
【数据看盘】北向资金连续减仓格力、美的 三大实力游资联手抄底中公教育

[Data analysis] Northbound funds have continuously reduced their holdings in Gree and Midea, while three powerful institutional investors have teamed up to capture offcn education technology. ·  Aug 8 17:53

① The two major electronics leaders, Gree Electric and Midea Group, have been net sold by Northbound capital for many consecutive days. ② China Public Education, which had declined, was bought by three first-tier tourist seats. Among them, the Fuzhou Liuyi Road Sales Department of China Merchants Securities bought more than 30 million.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect had a slight net purchase today. Kweichow Moutai had the highest net purchases and Wuliangye had the highest net sales. In terms of the sector's main capital, the food and beverage vehicle sector had the highest net inflow. In terms of ETF transactions, real estate ETF (512200) turnover increased 81% month-on-month. In terms of futures positions, the number of short positions added to IM contracts is greater than the number of long positions. In terms of the Dragon Tiger List, Hongdu Airlines was bought over 30 million by the agency; the tender shares were sold by the agency; BAIC Blue Valley sold 0.177 billion by the agency; CITIC Haidian was sold 0.108 billion by CITIC Construction Investment's Beijing Guangqumennei Street Sales Department; and Real Estate Stock Shenzhen Property A was bought by a quantified seat of more than 30 million.

1. The top ten transactions of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Northbound Capital made a net purchase of 1.103 billion yuan throughout the day, of which Shanghai Stock Connect made a net purchase of 0.8 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect made a net purchase of 0.304 billion yuan.

7Om6N9sEFY.pngAmong the top ten transactions in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect markets, the majority of individual stocks were net sold. In terms of net purchases, IFF had the highest net purchases, while Kweichow Moutai and Zijin Mining ranked second and third with net purchases.

In terms of net sales, Wuliangye had the highest net sales; Gree Electric ranked second in net sales. The stock has been net sold for 5 consecutive trading days; in addition, Midea Group has been net sold for 6 consecutive trading days.

2. The main capital of individual stocks in the sector

Judging from sector performance, sectors such as agriculture, vitamins, liquor, and ST sectors registered the highest gains, while sectors such as education, commercial aerospace, online car-hailing, and low-altitude economy registered the highest declines.

q3H9PKO2K4.pngJudging from the capital monitoring data of the main sector, the food and beverage sector continued to have the highest net inflow of main capital.

In terms of capital outflows from the sector, the transportation equipment sector had the highest net outflow of capital from the main players.

7yMUsYpi9q.pngJudging from the monitoring data of the main capital of individual stocks, the net inflow of main capital into the top ten individual stock sectors is quite chaotic, with Wuliangye leading the net inflow.

Among the top ten individual stocks with major capital outflows, there are many commercial aerospace concept stocks, with BAIC Blue Valley leading the net outflow.

3. ETF Transactions

X070z15fSl.pngLooking at the top ten ETFs by turnover, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 ETF (510300) ranked first in terms of turnover, while the three Hang Seng Index ETFs ranked second to fourth.
McuuI27eFV.pngLooking at the top ten ETFs with a month-on-month increase in turnover, the real estate ETF (512200) ranked first in terms of turnover growth of 81% month-on-month, and all three science and technology innovation board ETFs ranked in the top ten.

4. Futures Index Positions

wHJ72nF3e4.pngThe four major contracts indicate that in the main contract, both long and short IF and IM contracts have increased their positions. Among them, the number of long and short IF contracts is basically the same, and the number of short positions added to the IM contract is higher; the long and short positions of the IH contract are slightly increased; the long and short sides of the IC contract have reduced their positions, and the number of long and short positions have been reduced.

5. Dragon Tiger List

1. Agency

jU3G3xgfNT.pngThe level of institutional activity on the Dragon Tiger List is average. In terms of purchases, Hongdu Airlines, a low-altitude economy concept stock, was bought by institutions over 30 million.

In terms of sales, the tender shares for commercial aerospace concept stocks were sold by the agency for more than 30 million; BAIC Blue Valley was sold by the agency for 0.177 billion yuan.

2. Tourist capital

IlfZRxShNm.pngFirst-tier tourism activity has increased, and China Public Education, which has declined, was bought by three first-tier tourist seats; CITIC Haizhi, a low-altitude economy concept stock, was sold 0.108 billion by CITIC Construction Investment's Beijing Guangqumennei Street Sales Department.

Quantitative capital activity is average. Real estate stock Shenzhen Property A received a quantitative seat purchase of over 30 million.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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