
Glacier Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results

Glacier Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/09 05:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Glacier Media Inc. (TSX: GVC) ("Glacier" or the "Company") reported revenue and earnings for the period ended June 30, 2024.

2024年8月8日,卑詩省溫哥華市,環球新聞(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Glacier Media Inc.(tsx:gvc)(以下簡稱「Glacier」或「公司」)宣佈截至2024年6月30日的營業收入和收益。



(thousands of dollars) Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
except share and per share amounts 2024 2023 2024 2023
Revenue $ 33,532 $ 37,322 $ 68,282 $ 76,540
EBITDA $ 907 $ (3,237) $ 585 $ (5,478)
EBITDA margin 2.7% (8.7%) 0.9% (7.2%)
EBITDA per share $ 0.01 $ (0.02) $ 0.00 $ (0.04)
Capital expenditures $ 1,229 $ 1,142 $ 1,988 $ 2,219
Net loss attributable to common shareholder $ (3,280) $ (8,186) $ (7,709) $ (13,403)
Net loss attributable to common shareholder per share $ (0.03) $ (0.06) $ (0.06) $ (0.10)
Weighted average shares outstanding, net 131,131,598 131,900,782 131,131,598 132,195,531
(單位:千美元) 截止到6月30日的三個月 六個月截至6月30日,
除股份和每股金額之外 2024 2023 2024 2023
營業收入 $ 33,532 $ 37,322 $ 68,282 $ 76,540
EBITDA $ 907 $ (3,237) $ 585 $ (5,478)
息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤率 2.7% (8.7%) 0.9% (7.2%)
每股EBITDA $ 0.01 $ (0.02) $ 0.00 $ (0.04)
資本支出 $ 1,229 $ 1,142 $ 1,988 $ 2,219
歸屬於普通股股東的淨虧損 $ (3,280) $ (8,186) $ (7,709) $ (13,403)
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨虧損 $ (0.03) $ (0.06) $ (0.06) $ (0.10)
加權平均股本,淨額 131,131,598 131,900,782 131,131,598 132,195,531
(1) EBITDA is considered a non-GAAP measure. Refer to "EBITDA Reconciliation" below for a reconciliation of the Company's net (loss) income attributable to common shareholders as reported under IFRS to EBITDA.
(1) EBITDA被認爲是一項非GAAP指標。有關公司根據IFRS報告歸屬於普通股股東的淨(損失)收入與EBITDA的對比,請參閱下面的「EBITDA Reconciliation」。



Q2 2024 continued the transformation of the business, with a renewed operating plan of how the Company views its core businesses and how it will manage legacy operations going forward. The Company objective is to focus on the long-term growth of its business information and consumer digital businesses. The Company is optimistic that its core operations can and will continue to perform well in the long-term and will generate strong cash flows and enhance shareholder value. The respective brands, market positions, and value to customers remains strong.


Over the past 12 months, the Company has moved aggressively to close or sell underperforming print community media operations to focus on its core businesses. Certain remaining print operations continue to perform well, generating cash flow and providing value to customers and readers. The Company will operate these businesses while continuing to closely monitor their performance.


Consolidated revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2024, was $33.5 million, down $3.8 million or 10.2% from the same period in the prior year. Consolidated EBITDA for the quarter was $0.9 million, an improvement of $4.1 million from an EBITDA loss of $3.2 million in the comparative quarter. Capital expenditures for the period were $1.2 million as compared to $1.1 million in the comparative quarter.


The substantial 10.2% quarter-over-quarter revenue decline was primarily driven by the closure and sale of underperforming print community media operations and the sale of the mining media business over the course of the last few quarters. Not including print community media (where the bulk of the restructuring and sales of business occurred) overall revenues increased by 1.8%. Lastly, the mix of revenues shifted between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024; the share of print community media revenues declined from 26.4% of total revenues in 2023 to 16.6% of total revenues in 2024.


EBITDA for the quarter was $0.9 million, a $4.1 million improvement over an EBITDA loss in Q2 2023 of $3.2 million. Not including print community media, overall EBITDA was $0.5 million. The profitability improvement resulted from a combination of restructuring legacy operations and improved profitability in several core operating businesses.


Financial Position. As at June 30, 2024, the Company had a cash balance of $5.0 million and $7.0 million of non-recourse mortgages (which relate to land for the farm shows in Saskatchewan and Ontario).


