
The Keg Royalties Income Fund Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

The Keg Royalties Income Fund Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/08 05:05

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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Keg Royalties Income Fund (the "Fund") (TSX: KEG.UN) is pleased to announce its financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2024 (the "quarter") and the six months ended June 30, 2024 ("YTD").

英屬哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年8月7日(環球資訊)——The Keg 紅利基金("基金") (TSX: KEG.UN) 高興地宣佈其2024年6月30日三個月("四分之一") 和2024年6月30日六個月("YTD") 的財務結果。



  • Royalty Pool Sales(1) up 2.3% to $175.2M for the quarter and down 1.8% to $356.4M YTD
  • Keg Restaurants Ltd. ("KRL") Average Sales per Operating Week(1) up 2.3% to $128,000 for the quarter and down 1.2% to $131,000 YTD
  • Same Store Sales(1) up 1.7% for the quarter and down 1.9% YTD
  • Distributable Cash(1) down 4.3% to $0.282/Fund unit for the quarter and up 8.9% to $0.691/Fund unit YTD
  • Special cash distribution of $0.08/Fund unit paid on January 31, 2024
  • 轉讓池銷售額(1)在本季度增長了2.3%,達到1.752億美元,在YTD下降了1.8%,達到3.564億美元。
  • Keg 餐飲有限公司 ("KRL") 每週平均營業額(1)在本季度增長了2.3%,達到12.8萬美元,在YTD下降了1.2%,達到13.1萬美元。
  • 本季度同店銷售額(1)增長了1.7%,YTD下降了1.9%。
  • 可分配現金(1)下降了4.3%,每股基金單位爲0.282美元,在季度內上漲了8.9%,每股基金單位爲0.691美元。
  • 以每股基金單位0.08美元的特別現金分配於2024年1月31日支付。
  • Payout Ratio(2) was 100.8% for the quarter and 82.1% YTD
  • 季度支出比率(2)爲100.8%,年初至今爲82.1%。

Royalty Pool Sales reported by the 105 Keg restaurants in the Royalty Pool were $175,175,000 for the second quarter of 2024, an increase of $3,959,000 or 2.3% from the comparable quarter of the prior year. Year-to-date, Royalty Pool Sales decreased by $6,666,000, or 1.8% to $356,424,000. The increase in Royalty Pool Sales during the second quarter of 2024 was due to an increase in Same Store Sales, while the year-to-date decrease was due to a decrease in Same Store Sales.

轉讓池中的105家 Keg 餐廳所報告的銷售額爲1.75175億美元(2024年第二季度),比去年同期增長了395.9萬美元或2.3%。YTD,轉讓池銷售額下降了666.6萬美元,或1.8%,至3.56424億美元。2024年第二季度轉讓池銷售額的增長是由於同店銷售額上升,而年初至今的銷售額下降是由於同店銷售額下降。

Royalty income increased by $158,000 or 2.3% from $6,849,000 in the three months ended June 30, 2023 to $7,007,000 in the three months ended June 30, 2024. For the first six months of 2024, royalty income decreased by $267,000 or 1.8% from $14,524,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to $14,257,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2024.


Distributable Cash available to pay distributions to public unitholders decreased by $144,000 from $3,342,000 ($0.294/Fund unit) to $3,198,000 ($0.282/Fund unit) for the quarter, and increased by $643,000 from $7,207,000 ($0.635/Fund unit) to $7,850,000 ($0.691/Fund unit) year-to-date. During the second quarter of 2024 and 2023, distributions of $3,222,000 ($0.284/Fund unit) were paid to Fund unitholders. During the first six months of both 2024 and 2023, excluding the special cash distribution of $0.08/Fund unit paid on January 31, 2024, distributions of $6,444,000 ($0.568/Fund unit) were paid to Fund unitholders.


In any reporting period, the Fund's Distributable Cash is affected, both positively and negatively, by any changes in non-cash Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities balances recognized in that reporting period. The decrease in the Fund's Distributable Cash in the second quarter of 2024, was primarily attributable to the negative effects of changes in non-cash operating Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities balances during the second quarter of 2024. The increase in the Fund's Distributable Cash in the first six months of 2024, was primarily attributable to the positive effects of changes in non-cash operating Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities balances during the first six months of 2024, as the incremental operating cash flow associated with KRL's 53rd week of operation in the 2023 fiscal year was not received by the Fund until January 2024. The Fund's six months ended June 30 2024, included this extra week of operating cash flow, thereby increasing Distributable Cash and decreasing the year-to-date Payout Ratio.

