Package

Bunker Hill宣佈進入白銀貸款設施,完成第一批交易並修改了Sprott流媒體融資計劃。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/09 06:50

TORONTO, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bunker Hill Mining Corp. ("Bunker Hill" or the "Company") (TSX-V:BNKR; OTCQB:BHILL) announces that it has entered into definitive agreements with Monetary Metals Bond III LLC, an entity established by Monetary Metals & Co., for the previously announced silver loan in an amount of US dollars equal to up to 1.2 million ounces of silver, to be advanced in one or more tranches, in support of the re-start and ongoing development of the Bunker Hill Mine (the "Silver Loan"). The Company has closed the first tranche of the Silver Loan in the principal amount of US$16,422,039, being the amount of US dollars equal to, as of August 8, 2024, 609,805 ounces of silver (the "First Tranche").

Bunker Hill Mining(以下簡稱「公司」)(TSX-V:BNKR; OTCQB:BHILL)於2024年08月08日宣佈,已與Monetary Metals Bond III LLC簽訂明確協議,由Monetary Metals & Co.設立的實體,提供了前述量爲不超過120萬盎司白銀的白銀貸款(「銀貸款」),以支持Bunker Hill Mine的重新啓動和持續發展,貸款將在一個或多個分期中發放。公司已經完成了銀貸款的第一筆分期,貸款本金金額爲16,422,039美元,等於截至2024年8月8日,609,805盎司銀子(「第一筆分期」)。

Sam Ash, President and CEO of Bunker Hill Mining, states, "By combining the solid support of our existing finance partner, Sprott Streaming, with our new and innovative Monetary Metals solution, our fully funded project is advancing on track and budget."

Bunker Hill Mining總裁兼首席執行官Sam Ash表示:「通過結合我們的現有金融合作夥伴Sprott Streaming的堅實支持以及我們新穎創新的貨幣金屬解決方案,我們的項目正在按照預算和計劃順利推進。」

Silver Loan


As described in the news release dated June 7, 2024, the Silver Loan will be for a term of three years, secured against the Company's assets and repayable in cash or silver ounces. The Silver Loan will bear interest at the rate of 15% per annum, payable in cash or silver ounces on the last day of each quarterly interest period. This financing remains subject to TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSX-V") approval.

根據2024年6月7日發佈的新聞稿,銀貸款期限爲三年,以公司資產爲抵押,可用現金或銀盎司償還。銀貸款的利率爲每年15%,每個季度末用現金或銀盎司支付利息。此融資仍需獲得 TSX Venture Exchange(「TSX-V」)的批准。

As consideration for advancing the Silver Loan, the Company will issue to Monetary Metals & Co., subject to prior TSX-V approval, non-transferable bonus share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") in one or more tranches. The number of Warrants issued in each tranche will be equal to: (a) in connection with the First Tranche, two times the number of silver ounces advanced under the First Tranche (the "Base Warrants") and a bonus ratchet of: (i) 2.5% of the Base Warrants if at least 500,000 and up to 599,999 silver ounces are advanced, (ii) 5.0% of the Base Warrants if at least 600,000 and up to 699,999 silver ounces are advanced, (iii) 10.0% of the Base Warrants if at least 700,000 and up to 799,999 silver ounces are advanced, and (iv) 15.0% of the Base Warrants if at least 800,000 silver ounces are advanced; and (b) in connection with any additional tranches, two times the number of silver ounces advanced under such tranche. In any event, the number of Warrants issuable to Monetary Metals & Co. will not exceed 3,000,000.

