
Earnings Call Summary | Viemed Healthcare(VMD.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Viemed Healthcare(VMD.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | viemed healthcare(VMD.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/09 05:22  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Viemed Healthcare, Inc. (VMD) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Viemed Healthcare, Inc. (VMD) Q2 2024業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Viemed Healthcare reported a significant growth with Q2 2024 net revenue reaching $55 million, a 27% increase year-over-year.

  • Gross and EBITDA margins for the quarter were strong, standing at 60% and 23% respectively.

  • The second quarter also saw an increase in revenue from the ventilation services segment, despite it constituting a lower percentage of total revenue compared to the same quarter in the previous year (56% in 2024 vs. 60% in 2023).

  • A total of $8.9 million was invested in patient CapEx, particularly in respiratory products, despite selling back some of the fleet to Philips which offset the CapEx number.

  • Viemed Healthcare報告稱,2024年Q2淨營業收入達到5500萬美元,同比增長27%。

  • 本季度毛利率和EBITDA利潤率均較高,分別爲60%和23%。

  • 儘管呼吸機服務板塊收入份額較上年同期下降(2024年爲56%,2023年爲60%),第二季度該板塊收入仍有所增長。

  • CapEx總額投資890萬美元用於固定資產的購買,特別是呼吸類產品,但也退回一些設備給飛利浦用於抵消CapEx總額。

Business Progress:


  • Integrated the acquisition of East Alabama HomeMed effectively, enhancing future joint venture opportunities.

  • Successfully restructured the sales force, leading to a 15% increase in average monthly setups per sales rep.

  • Engaged in technological advancements including machine learning tools to optimize processes and enhance patient care.

  • Advanced payer and regulatory fronts by moving all payers away from Change Healthcare, mitigating impacts from the cyber attack on collections.

  • 成功整合East Alabama HomeMed,增強未來的合資機會。

  • 成功重組銷售團隊,使每個銷售代表的平均每月採購量增加15%。

  • 採用機器學習工具優化流程和提高病人護理質量,進行技術手段的不斷升級。

  • 通過把所有付款機構從Change Healthcare遷移走,減少了對收款方的網絡攻擊所帶來的影響,並在覆蓋範圍上取得進展。



  • Continued strong demand for noninvasive ventilation across the country, with market penetration still below 10%, indicates significant growth potential.

  • Enacted strategies, including restructuring sales initiatives and technological investments, which are expected to bolster future growth.

  • Positive regulatory modifications and payer behavior are likely to improve access to care and reduce burdens, potentially driving higher uptake of VIP therapy.

  • 全國範圍內繼續保持對非侵入式通氣的強烈需求,市場滲透率仍然低於10%,這表明Viemed Healthcare存在顯著的增長潛力。

  • 執行重新定位銷售戰略和技術投資等策略,有望促進未來的增長。

  • 正面的法規改動和付款行爲有望改善護理服務的獲取和降低負擔,從而提高VIP療法的接受程度。



  • The Philips recall poses a potential risk, however, Viemed is mitigating it by entering an agreement to buy back affected devices, using the proceeds to refresh their ventilator fleet.

  • 飛利浦召回可能存在潛在風險,然而Viemed Healthcare正在通過購買受影響的設備來緩解這種風險,用收益來更換呼吸機隊列。

More details: Viemed Healthcare IR

更多細節:Viemed Healthcare IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


