
Does Park-Ohio Holdings (NASDAQ:PKOH) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Does Park-Ohio Holdings (NASDAQ:PKOH) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Park-Ohio Holdings(納斯達克:PKOH)是否應該被列入您的自選股列表?
Simply Wall St ·  08/08 19:02

It's common for many investors, especially those who are inexperienced, to buy shares in companies with a good story even if these companies are loss-making. Sometimes these stories can cloud the minds of investors, leading them to invest with their emotions rather than on the merit of good company fundamentals. Loss making companies can act like a sponge for capital - so investors should be cautious that they're not throwing good money after bad.


If this kind of company isn't your style, you like companies that generate revenue, and even earn profits, then you may well be interested in Park-Ohio Holdings (NASDAQ:PKOH). Even if this company is fairly valued by the market, investors would agree that generating consistent profits will continue to provide Park-Ohio Holdings with the means to add long-term value to shareholders.

如果這種公司不是你的風格,你喜歡營業收入甚至獲得利潤的公司,那麼你可能對Park-Ohio Holdings (NASDAQ:PKOH)感興趣。即使這家公司被市場合理定價,投資者也會認爲,持續創造利潤將繼續爲Park-Ohio Holdings股東增加長期價值的手段。

How Fast Is Park-Ohio Holdings Growing Its Earnings Per Share?

Park-Ohio Holdings的每股收益增長速度有多快?

Park-Ohio Holdings has undergone a massive growth in earnings per share over the last three years. So much so that this three year growth rate wouldn't be a fair assessment of the company's future. Thus, it makes sense to focus on more recent growth rates, instead. In impressive fashion, Park-Ohio Holdings' EPS grew from US$1.14 to US$3.01, over the previous 12 months. It's not often a company can achieve year-on-year growth of 163%.

過去三年,Park-Ohio Holdings的每股收益有大幅增長。增長速度如此之快,以至於這個三年增長率不能公正評估該公司的未來。因此,有意義的是,關注較近期的增長速度。Park-Ohio Holdings的每股收益在過去12個月裏從1.14美元增長到3.01美元,令人印象深刻。很少有公司能夠實現年同比增長163%。

One way to double-check a company's growth is to look at how its revenue, and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins are changing. Park-Ohio Holdings maintained stable EBIT margins over the last year, all while growing revenue 6.1% to US$1.7b. That's a real positive.

檢查公司的增長的一種方法是查看其營業收入和利息和稅前利潤(EBIT)利潤率的變化。儘管增長營收6.1% 至17億美元,Park-Ohio Holdings仍保持穩定的EBIT利潤率。這是一個真正的積極信號。

The chart below shows how the company's bottom and top lines have progressed over time. For finer detail, click on the image.


NasdaqGS:PKOH Earnings and Revenue History August 8th 2024

While we live in the present moment, there's little doubt that the future matters most in the investment decision process. So why not check this interactive chart depicting future EPS estimates, for Park-Ohio Holdings?

儘管我們生活在當下,但毫無疑問未來最爲重要。那麼,爲什麼不查看這張描繪Park-Ohio Holdings未來每股收益預測的交互式圖表呢?

Are Park-Ohio Holdings Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Park-Ohio Holdings的內部人持有大量已發行股份通常是一個好的跡象。他們的激勵將與投資者保持一致,突然的拋售不太可能影響股價。因此,很顯然,Park-Ohio Holdings內部人擁有大量股份確實很有吸引力。事實上,內部人擁有公司36%的股份,他們對公司的投資深度投入。這應該對投資者來說是一個受歡迎的跡象,因爲它表明做出決策的人也受到他們選擇的影響。以這樣的持股水平,內部人的持股在當前價格下約爲1,220萬美元。這應該足夠讓他們專注於創造股東價值!

Seeing insiders owning a large portion of the shares on issue is often a good sign. Their incentives will be aligned with the investors and there's less of a probability in a sudden sell-off that would impact the share price. So as you can imagine, the fact that Park-Ohio Holdings insiders own a significant number of shares certainly is appealing. Actually, with 36% of the company to their names, insiders are profoundly invested in the business. This should be a welcoming sign for investors because it suggests that the people making the decisions are also impacted by their choices. With that sort of holding, insiders have about US$122m riding on the stock, at current prices. That should be more than enough to keep them focussed on creating shareholder value!

Park-Ohio Holdings的每股收益增長得非常快,這幾乎是令人印象深刻的。這種每股收益增長水平在吸引投資方面起到了奇妙的作用,而公司內部人員對其進行的大量投資僅僅是錦上添花。高增長速度有時是企業達到拐點的跡象,因此這裏有一個潛在的機會。因此,表面上看,Park-Ohio Holdings值得放入自選股列表中,在此之上,當市場低估快速增長的公司時,股東的收益通常都很不錯。當然,您應該始終考慮風險。重點是,我們已經發現Park-Ohio Holdings的兩個警示信號,您應該意識到其中一個並不好。

Is Park-Ohio Holdings Worth Keeping An Eye On?

Park-Ohio Holdings值得關注嗎?

Park-Ohio Holdings' earnings have taken off in quite an impressive fashion. This level of EPS growth does wonders for attracting investment, and the large insider investment in the company is just the cherry on top. At times fast EPS growth is a sign the business has reached an inflection point, so there's a potential opportunity to be had here. So at the surface level, Park-Ohio Holdings is worth putting on your watchlist; after all, shareholders do well when the market underestimates fast growing companies. You should always think about risks though. Case in point, we've spotted 2 warning signs for Park-Ohio Holdings you should be aware of, and 1 of them doesn't sit too well with us.

Park-Ohio Holdings的每股收益增長非常迅速。這種每股收益增長水平在吸引投資方面起到了奇妙的作用,而公司內部人員對其進行的大量投資僅僅是錦上添花。高增長速度有時是企業達到拐點的跡象,因此這裏有一個潛在的機會。因此,表面上看,Park-Ohio Holdings值得放入自選股列表中,在此之上,當市場低估快速增長的公司時,股東的收益通常都很不錯。當然,您應該始終考慮風險。重點是,我們已經發現Park-Ohio Holdings的兩個警示信號,您應該意識到其中一個並不好。

There's always the possibility of doing well buying stocks that are not growing earnings and do not have insiders buying shares. But for those who consider these important metrics, we encourage you to check out companies that do have those features. You can access a tailored list of companies which have demonstrated growth backed by significant insider holdings.


Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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