作爲提供銀貸款的考慮,公司將發行不可轉讓的額外股票認購權(「認股權」)給Monetary Metals & Co.,需獲得TSX-V的事先批准,並將分爲一個或多個分期。每個分期發放的認股權數量將等於:(a)與第一筆分期相關聯的基礎認股權數量的兩倍(「基礎認股權」),並有額外獎勵:(i)如發放了50萬美元以上的銀盎司,但不多於59.9999萬美元,則基礎認股權獎勵2.5%,(ii)如發放60萬美元以上但不超過69.9999萬美元的銀盎司,則基礎認股權獎勵5.0%,(iii)如發放70萬美元以上但不超過79.9999萬美元的銀盎司,則基礎認股權獎勵10.0%,以及(iv)如發放的銀盎司多達80萬美元,則基礎認股權獎勵15.0%;以及(b)與任何其他分期相關的兩倍的銀盎司的認股權。無論如何,發放予Monetary Metals & Co.的認股權總量不得超過3,000,000。

Each Warrant will entitle the holder to acquire one share of common stock of the Company (the "Warrant Shares") at an exercise price that is set at the last closing price of the Company's common stock prior to the date such Warrant is issued (the "Exercise Price"). The Warrants will be exercisable until the earlier of (i) three years from their issuance date and (ii) the maturity date of the Silver Loan, subject to acceleration in accordance with the policies of the TSX-V. The issuance of the Warrant Shares is subject to the terms and conditions of the Warrants as well as the receipt of all regulatory approvals, including, without limitation, the approval of the TSX-V. The Warrants and Warrant Shares will be subject to a hold period of four months and a day from the date of issuance, in accordance with applicable securities laws.

每個認股權將使持有人有權以設立時公司普通股的最後收盤價確定的行使價獲得公司每一股普通股(「認股權股份」)。認股權可以行使直到(i)從其發行日期算起三年或(ii)銀貸款到期日中的較早者,但根據TSX-V的政策可以加速行使。 持有人行使認股權股份將受到認股權的條款和條件以及獲得所有監管機構的批准的限制,包括但不限於TSX Venture Exchange的批准。認股權和認股權股份將受適用證券法約束,其持有期限爲自發行之日起的四個月及一天。

In connection with closing of the First Tranche, the Company will, subject to TSX-V approval, issue a total of 1,280,591 Warrants to Monetary Metals & Co. (the "Tranche 1 Warrants"). The Tranche 1 Warrants will be exercisable until August 8, 2027, subject to acceleration in accordance with the policies of the TSX-V, and the Exercise Price of the Tranche 1 Warrants will be C$0.16.

與發放第一筆銀貸款同時,公司將在獲得TSX-V批准的前提下向Monetary Metals & Co.發行一共1,280,591個認股權(「第一筆分期認股權」),第一筆分期認股權將在2027年8月8日之前行使,可根據TSX-V的政策進行加速行使,行使價格爲0.16加元。

The securities referenced herein or any securities underlying or derived from the financial instruments referenced herein, including but not limited to the Warrants, the Warrant Shares, and the Silver Loan, have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy such securities, nor shall there be any sale of such securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.


Amendments to Existing Sprott Streaming Financing Package

現有的Sprott Private Resource Streaming & Royalty Corp(「Sprott Streaming」)融資方案的修改

A series of related transactions also took place concurrently with closing of the Silver Loan to amend certain terms of the existing financing package with Sprott Private Resource Streaming & Royalty Corp ("Sprott Streaming"). Firstly, the maturity dates of the series 1 convertible debentures and series 2 convertible debentures (together, the "Debentures") previously issued by the Company to Sprott Streaming were extended from March 31, 2026 to March 31, 2028 and March 31, 2029, respectively. Additionally, the termination date of the royalty put option (the "Royalty Put Option") previously granted by the Company to Sprott Streaming was amended from the later of the payment in full of the Debentures and the exercise of the Royalty Put Option, to the later of the payment in full of the Debentures and March 31, 2029. The Company also amended the existing loan facility with Sprott Streaming (the "Sprott Streaming Loan") to extend the maturity date of the Sprott Streaming Loan from June 30, 2027 to June 30, 2030 and increase the interest payable from June 30, 2027 onwards from 10% to 15%.