在任何報告期內,基金的可分配現金都受到當期非現金 SIFt 稅前工作資本分類和轉換的 C 類和可交換合夥制單元餘額變化的影響,這些資產僅在該報告期內認可。基金在 2024 年第二季度的可分配現金的下降,主要歸因於在 2024 年第二季度期間非現金經營工作資本分類和轉換的 C 類和可交換合夥制權益餘額的負面影響。基金在2024年上半年可分配現金的增長,主要歸因於在2024年上半年期間非現金經營工作資本分類和轉換的 C 類和可交換合夥制權益餘額的正面影響。因爲在2023財年的第53周 KRL 的額外經營現金流直到 2024 年 1 月份才由基金收到。基金截至 2024年6月30日的前六個月中,已包括本額外經營現金流周,從而增加了可分配現金,並降低了年初至今的支出比率。

The Payout Ratio was 100.8% for the second quarter of 2024 and 82.1% year-to-date.


The Fund remains financially well positioned with cash on hand of $2,013,000 and a positive Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities balance of $3,724,000 as at June 30, 2024.

基金仍然處於良好的財務地位,現金餘額爲2,013,000美元,截至2024年6月30日,非現金稅前工作資本分類和轉換的 C 類和可交換合夥制單元餘額爲3,724,000美元。

(1) This is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure. Please refer to the "Non-GAAP and other financial measures disclosure (NI 52-112)" section of this press release.
(2) This is a non-IFRS ratio. Please refer to the "Non-GAAP and other financial measures disclosure (NI 52-112)" section of this press release.

(1)這是一項非IFRS補充財務指標。請參閱本新聞稿的“非常規會計方法和其他財務措施披露(NI 52-112)”部分。
(2)這是一種非IFRS比率。請參閱本新聞稿的“非常規會計方法和其他財務措施披露(NI 52-112)”部分。

"We are encouraged with the positive financial results of the Fund in the second quarter of 2024, despite the continued challenges facing the full-service restaurant category" said Kip Woodward, Chairman of the Fund. "Which are a direct result of KRL management's continued focus on operating efficiencies and delivering the best guest dining experience."

基金主席基普·伍德沃德(Kip Woodward)表示: "儘管全服務餐廳類別面臨持續的挑戰,我們對基金2024年第二季度的積極財務結果感到鼓舞。"這是 KRL 管理層繼續專注於提高運營效率和提供最佳顧客用餐體驗的直接結果。

"We are pleased with KRL's sales performance during the second quarter of 2024. Despite a slight decline in guest visits, same store sales improved by 1.7% during the comparable quarter versus 2023" said Nick Dean, President of KRL. "Our guests continue to see great value from The Keg and they trust that they will receive a consistent experience each time they visit one of our locations. Throughout the remainder of 2024, Management will remain focused on giving every guest our best by delivering a superior product and service experience, and driving guest demand during our peak seasons with world-class marketing and advertising," he concluded.

KRL 總裁尼克·迪恩(Nick Dean)說:"我們對KRL在2024年第二季度的銷售表現感到滿意。儘管客人訪問量稍有下降,但同店銷售額在與2023年相比的可比季度中有了1.7%的改善。我們的客人繼續從The Keg中看到巨大的價值,並且相信每次訪問我們的任何一個位置時都能獲得一致的體驗。在2024年的剩餘時間裏,管理層將繼續專注於通過提供卓越的產品和服務體驗,以及通過世界一流的市場營銷和廣告促進客戶需求來讓每個客人都能感到最好。最後,他說。"


非常規會計方法和其他財務措施披露("NI 52-112")

NI 52-112 prescribes disclosure requirements that apply to certain Non-IFRS measures known as "specified financial measures". This press release makes reference to certain non-IFRS measures which provides important information regarding the Fund's financial performance and ability to pay distributions to unitholders. By considering these non-IFRS measures in combination with IFRS measures, the Fund believes that readers are provided with additional and more useful information about the Fund's financial performance as opposed to considering IFRS measures alone. The terms "System Sales", "Royalty Pool", "Royalty Pool Sales", "Same Store Sales", "Distributable Cash Before SIFT Tax", "Distributable Cash", "Payout Ratio", "Operating Weeks", "Average Sales per Operating Week" and "Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities" are non-IFRS measures and non-IFRS ratios. These non-IFRS measures reported by the Fund do not have standardized meanings as prescribed by IFRS, and the Fund's method of calculating these measures may differ and may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other issuers.

