
Earnings Call Summary | Quantum-Si(QSI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Quantum-Si(QSI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Quantum-Si(QSI.US) 2024第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/08 10:15  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Quantum-Si Incorporated (QSI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Quantum-Si Incorporated(QSI)2024年第二季度業績會議呼叫記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • QSI reported Q2 revenue of $622,000 from sales of their Platinum instrument, consumable kits, and services.

  • Gross profit stood at $354,000 with a gross margin of 57%, impacted by initial commercialization stages and inventory accounting adjustments.

  • While GAAP operating expenses were $26.8 million, the company has reduced these compared to the previous year, aligning with fiscal discipline.

  • Net loss improved by $2.5 million year-over-year to $23.1 million, reflecting the reduction in operating expenses.

  • QSI報告第二季度來自鉑金儀器、耗材套裝和服務的營業收入爲622,000美元。

  • 毛利潤爲354,000美元,毛利率爲57%,受初步商業化階段和庫存會計調整的影響。

  • 儘管美國通用會計準則下營業費用爲2680萬美元,但公司已將其與去年相比減少,實現了財務規律的對齊。

  • 淨虧損同比減少250萬美元至2310萬美元,反映了營業費用的減少。

Business Progress:


  • QSI has focused on accelerating commercial adoption with the full launch of Platinum sales this quarter.

  • New sales initiatives include expanding direct commercial teams and distribution network globally; sales funnel growth seen in both areas.

  • Ongoing R&D yields new advancements like the Version 3 sequencing kit which offers enhanced performance and cost savings on sequencing.

  • Collaboration and scientific presentations have aided in promoting their next-generation protein sequencing technology.

  • QSI致力於加速商業採用,本季度全面推出鉑金銷售。

  • 新的銷售倡議包括在全球範圍內擴大直接商業團隊和分銷網絡; 在這兩個領域都看到了銷售的增長。

  • 持續的研發爲其帶來了新的進展,如第3版測序套件,可提供增強性能和測序上的成本節省。

  • 合作和科學報告有助於推廣其下一代蛋白質測序技術。



  • Opportunities identified include enhancements to current technology, entering new market segments, and leveraging advancements in protein sequencing for broader applications.

  • Strategic growth in both the academic and biotech market segments, catering to higher consumption needs, shows a clear path for scaled adoption and utilization.

  • 確定的機會包括改進現有技術,進入新的市場細分,並利用蛋白質測序的進展來進行更廣泛的應用。

  • 在學術和生物技術市場細分中的戰略增長,迎接更高消費需求,爲擴展采用和利用提供了明確的路徑。



  • Macro market caution regarding capital spending and extended sales cycles could pose challenges to rapid commercial growth.

  • The importance of timely filling and training of sales roles is critical; delays could affect sales and customer reach.

  • 宏觀市場對資本支出和延長的銷售週期的謹慎態度可能會對快速商業增長造成挑戰。

  • 及時填補和培訓銷售角色的重要性至關重要; 延遲可能會影響銷售和客戶接觸。

More details: Quantum-Si IR

更多細節:Quantum-Si IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


