
Cboe BZX Exchange Seeks To List New Short Volatility ETF

Cboe BZX Exchange Seeks To List New Short Volatility ETF

芝加哥期權交易所 BZX 交易所尋求上市新的空頭波動率ETF
Benzinga Staff Writer ·  2019/12/13 07:10

Cboe BZX Exchange is seeking permission from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to list a new short-volatility exchange-traded fund, according to Reuters. What Happened

據路透社報道,Cboe BZX Exchange正在尋求美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的許可,以上市新的空頭波動率交易所交易基金。發生了什麼

The BZX Exchange, one of the four U.S. equities exchanges operated by Cboe Global Markets Inc (BATS: CBOE), has filed an application with the SEC on Dec. 10 to register a new short-volatility ETF.

BZX 交易所,由美國運營的四家股票交易所之一 芝加哥期權交易所全球市場 Inc(BATS:CBOE)已於12月10日向美國證券交易委員會申請註冊新的空頭波動率ETF。

The Cboe BZX Exchange ETF is made to track the daily move in the Short VIX Futures index .SHORTVOL index, which itself measures a rolling positioning in the first and second-month contracts on the Cboe VIX futures VXc1 VXc2, said the filing, according to Reuters. Why It Matters

路透社文件稱,芝加哥期權交易所BZX交易所ETF旨在追蹤空頭VIX期貨指數.SHORTVOL指數的每日走勢,該指數本身衡量芝加哥期權交易所VxC1 vxC2第一和第二個月合約的滾動頭寸。爲什麼重要

A similar short-volatility Exchange Traded Product (ETP) called the VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETN (also known as XIV) was introduced to the stock market nearly two years ago. XIV enabled many investors to bet against stock volatility before it collapsed in February 2018, causing billions of dollars in losses for the investors.

大約兩年前,股票市場推出了類似的短波動率交易所交易產品(ETP),名爲VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX短期ETN(也稱爲XIV)。XIV使許多投資者能夠在2018年2月股市暴跌之前押注股票波動,給投資者造成數十億美元的損失。

Since its inception in the early 2000s, ETPs became very popular among investors, especially after the introduction of two exchange-traded notes linked to indexes composed of futures on the VIX in 2009.

自2000年代初成立以來,ETP變得非常 流行的 在投資者中,尤其是在2009年推出兩種與由VIX期貨組成的指數掛鉤的交易所交易票據之後。