NI 52-112規定了適用於某些非IFRS措施的披露要求,稱爲"指定財務措施"。本新聞稿提到了某些非IFRS措施,這些措施提供了有關基金的財務表現和支付分配給持有單位的能力的重要信息。通過結合IFRS措施考慮這些非IFRS指標,基金認爲讀者可獲得有關基金財務表現的額外且更有用的信息,而不是僅考慮IFRS措施。"系統銷售額"、"版權池"、"版權池銷售額"、"同店銷售額"、"SIFt稅前可分配現金"、"可分配現金"、"支出比率"、"經營週數"、"經營每週平均銷售額"和"非現金稅前工作資本分類和轉換的 C 類和可交換合夥制單元餘額"是非IFRS措施和非IFRS比率。基金報告的這些非IFRS指標沒有IFRS規定的標準含義,基金計算這些指標的方法可能有所不同,並且可能與其他發行人報告的類似指標不可比。

"System Sales" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing the gross sales of all corporate restaurants owned by KRL, and the gross sales reported to KRL by franchise restaurants without independent audit, in any period. The total System Sales of KRL are of interest to readers as it best reflects KRL's overall sales performance.

"系統銷售額" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,代表了 KRL 擁有的所有公司餐館和未經獨立審計向 KRL 報告的特許餐廳在任何時期的毛銷售額。KRL 的總系統銷售額是讀者關注的焦點,因爲它最能反映 KRL 的總銷售表現。

"Royalty Pool" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing a specific pool of Keg restaurants for which System Sales is calculated, obligating KRL to make monthly royalty payments to the Partnership equal to 4% of these gross sales.

"版權金池" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,代表計算系統銷售的特定 Keg 餐廳的一個池,根據這些毛銷售額,KRL 有義務向合作伙伴做出每月的版權支付,支付比例爲毛銷售額的 4%。

"Royalty Pool Sales" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing the total gross sales reported by Keg restaurants included in a specified Royalty Pool, for which the Fund receives a royalty of 4% on these reported gross sales in any period.

"版權池銷售額" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,代表在指定版權池中包括的 Keg 餐廳報告的總毛銷售額,在任何時期,基金會按照這些報告的毛銷售額收取 4% 的版權費。

"Same Store Sales" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing the overall increase or decrease in gross sales from a group of Keg restaurants (those restaurants that operated during the entire period of both the current and prior years), compared to gross sales for the same group of restaurants for the same period of the prior year.

"同店銷售額" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,代表相對於上一年度同期,一組 Keg 餐廳(那些在當前和前一年度整個期間都開業的餐廳)的毛銷售額的總體增長或下降,對比了相同期間的同一組餐廳的毛銷售額。

"Distributable Cash Before SIFT Tax" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure and is defined as the periodic cash flows from operating activities as reported in the IFRS condensed consolidated interim financial statements, including the effects of changes in non-cash Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities, plus SIFT tax paid (including current year instalments), less interest and financing fees paid on the term loan, less the Partnership distributions attributable to KRL through its ownership of Exchangeable units.

"SIFt 稅前可分配現金" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,被定義爲期間經營活動產生的現金流量,如在 IFRS 簡明合併中報告的,包括在分類爲 C 類和兌換合夥單位爲流動負債之前變化的無形資產和兌換單位, 加上支付的 SIFt 稅款(包括當年分期),減去爲了轉換公司類型和流動負債準備的,按照期限貸款和股份的歸屬能力計算的利息和融資費用,再減去通過持有 Exchangeable units 通過持有 KRL 可以分配的股息。

"Distributable Cash" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure and is defined as the amount of cash available for distribution to the Fund's public unitholders and is calculated as Distributable Cash Before SIFT Tax, less current year SIFT tax expense. Distributable cash is a non-IFRS financial measure that does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS, and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. However, the Fund believes that Distributable Cash, both before and after SIFT tax, provides useful information regarding the amount of cash available for distribution to the Fund's public unitholders.