在發放銀貸款的同時,還同時進行了一系列相關交易以修改先前向Sprott Streaming發放的第1系列可轉換債券和第2系列可轉換債券(統稱「債券」)的某些條款。公司向Sprott Streaming授予的 皇室售賣選擇權的到期日(「皇室售賣選擇權」)也由債券全額支付或行使皇室售賣選擇權的後者,修改爲支付完債券全額支付且到期日爲2029年3月31日的晚者。此外,公司還修改了與Sprott Streaming的現有貸款協議(「Sprott Streaming Loan」),將Sprott Streaming Loan的到期日從2027年6月30日延長至2030年6月30日,並將從2027年6月30日起支付的利息從10%提高至15%。

The amendments to the Debentures, Royalty Put Option and Sprott Streaming Loan (collectively, the "Transactions") each constitute a "related party transaction" pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The directors of the Company, all of whom are considered independent pursuant to Part 7 of MI 61-101, have unanimously determined that the Transactions are advisable and in the best interests of the Company, and that the Transactions are exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 pursuant to the "financial hardship" exemptions provided under Section 5.5(g) and 5.7(1)(e), respectively, of MI 61-101.

債券,皇室售賣選擇權和Sprott Streaming Loan的修改(統稱爲「交易」)各自根據多邊制61-101的規定構成「關聯方交易 - 少數股東在特殊交易中的保護」(「MI 61-101」)。公司董事均根據MI 61-101第7部分認爲是獨立的,他們一致決定本次交易是明智和對公司最有利的,並且根據MI 61-101的第5.5(g)和5.7(1)(e)「財務困境」豁免規定從正式估值和少數股東批准要求中免除。



Under Idaho-based leadership, Bunker Hill intends to sustainably restart and develop the Bunker Hill Mine as the first step in consolidating and then optimizing a number of mining assets into a high-value portfolio of operations, centered initially in North America. Information about the Company is available on its website,, or within the SEDAR+ and EDGAR databases.

在愛達荷州的領導下,Bunker Hill旨在可持續地重新啓動和開發Bunker Hill Mine,並將其作爲整合其他許多采礦資產並構建以北美爲中心的高價值運營組合的第一步。公司的信息可通過其網站www.bunkerhillmining.com或Sedar+和EDGAR數據庫獲得。

On behalf of Bunker Hill Mining Corp.

代表Bunker Hill Mining Corp。

Sam Ash
President and Chief Executive Officer


For additional information, please contact:


Brenda Dayton
Vice President, Investor Relations
T: 604.417.7952


Cautionary Statements


Neither the TSX-V nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are within the meaning of that term in Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as well as within the meaning of the phrase 'forward-looking information' in the Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", "plan" or variations of such words and phrases.

本新聞公告中的某些聲明屬於前瞻性聲明,涉及多項風險和不確定因素。此類前瞻性聲明在美國證券法第27A節和1934年修訂版美國證券交易法第21E節中具有該術語的含義,以及在加拿大證券監管機構的全國工具51-102 – 持續披露義務下具有"前瞻性信息"一詞的含義(統稱「前瞻性聲明」)。前瞻性聲明不包含歷史事實。前瞻性聲明包括描述公司未來計劃、目標或目標的估計和陳述,包括指出公司或管理層預計發生某種狀態或結果的言辭。前瞻性陳述可能被識別爲「認爲」、「預計」、「期望」、「估計」、「可能」、「可能」、「將」、「計劃」或這些詞語和短語的變體。

Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, including the restart and development of the Bunker Hill Mine; the achievement of future short-term, medium-term and long-term operational strategies; the Silver Loan; the Company receiving TSX-V approval for the Silver Loan and the issuance of the Warrants and the Warrant Shares; and the timing and advancement of additional tranches of the Silver Loan and additional Warrants. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those risks and uncertainties identified in public filings made by Bunker Hill with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and with applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities, and the following: the Company not receiving the approval of the TSX-V for the issuance of the Warrants and the Warrant Shares; the Company's inability to raise additional capital for project activities, including through equity financings, concentrate offtake financings or otherwise; the fluctuating price of commodities; capital market conditions; restrictions on labor and its effects on international travel and supply chains; failure to identify mineral resources; failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves; the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results; the Company's ability to restart and develop the Bunker Hill Mine and the risks of not basing a production decision on a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability, resulting in increased uncertainty due to multiple technical and economic risks of failure which are associated with this production decision including, among others, areas that are analyzed in more detail in a feasibility study, such as applying economic analysis to resources and reserves, more detailed metallurgy and a number of specialized studies in areas such as mining and recovery methods, market analysis, and environmental and community impacts and, as a result, there may be an increased uncertainty of achieving any particular level of recovery of minerals or the cost of such recovery, including increased risks associated with developing a commercially mineable deposit, with no guarantee that production will begin as anticipated or at all or that anticipated production costs will be achieved; failure to commence production would have a material adverse impact on the Company's ability to generate revenue and cash flow to fund operations; failure to achieve the anticipated production costs would have a material adverse impact on the Company's cash flow and future profitability; delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals; political risks; changes in equity markets; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; the inability of the Company to budget and manage its liquidity in light of the failure to obtain additional financing, including the ability of the Company to complete the payments pursuant to the terms of the agreement to acquire the Bunker Hill Mine complex; inflation; changes in exchange rates; fluctuations in commodity prices; delays in the development of projects; and capital, operating and reclamation costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such statements or information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all, including as to whether or when the Company will achieve its project finance initiatives, or as to the actual size or terms of those financing initiatives. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

本新聞公告中的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於有關以下方面的聲明:公司的目標,目標或未來計劃,包括Bunker Hill礦山的重啓和開發;未來短期、中期和長期的運營策略的實現;白銀貸款;公司獲得TSX-V對白銀貸款和認股權和認股權股份的批准的時間和推進;以及白銀貸款和認股權的其他分期的時間和推進。可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性聲明有所不同的因素包括但不限於,由Bunker Hill向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)和適用的加拿大證券監管機構提交的公開文件中確定的那些風險和不確定因素以及以下因素:公司未獲得TSX-V對認股權和認股權股份的發行批准;公司無法通過股權融資、濃縮物提取融資或其他方式籌集項目活動所需的額外資金;商品價格波動;資本市場條件;對勞動力的限制及其對國際旅行和供應鏈的影響;未能發現礦產資源;未能將估計的礦產資源轉化爲儲量;冶金試驗結果初步性質;公司重啓和開發Bunker Hill礦山的能力以及未基於可行性研究而對礦產儲量進行生產決策的風險,該可行性研究證明了經濟和技術可行性,從而增加了由於與此生產決策相關的多重技術和經濟風險而存在的不確定性,包括但不限於可在可行性研究中分析的領域,如將經濟分析應用於資源和儲量、更詳細的冶金學和許多專業研究,如採礦和採收方法、市場分析、環境和社區影響等,因此,實現任何特定礦物的恢復或其恢復成本的不確定性可能會增加,包括與開採商業可採礦牀相關的風險、沒有保證生產將按預期開始或根本不會開始,或保證預期的生產成本將被實現;未能開始生產將對公司產生重大不利影響,使其無法產生收入和現金流以資助運營;未能實現預期的生產成本將對公司現金流和未來的盈利能力產生重大不利影響;未能獲得或未能獲得所需的政府、環境或其他項目批准的延遲;政治風險;股本市場的變化;與未來融資所需的可用性和成本有關的不確定性;公司無法根據購買Bunker Hill礦山綜合體的協議的條款完成支付的能力,包括公司的流動性預算和管理;通貨膨脹;匯率變動;項目開發延遲;與估計相差很大的資本、經營和復墾成本以及涉及礦產勘探和開發行業的其他風險。儘管公司認爲本新聞公告中使用的前瞻性聲明的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過度依賴此類聲明或信息,該聲明或信息僅適用於本新聞發佈日期,並且不能保證此類事件將在公開時間內或根本不會發生,包括公司是否將實現其項目融資舉措,以及這些融資舉措的實際規模或條款。本公司不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息的任何意向或義務,除非法律規定要求。沒有任何股票交易所、證券監管機構或其他監管機構已批准或否定了此處包含的信息。

Readers are cautioned that the foregoing risks and uncertainties are not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other risk factors that could affect the Company's operations or financial results are included in the Company's annual report and may be accessed through the SEDAR+ website () or through EDGAR on the SEC website (


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