For further information please contact Mr. Orest Smysnuik, Chief Financial Officer, at 604-708-3264.

如需進一步了解信息,請聯繫致富金融(臨時代碼)首席財務官Orest Smysnuik,電話604-708-3264。



Glacier Media Inc. is a broad portfolio of business information and consumer digital businesses. Serving a diverse array of industries and users, the businesses are typically leaders in their respective industry and/or geographic markets.

Glacier Media Inc.是一個廣泛的業務信息和消費者數字業務組合。服務於各行各業和用戶群體,這些業務通常是其所在行業和/或地理市場的領導者。



This news release contains forward-looking statements that relate to, among other things, the Company's objectives, goals, strategies, intentions, plans, beliefs, expectations, and estimates. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to our expectations as to the core operations performing well in the long-term, and generation of future cash flows. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, including continued economic growth and recovery and the realization of cost savings in a timely manner and in the expected amounts, which are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements.


Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these expectations include failure to implement or achieve the intended results from our strategic initiatives, and the other risk factors listed in our Annual Information Form under the heading "Risk Factors" and in our MD&A under the heading "Business Environment and Risks", many of which are out of our control. These other risk factors include, but are not limited to that future cash flow from operations and the availability under existing banking arrangements are believed to be adequate to support financial liabilities, the ability of the Company to sell advertising and subscriptions related to its publications, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, the seasonal and cyclical nature of the agricultural and energy sectors, discontinuation of government grants, general market conditions in both Canada and the United States, changes in the prices of purchased supplies including newsprint, the effects of competition in the Company's markets, dependence on key personnel, integration of newly acquired businesses, technological changes, tax risk, financing risk, debt service risk and cybersecurity risk.


The forward-looking statements made in this news release relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.




Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA"), EBITDA margin and EBITDA per share, are not generally accepted measures of financial performance under IFRS. Management utilizes EBITDA as a financial performance measure to assess profitability and return on equity in its decision making. In addition, the Company, its lenders and its investors use EBITDA to measure performance and value for various purposes. Investors are cautioned; however, that EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders determined in accordance with IFRS as an indicator of the Company's performance.


The Company's method of calculating these financial performance measures may differ from other companies and, accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies. A quantitative reconciliation of these non-IFRS measures is included in the section entitled EBITDA Reconciliation.




(thousands of dollars) Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
except share and per share amounts 2024 2023 2024 2023
Net loss attributable to common shareholders $ (3,280) $ (8,186) $ (7,709) $ (13,403)
Add (deduct):
Non-controlling interests $ 331 $ 363 $ 258 $ (3,274)
Interest expense, net $ 1,584 $ 380 $ 3,032 $ 675
Depreciation and amortization $ 2,874 $ 2,857 $ 5,844 $ 5,829
(Gain) loss on disposal, net $ 323 $ - $ 113 $ 6,169
Other income $ (519) $ - $ (1,140) $ -
Restructuring and other expenses (net) $ 754 $ 2,455 $ 2,362 $ 2,760
Share of loss (earnings)
from joint ventures and associates $ 42 $ 631 $ (280) $ 533
Income tax recovery $ (1,202) $ (1,924) $ (1,895) $ (4,767)
EBITDA (1) $ 907 $ (3,424) $ 585 $ (5,478)
(1) Refer to "Non-IFRS Measures" section of MD&A for discussion of non-IFRS measures used in this table.
(單位:千美元) 截止到6月30日的三個月 六個月截至6月30日,
除股票和每股股票金額外 2024 2023 2024 2023
歸屬於普通股股東的淨虧損 $ (3,280) $ (8,186) $ (7,709) $ (13,403)
非控股權益 $ 331 $ 363 $ 258 $ (3,274)
利息費用,淨額 $ 1,584 $ 380 $ 3,032 $ 675
折舊和攤銷 $ 2,874 $ 2,857 $ 5,844 $ 5,829
(盈利)出售淨額 $ 323 $ - $ 113 $ 6,169
其他收入 $ (519) $ - $ (1,140) $ -
重組及其他費用(淨額) $ 754 $ 2,455 $ 2,362 $ 2,760
來自合營企業和聯營企業的份額(損失) $ 42 $ 631 $ (280) $ 533
所得稅收回 $ (1202) $ (1,924) $ (1,895) $ (4,767)
息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(1) $ 907 $ (3,424) $ 585 $ (5,478)