"可分配現金" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,被定義爲可分配給基金的公共基金持有人的現金金額,並通過 SIFt 稅前可分配現金計算,減去本年度 SIFt 稅費用。可分配現金是一個非 IFRS 的財務度量,其沒有一個被規定的標準化含義爲 IFRS,因此可能與其他發行人呈現的類似度量不可比較。但是,基金會認爲 SIFt 稅前可分配現金,無論 SIFt 稅前還是後,提供了有關可分配給基金公衆持有人的現金金額的有用信息。

"Payout Ratio" is a non-IFRS ratio and is computed as the ratio of aggregate cash distributions paid during the period plus any special distributions declared or paid during the same period (numerator) to the aggregate Distributable Cash of the period (denominator).

"支出比率" 是一個非 IFRS 的比率,它的計算方法是該期間實際支付的總現金分配加上任何在同一期間宣佈或支付的特別分配(分子)與期間總可分配現金(分母)的比率。

"Operating Weeks" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing the number of weeks a restaurant is open for in-store dining, without significant capacity restrictions, during a respective period.

"運營週數" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,代表在特定期間內,一個餐廳開放用餐且沒有重大容量限制的週數。

"Average Sales per Operating Week" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure and is defined as the sales generated by an average restaurant during those operating weeks when restaurants were fully open for in-store dining, during a respective period. This metric is calculated by dividing total System Sales for any financial period by the total Operating Weeks open during the same financial period.

"運營周平均銷售額" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,被定義爲一個平均餐廳在完全開放並提供餐飲服務的運營周內所產生的銷售額,在任何財務期間內,通過將與期間內開放的總運營週數計算的總系統銷售額相除得出。

"Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure and is defined as the Fund's current assets less current liabilities before Class C and Exchangeable Partnership units. The Fund believes this metric provides useful information to readers as Working Capital Before Classification of Class C and Exchangeable Partnership Units as Current Liabilities represents the Fund's current working capital amounts expected to be settled for cash within the next twelve months.

"分類爲 C 類和兌換合夥單位爲流動負債之前的營運資本" 是一個非 IFRS 的補充財務度量,被定義爲來自基金現有資產減去分類爲 C 類和兌換合夥單位的流動負債之前的流動負債。基金認爲,這個度量提供了有用的信息給讀者,因爲在下一個 12 個月內,分類爲 C 類和兌換合夥單位爲流動負債之前的營運資本會代表基金所期望解決的現金量。



