
Earnings Call Summary | Global Water Resources(GWRS.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Global Water Resources(GWRS.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | global water resources(GWRS.US) 2024 Q2 業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/09 06:05  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Global Water Resources, Inc. (GWRS) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Global Water Resources, Inc. (GWRS) Q2 2024業績會議要點:

Financial Performance:


  • Total Q2 revenue was $13.5 million, an increase of 3.9% from Q2 2023.

  • Operating expenses for Q2 increased by approximately $700,000 or 7.2%, primarily due to increased costs in maintenance, medical expenses, and salaries.

  • Net income for Q2 was $1.7 million, consistent with Q2 of the previous year.

  • Q2總收入爲$13.5 million,同比增長3.9%。

  • Q2的營業費用增加了大約$70萬或7.2%,主要是由於維護、醫療費用和工資成本增加等原因。

  • Q2的淨利潤爲$1.7 million,與去年同期持平。

Business Progress:


  • Total active service connections rose by 4.9% year-over-year.

  • $12.2 million was invested into infrastructure in the first half of 2024 to enhance utility reliability and safety.

  • Significant urban and industrial developments were highlighted in the metro areas serviced, expected to aid future growth.

  • Rate cases for different districts were pursued to align prices with the increased service and operational costs.

  • 總活躍服務連接比去年同期增長4.9%。

  • 2024年上半年向基礎設施投資$12.2 million,以提高公用事業的可靠性和安全性。

  • 其中的城市和工業發展被強調,這將有望促進未來的增長。

  • 針對不同地區的費率案件正在推進中,以使價格能夠與增加的服務和營業成本相匹配。



  • There remains a robust demand for housing in Metro Phoenix due to net immigration and job growth, suggesting stable future demand for water services.

  • The shift to high-density multifamily housing and commercial projects in Maricopa, represented by a 273% increase in multifamily building permits, indicates growing business opportunities in these sectors.

  • Arizona's booming industrial sector, including expansions by major tech firms, presents potential service expansion opportunities.

  • 由於淨移民和就業增長,Phoenix都會區的住房需求仍然強勁,這表明水務服務的未來需求將保持穩定。

  • 在Maricopa,高密度多戶住宅和商業項目的轉變,例如多戶建築許可證增長了273%,表明這些領域的商業機會正在增加。

  • 亞利桑那州蓬勃發展的工業領域,包括主要科技公司的擴張,提供了潛在的服務擴展機會。



  • High inflation and other cost increase factors have impacted earnings growth, though rate adjustments are being pursued to manage this.

  • Interest rate fluctuations might influence the construction sector, potentially affecting the demand for water services.

  • 高通脹和其他成本增加因素影響了收益增長,但正在尋求費率調整來管理這種情況。

  • 利率波動可能會影響建築業,從而可能影響對水務服務的需求。

More details: Global Water Resources IR

更多細節請見:Global Water Resources投資關係頁面。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