Three months ended Six months ended
June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30,
($000's expect per unit amounts - unaudited) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Restaurants in the Royalty Pool 105 107 105 107
Royalty Pool Sales $ 175,175 $ 171,216 $ 356,424 $ 363,090
Royalty income (1) $ 7,007 $ 6,849 $ 14,257 $ 14,524
Interest income (2) 1,088 1,091 2,177 2,174
Total income $ 8,095 $ 7,940 $ 16,434 $ 16,698
Administrative expenses (3) (124) (124) (237) (255)
Interest and financing expenses (4) (263) (249) (528) (490)
Operating income $ 7,708 $ 7,567 $ 15,669 $ 15,953
Distributions to KRL (5) (3,219) (3,172) (6,516) (6,613)
Profit before fair value gain (loss) and income taxes $ 4,489 $ 4,395 $ 9,153 $ 9,340
Fair value gain (loss) (6) 7,522 (872) 2,453 600
Income tax recovery (expense) (7) (1,199) (1,149) (2,445) (2,438)
Profit (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) $ 10,812 $ 2,374 $ 9,161 $ 7,502
Distributable Cash Before SIFT Tax $ 4,397 $ 4,515 $ 10,297 $ 9,703
Distributable Cash $ 3,198 $ 3,342 $ 7,850 $ 7,207
Distributions to Fund unitholders (8) $ 3,222 $ 3,222 $ 6,444 $ 6,444
Payout Ratio 100.8% 96.4% 82.1% 89.4%
Per Fund unit information (9)
Profit before fair value gain (loss) and income taxes $ 0.395 $ 0.387 $ 0.806 $ 0.823
Profit (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) $ 0.952 $ 0.209 $ 0.807 $ 0.661
Distributable Cash Before SIFT Tax $ 0.387 $ 0.398 $ 0.907 $ 0.855
Distributable Cash $ 0.282 $ 0.294 $ 0.691 $ 0.635
Distributions to Fund unitholders (8) $ 0.284 $ 0.284 $ 0.568 $ 0.568
截至三個月結束時 截至2022年6月30日的六個月
2020年6月30日 2020年6月30日 2020年6月30日 2020年6月30日
(預計每單位金額-未經審計的金額(以千爲單位)) 2024 2023 2024 2023
版權池中的餐廳 105 107 105 107
版權池銷售額 $ 175,175 $ 171,216 $ 356,424 $ 363,090
版權收入 (1) $ 7,007 $ 6,849 $ 14,257 $ 14,524
利息收入 (2) 1,088 1091 2,177 2,174
總收入 $ 8,095 $ 7,940 $ 16,434 $ 16,698
行政費用(3) (124) (124) (237) (255)
利息和融資費用(4) (263) (249) (528) (490)
營業收入 $ 7,708 $ 7,567 $ 15,669 $ 15,953
向KRL分發(5) (3,219) (3,172) (6,516) (6,613)
公允價值增值(損失)及所得稅前盈利 $ 4,489 $ 4,395 $ 9,153 $ 9,340
公允價值增值(損失)(6) 7,522 (872) 2,453 600
所得稅收回(支出)(7) (1,199) (1,149) (2,445) (2,438)
利潤(損失)和綜合收益(損失) $ 10,812 $ 2,374 $ 9,161 $ 7,502
SIFt稅前可分配現金 $ 4,397 $ 4,515 $ 10,297 $ 9,703
可分配現金流 $ 3,198 $ 3,342 $ 這段文本沒有需要翻譯的地方:$ $ 7207
基金份額持有人的分配(8) $ 3,222 $ 3,222 $ 6,444 $ 6,444
支付比率 100.8% 96.4% 82.1% 89.4%
公允價值增值(損失)及所得稅前盈利 $ 0.395 $ 0.387 $ 0.806 $ 0.823
利潤(損失)和綜合收益(損失) $ 0.952 $ 0.209 $ 0.807 $ 0.661
SIFt稅前可分配現金 $ 0.387 $ 0.398 $ 0.907 $ 0.855
可分配現金流 $ 0.282 $ 0.294 $ 0.691 $ 0.635
基金份額持有人的分配(8) $ 0.284 $ 0.284 $ 0.568 $ 0.568



(1) The Fund, indirectly through The Keg Rights Limited Partnership (the "Partnership"), earns royalty income equal to 4% of gross sales of Keg restaurants in the Royalty Pool.

(1)基金通過The Keg Rights Limited Partnership(“Partnership”)間接獲得4%的餐廳銷售總額的特許權收入,其中這些餐廳位於特許權池中。

(2) The Fund directly earns interest income on the $57.0 million Keg Loan, with interest income accruing at 7.5% per annum, payable monthly.


(3) The Fund, indirectly through the Partnership, incurs administrative expenses and interest on the operating line of credit, to the extent utilized.


(4) The Fund, indirectly through The Keg Holdings Trust ("KHT"), incurs interest expense on the $14.0 million term loan and amortization of deferred financing charges.

(4)基金通過The Keg Holdings Trust(“KHT”)間接支付1400萬加元的定期貸款利息和遞延融資費用攤銷。

(5) Represents the distributions of the Partnership attributable to KRL during the respective periods on the Class A, entitled Class B, and Class D Partnership units ("Exchangeable units") and Class C Partnership units held by KRL. The Exchangeable units are exchangeable into Fund units on a one-for-one basis. These distributions are presented as interest expense in the financial statements.


(6) Fair value gain (loss) is the non-cash decrease or increase in the market value of the Exchangeable units held by KRL during the respective period. Exchangeable units are classified as a financial liability under IFRS. The Fund is required to determine the fair value of that liability at the end of each reporting period and adjust for any increase or decrease, taking into consideration the sale of any Exchangeable units and Additional Entitlements during the same period.


(7) Income taxes include the Specified Investment Flow-through Trust tax ("SIFT tax") expense, and either a non-cash deferred tax expense or deferred tax recovery. The deferred tax expense or recovery primarily results from differences in income recognition between the Fund's accounting methods and enacted tax laws. It is also partially due to temporary differences between accounting and tax bases of the Keg Rights owned by the Partnership.


(8) Distributions to Fund unitholders include all regular monthly cash distributions paid to Fund unitholders during a period and any special distributions, either declared or paid, to Fund unitholders in the same period.


(9) All per unit amounts are calculated based on the weighted average number of Fund units outstanding, which are those units held by public unitholders during the respective period. The weighted average number of Fund units outstanding for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 were 11,353,500. (three and six months ended June 30, 2023 – 11,353,500).


The Fund (TSX: KEG.UN) is a limited purpose, open-ended trust established under the laws of the Province of Ontario that, through The Keg Rights Limited Partnership, owns certain trademarks and other related intellectual property used by Keg Restaurants Ltd. ("KRL"). In exchange for use of those trademarks, KRL pays the Fund a royalty of 4% of gross sales of Keg restaurants included in the Royalty Pool.

該基金(TSX: KEG.UN)是根據安大略省法律成立的有限目的開放式信託,通過The Keg Rights Limited Partnership擁有Keg Restaurants Ltd.(“KRL”)使用的某些商標和其他相關知識產權。作爲使用這些商標的交換,KRL向基金支付特許權池內Keg餐廳總銷售額的4%。

With approximately 10,000 employees, over 100 restaurants and annual System Sales exceeding $700 million, Vancouver-based KRL is the leading operator and franchisor of steakhouse restaurants in Canada and has a substantial presence in select regional markets in the United States. KRL continues to operate The Keg restaurant system and expand that system through the addition of both corporate and franchised Keg steakhouses. KRL has been named the number one restaurant company to work for in Canada in the latest edition of Forbes "Canada's Best Employers 2024" survey, securing thirteenth place in the overall ranking across all industries in the country.

總部位於溫哥華,擁有約10,000名員工,在100多家餐廳中,年度系統銷售超過7,000萬美元,KRL是加拿大最大的牛排餐廳運營商和特許經營商,並在美國一些區域市場具有實質性的存在。 KRL繼續經營The Keg餐廳系統,並通過增加公司和特許經營的Keg牛排餐廳來擴大該系統。在最新一期的《福布斯》“加拿大最佳僱主2024年度調查”中,KRL被評爲加拿大最佳餐飲公司,排名全國各行業第十三。

This press release may contain certain "forward looking" statements reflecting The Keg Royalties Income Fund's current expectations in the casual dining segment of the restaurant food industry. Investors are cautioned that all forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including those relating to the Keg's ability to continue to realize historical same store sales growth, changes in market and existing competition, new competitive developments, and potential downturns in economic conditions generally. Additional information on these and other potential factors that could affect the Fund's financial results are detailed in documents filed from time to time with the provincial securities commissions in Canada.

本新聞稿可能包含某些反映Keg Royalties Income基金對餐飲行業休閒餐飲領域的當前預期的“前瞻性”聲明。投資者應注意所有前瞻性聲明都涉及風險和不確定性,包括與Keg是否能夠繼續實現歷史同店銷售增長,市場和現有競爭,新的競爭發展以及一般經濟條件可能下降有關的風險和不確定性。有關可能影響該基金財務業績的這些和其他潛在因素的詳細信息在加拿大省證券委員會定期提交的文件中有詳細說明。

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, which may be made only by means of the prospectus, nor shall there be any sale of the Fund units in any state, province or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any state, province or jurisdiction. The Keg Royalties Income Fund units have not been, and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an application for exemption from the registration requirement under U.S. securities laws.

本新聞稿不構成要約或要求要約,建議只能通過發行說明書進行,基金單位在任何州、省或其他管轄區內的出售均在註冊或具備任何州、省或其他管轄區證券法規的資格之前無效。Keg Royalties Income Fund單位未在經修正的1933年美國證券法案下注冊,並且在未根據美國證券法規的註冊要求或豁免申請的情況下,不得在美國提供或銷售該基金單位。

The Trustees of the Fund have approved the contents of this press release.


CONTACT: For further information, contact:
Investor Relations
Tel: (604) 276-0242
電話:(604) 276-0242

